1) From a member who found access to an in-depth report on the people who suffered “Havana Syndrome”. I believe her info is self-explanatory. I followed the link’s instructions and arrived at the free book (77 pages) written by many experts, but have not yet read it.
“Today online I noticed this report by The National Academics in 2020. I haven’t read it but was surprised that I didn’t already have it downloaded, so I thought maybe also you don’t have it and would want it. [IMPORTANT: the report *is* free (even though at first glance you might think it isn’t free). Notice the button “Download Free PDF” and on the click-through then at the bottom select “Download as Guest.” If you’d rather not download it, it’s free to read online (in separate chapters or the whole report).]
An Assessment of Illness in U.S. Government Employees and Their Families at Overseas Embassies
There’s also an accompanying December 5, 2020 Press Release at:
David Relman (one of the two Editors of the report) recently did a live interview, produced by NAS: “The Mysteries of Havana Syndrome.” Maybe you watched it live; I thought it was quite interesting. The recording is available for anyone to watch, it’s approximately 60 minutes
More Info Links: https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/us-senate-finally-admits-that-neuroweapons-exist-passes-bill-to-help-diplomat-victims-s-1828-havana-act-of-2021/
2) Samsung is partnering with SaskTel to bring wireless 5G to Saskatchewan, with no thought to the risks and problems. Hopefully, some fiber optic solutions will be able to compete.
Samsung establishing regional office in Regina to support 5G rollout
“The opening of a Samsung office in Regina underscores our commitment to ensuring a successful, end-to-end 5G network deployment for SaskTel, and enabling the foundation for next-generation innovations such as smart cities, immersive healthcare, agri-tech solutions and next-level gaming.”
In March, the companies announced that Samsung would supply all hardware, software and expertise to deploy 5G technology in the province….
“Samsung is also strongly aligned with SaskTel on the incredible economic and social value that 5G can provide to Saskatchewan’s industry, agriculture, and as well our rural areas,” he said”
3) The people in Qualicum Beach are amazing in their tenacity. They have not given up on exposing the negligence, or perhaps complicity, of their city council with Telus regarding an additional cell tower. And don’t forget ISED which failed to force Telus to comply with the very meagre protocol provisions required by a telecom in a community without an Antenna Siting Policy. The efforts of the Dowes and the group working with them may not result in preventing this cell tower, but their hard work will not be for naught. They have educated many in their community about RF. A prime example: Thanks to them, and Frank Clegg, the district School Board is considering a pilot project for a Wi-Fi-free school.
(click on photo to enlarge)

TELUS proxy constrains QB residents’ input, with help from Council and federal agency
“This is the story of how TELUS’ proxy SitePath Consulting has, with the assistance of Town Council and a complicit federal “regulatory” agency, evaded public input in an unrelenting quest to erect a cell tower at that location. It is also a testimony to other area governing bodies who have provided exemplary leadership in providing their constituents with the opportunity to voice their concerns, the Regional District of Nanaimo and School District 69. Settle in, this isn’t a short read, but it is instructive….
After receiving the information and recommendations from the Dowes and Mr. Clegg at their September meeting, the SD 69 Board assigned the issue for consideration within the scope of the Board’s Climate Action Task Force (CATForce), co-chaired by Trustees Julie Austin and Barry Kurland.
A week later, at its October 6, 2021 meeting, the CATForce team discussed the subject, gaining additional knowledge from invited guest Frank Clegg. The Task Force then brought forward three recommendations to the SD 69 Board meeting on October 26, 2021:
- that the cell tower discussion be moved to the School District Health & Safety Committee;
- that discussion of dead zones and wired technology be moved to the District’s Education Technology Committee; and,
- that the concept of a pilot project for SD 69 for a Wi-Fi-free school be considered and discussed at the Education Committee of the Whole.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Tenacity is not about avoiding being overwhelmed but being indomitable in the face of the overwhelming odds of your venture’s failure.” Andy Dunn