Category Archives: WiFi

WEBINAR: Havana Syndrome – Medical, Scientific & Policy Perspectives – February 10, 2022   (click on photo to enlarge)

Havana Syndrome is a descriptive condition involving a large cluster of U.S. government diplomats and family members affected by symptoms similar to PPPD, vestibular migraine, TBI, brain fog, headaches, hearing loss, and tinnitus. The UT Southwestern conference is the first and most comprehensive symposium from a medical/scientific perspective and includes distinguished speakers from the health policy world, U.S. government, media, and victim advocacy. The symposium will highlight the critical role of clinical and basic science research in understanding and treating victims of Havana Syndrome and other similar syndromes, and spotlight the importance of public-private partnerships between U.S. government entities and academic medical centers in addressing complex, 21st-century biomedical challenges….

To register and to see the list of speakers:

To Join the Webinar – Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device:

More info links:

US Senate Finally Admits that Neuroweapons Exist, Passes Bill to Help Diplomat-Victims – S.1828 HAVANA Act of 2021

(click on photo to enlarge) Scroll down for more info  links.

….Senate Bill 1828, the “Helping American Victims Afflicted by Neurological Attacks Act of 2021, or the HAVANA Act of 2021,” authorizes payment to qualified employees for brain injuries inflicted by neuroweaponry.

….“Innocent people are thrown onto the watchlist, based on little to nothing, with no notification or warning…using this new secret underclass of “untouchables” as nonconsenting test subjects for Military Industrial Complex weaponry such as Directed Energy Weapons like microwave, millimeter waves, lily waves, weaponized WiFi…as well as war-grade gases, poisons…”…

Many people are gravely disappointed that the new legislation pushed through by Senators Susan Collins (ME) and Jeanne Shaheen (NH) …failed to provide for or even mention the thousands of innocent American civilians who have also been hit with these weapons inside the US for years…I prefer to take encouragement from the fact that these public servants were so outraged by the attacks that they molded and pushed through such legislation at an impressive speed….

More info:

An Assessment of Illness in U.S. Government Employees and Their Families at Overseas Embassies:                     &   Press Release:

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Search: Acoustic Microwave Weapon, Active Denial System (ADS), Active Denial Technology (ADT), Crowd Control, Directed Energy, EMR Pulse Weapon, Energy Attack, Havana (Syndrome), Heat Ray, Microwave Attack, Nonlethal Weapons, Pulsed Microwave Energy, Ray Gun, Sonic Weapon


EMF Medical Conference 2021 offers Health Practitioners 2 Online Continuing Medical Education Courses

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5G – Unsafe , Uninsurable and Expensive – If insurance companies won’t take the risk, why should we? – Environmental Health Trust

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Former CDC Scientist Issues Report – Strong Evidence That Cell Phone Radiation Causes Cancer

“the evidence on an association between cellular phone use and the risk of glioma in adults is quite strong.”

Christopher Portier PhD – A retired U.S. government scientist who served as Director of the United States National Center for Environmental Health at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Director of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry….

More Legal News: Major Wins in US Courts Allow Disability Discrimination Cases to Proceed and New Brain Cancer/Cell Phone Lawsuit Launched



Announcing the TechSafe Schools project! – February 25, 2021

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Experts have been warning for years that children are being endangered by being exposed to wireless radiation in schools. They may become ill while students or suffer as adults because of exposure in schools that didn’t need to happen and shouldn’t have happened. Many of us have provided scientific evidence to Ministers of Education, to School Trustees and the Public Health Officials. Teachers have asked for safe places in which to teach, yet wireless technology is used in schools throughout the province and country. This group is from the USA but, in many of their documents, simply exchange “FCC” with “Health Canada” and the information applies here. I have asked the organization for permission to use their templates and “Canadianize” them and will let you know when I receive their response. Please read the letters and documents hyperlinked in the article, and please consider sharing widely. There is power in numbers.

Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters

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Grassroots Environmental Education and Grassroots Communications are very pleased to announce the launch of the TechSafe Schools project – a multi-faceted program designed to help schools reduce exposure to RF radiation.

The TechSafe Schools project consists of a personal letter addressed to school administrators, a legal letter from seven prominent attorneys with experience in wireless radiation and tort litigation; a short Q&A brochure about RF radiation in schools and an invitation for school officials to attend one or more of three national webinars we will be sponsoring in early March.

….continued here:

EMF Medical Conference 2021 – January 28-31, 2021

(click on photo to enlarge)

Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of EMF Associated Illness
“The EMF Medical Conference (EMFMC) 2021 will convene leading physicians, clinicians, and scientists for a series of presentations on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of EMF associated illness.
Experts in EMF assessment will present proven methods that can prevent or limit EMF exposure hazards.


EMF Medical Conference 2021

Please click on the link below to view the December 3rd interview of Elizabeth Kelley, MHA, Executive Producer of the EMF Medical Conference 2021, and Elizabeth Seymour, MD, Medical Director of the Environmental Health Center – Dallas (USA) on how doctors can diagnose and treat their patients who report signs and symptoms related to EMF illness. This is the primary goal of the upcoming EMF Medical Conference 2021. Theodora Scarato, Environmental Health Trust, conducted this interview.

Elizabeth Kelley and Elizabeth Seymour MD on the EMF 2021 Conference

Click to access EMF-Medical-Conference-2021-Promotional-Information-September-03-2020.pdf  (see above)

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3 Important letters re. 5G

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Given that no one can opt out of continuous exposure to wireless radiation, the industry is, in effect, conducting an “experiment” on our children and on all global citizens without informed consent — a breach of the 1947 Nuremberg Code 8, and of the United Nations’ International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

Three letters that may prove useful for public outreach.

1. Open Letter to the United Nations from Stop 5G International
2. Response Letter to the EU signed by 72 Organizations Dedicated to Protecting Public Health
3. Letter to the United Nations and World Health Organization from Professor Olle Johansso

read more at:


Radiation Measurements – Maple Ridge 2020-09-18

I was requested to measure the RF Radiation in various parts of Maple Ridge (MR) by a person wanting to move here.  So I decided to drive about and see what RFR levels were evident.

I used a GigaHertz HF59B with the omni antenna and recorded the radiation levels using a GigaHertz NFA1000. (Thanks Hans). The meter and antenna were sitting in the passenger seat.

The readings are in µW/m².  The meter maxed out at 300  µW/m² so the max may be 400, 600, or even 1000  µW/m². I shall have to re-do the drive with meter set to read the higher RFR levels.
1 - Leaving my house walking to my car on Kanaka Way - lots of WiFi from neighbours.
2 - Drive North on 232St - low levels - residential.
3 - Corner of Dewdney Trunk Road (DT) and 230St - HiRFR - WiFi from the Tim Hortons on corner
4 - 2 blocks S on 230St parked - very low levels - Close to Haney Pioneer Village
5 - DT and 228St - v. high RFR (?)
6 - South on 224St passing Lee Building which has many cell transmitters on roof - really bad.
7 - Further south on 224St high RFR levels - still in sight of the Lee building.
8 - Residential areas in North MR - LOW levels - Lots of trees - no sight of cell towers.
9 - DT East from Laity to 224St - v.v.high from tall apartment building at 222St with cell trans.
9+ - Parking at Friends in Need Food Bank - low RFR levels

1 - Very high levels of RFR near cell towers.  I have made several prior surveys in apartments close by.  Not a place I would ever live.
2 - Many places in residential with acceptable low levels of RFR.

Appeal to the Government of Canada: Suspend 5G Until Proven Safe – Press Release – May 14, 2020

(click on photo to enlarge)

Twenty-Four Canadian Groups Say: Suspend 5G Until Proven Safe   Appeal to the Government of Canada “Look Before We Leap”

For Immediate Release  May 14, 2020

Ottawa:  Scientists and citizens groups from across Canada, including several from British Columbia, are launching an Urgent Appeal demanding the right to say “No” to 5G in their neighbourhoods. Twenty-four Canadian groups are banding together and calling for a national moratorium on the roll out of 5G until questions about its human health effects are resolved.

“This has nothing to do with Covid-19. All groups launching this Appeal condemn acts of violence such as burning antenna towers, said one of the organizers. “The Parliamentary Health Committee has been investigating the negative health impacts of cell phones, cell towers and Wi-Fi for over a decade. So far the only assurance that it’s safe comes from the wireless companies profiting from it, but scientists disagree.”

The Appeal is also requesting that Health Canada conduct a comprehensive and rigorous assessment of the health effects of radiofrequency radiation.

“Health Canada’s 2015 guidelines for human exposure to non-ionizing radiation (Safety Code 6) were out of date before they were published, and the review process was flawed,” said Dr. Meg Sears, PhD, Chair of Ottawa based Prevent Cancer Now, one of the signatory groups. “Hundreds of peer-reviewed, published studies show that radiofrequency (RF) radiation can cause cancers, damage sperm and DNA, impair reproduction, learning and memory, and more. We should be limiting public exposure, not increasing it.”

“We have sufficient data to classify RF radiation as a Group 1, known human carcinogen, along with, for example, asbestos and tobacco smoke,” states Dr. Anthony Miller MD, Professor Emeritus of the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, who worked with the International Agency for Research on Cancer on the 2011 scientific review. Dr. Miller is a signatory to the appeal.

Numerous 4G and 5G microcell antennae are appearing in neighbourhoods with no prior notice; some being placed by children’s bedrooms. This blatant disregard for potential health consequences is unCanadian and unnecessary. A safer, faster, and more environmentally friendly Internet option is available — fibre optic cables connected right to the home.

Oona McOuat of Salt Spring Island says, “COVID-19 has shown us we need dependable and affordable Internet. With the government increasing connectivity funding, and the Connected Coast bringing fibre optics to 154 BC communities, now is the perfect time to connect fibre to our homes. Rural communities like Denman, Hornby and Salt Spring islands and the Slocan Valley are exploring how to create net neutral and energy efficient community-owned fibre networks. These networks may be up to 20 times faster than wireless 5G, while offering untold financial and other benefits.”

“The proponents would prefer that we hear only about the up-side – the additional billions in purported  revenues from 5G – but there is little recognition of the increased costs,” said Frank Clegg, former President of Microsoft Canada and CEO of Canadians For Safe Technology.

“Canadians deserve a full economic analysis including the unspoken increased costs to our healthcare system, which is particularly stressed right now. Also the lost productivity from adverse health effects; security and privacy breaches; increased energy consumption, damage to the environment; and risks to safety and property should be included. We are living in a different world than we were three months ago, and this is a standard cost-benefit analysis that might open the eyes of the public that is paying for it,” said Clegg.

The Appeal requests that Ottawa give local governments and their citizens proper notification and grant them a decisive say over the placement of cell towers and microcell antennas.

Visit the Appeal here:

The Flames of Progress by Arthur Firstenberg – March 07, 2020

From: “Arthur Firstenberg” <>
Sent: March 7, 2020
Subject: Legal update; Decline in bat populations; Help needed


I have been entrusted with the International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space, but I find myself bewildered — bewildered by the devastation around me; by the destruction of the cathedral of life into which I was born; by the silencing of the songs of the fifty million other species with whom I was raised; by the failure of my fellow human beings to care or to notice. How can they not miss their brothers and sisters? How can they not miss the magnificent symphony? How is it possible?

“The oceans are dying,” wrote Jacques Cousteau in 1970. “Can anyone believe it is possible,” wrote Rachel Carson in 1962, “to lay down such a barrage of poisons on the surface of the earth without making it unfit for all life?” “I have seen too much,” said microwave researcher Allan Frey in 1969, explaining why he did research on animals and not humans. “I do not feel that I can take people into these fields and expose them and in all honesty indicate to them that they are going into something safe.”

Yet here we are half a century later: there will soon be more plastics than fish in the oceans, the world uses four times more pesticides per year than in 1962, and five billion people are holding open sources of microwave radiation in their hands.

The Earth is burning, yet no firefighters come. In the face of certain catastrophe, everyone is going about their business as if everything is fine, as if by magic the synthetic fibers in our clothing and the rubber tires on our automobiles will stop becoming microplastics in the sea; as if the few insects left in the world will magically escape the pesticides that we apply to our lawns and the radiation from the cell phones into which we speak. Everyone is still going about their business as if everything is fine. Isn’t it time that we stop? And since the most immediate threat to life comes from our cell phones, isn’t it time to throw them away?


A worldwide organization needs to be created, whose members do not own cell phones, whose purpose is to end the use of cell phones on Earth.

For most people this seems like an impossibility, but that is because they do not remember that only 25 years ago almost no one owned a cell phone, and that young people did not get cancer, diabetes, heart attacks and strokes like they do today. And the air was full of butterflies and birds, and the streams were full of tadpoles and frogs. It is because no one has explained to them what radiation is. No one would willingly use a radioactive phone, but that is essentially what everyone is doing. Radio waves and gamma rays are only two ends of a continuous spectrum; they are essentially the same phenomenon and have the same disastrous effects on our bodies and our planet.

The train that we are on is a train to nowhere. On either side, through the windows, can be seen insects, and birds, and frogs, and if we listen we can hear them buzzing, chirping, and croaking.

Please contact me if you would like to participate in the creation of an organization that will get us off this train.

Arthur Firstenberg
P.O. Box 6216
Santa Fe, NM 87502
phone: +1 505-471-0129

A pdf of this [complete] newsletter is available here: