Scroll down for lots of info & links.
For up-to-date info, photos and location maps in Canada and around the world, go to: (1. Hover over “Small Cells – NodeB 4G/5G” header; 2. Scroll to & hover over applicable subject & click on your choice for info)
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5G Crisis –
Canada – & &
SafeG –
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– (includes many resources)
– & Draft Resolution –
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Review of the Winnipeg Antenna Systems Policy – 5G Network (can be adapted to your community – see 2) –
5G Wireless: Considerations for Public Health and Municipal Installations (can be adapted to your community – see 4) –
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Municipal Elections in BC – A good letter to send to those elected and to present, in open meetings, to open the door to discussion and education on this important topic. &
UBCM – September 28, 2017 – (2017 Resolution B100 Microcell Transmitter Placement Consultation Endorsed by the UBCM)
– &
BC – Provincial Action Required –
Letter to Municipalities –
Microcell Flyer for Municipal Governments –
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Handouts & Signs (click on photos to enlarge)
– (an educational flyer about the impacts RF radiation can have on bees and insects)
– (An excellent flyer that will help in discussions with local Councils, MPs, or friends. Please share either online or by printing off and circulating at markets, churches, schools, etc.)
– (Handout for Presentations by Dr. Martin L. Pall and Dr. Timothy Schoechle in BC June/July 2019)

(video 1:17:57) BitChute – May 15, 2020:
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San Diego County 5G Deliberations, A Doctor’s Appeal – Dr. Alexandra Golomb, MD and PhD, presents evidence and convincing information regarding EMR and 5G technology, recommending a halt to the roll out of 5G in San Diego, California. An amazing amount of evidence and a huge number of references are provided, making this a wonderful resource. –
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(video 04:59) Testimony on 5G and Wi-Fi in Schools to Peel Regional Council by Environmental Health Trust – YouTube – July 18, 2019: –
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(video 2:08:23) Dangers of 5G / WIFI – Martin Pall, PhD by EmrHealthAlliance – YouTube – July 15, 2019: –
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(video 1:28:29) + Transcript (+ French & German links) ––
– & (video 01:30) Pushback Against 5G by Grassroots Communications – September 16, 2018:
5G wireless telecomunnications expansion – Public health and environmental implications by Cindy L. Russell – Elsevier – January 16, 2018:
(Kevin Mottus above – see 3) –
Industry talk is that 5G will be extremely expensive to use:
(Health Risks of SB 649 Small Cell Wireless Bill above)
– &
Canada – Opposition to Wireless Telecom Facilities / Microcells / Small Cells
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BC – UBCM (September 28, 2017): &
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Penticton, BC – Kevin Proteau led a delegation to the City Council on April 17, 2018 asking for the city to hold a public forum on the effects of 5G technologies on health. & (video 22:05) – & –
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USA – Opposition to 5G / Microcells / Small Cells / Wireless Telecom Facilities
Group names, plus their Internet contacts, for questioning 5G, around the USA currently working to demand specific actions from wireless companies to PROVE 5G and other generations of microwave technologies are SAFE for humans, the environment, wildlife and all life forms on Planet Earth. You can also scroll over the interactive map at the end. No group in your area? Start your own! –
List of United States Statewide Bills that Preempt Local Authority For Wireless Facilities Allowing Wireless Small Cells/DAS/Nodes on Rights Of Way in Neighborhoods –
– – see 3) In the USA, more rejections of applications for (micro)cell towers….
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[California, USA] Law Office of Harry Lehmann Letter to the State of California: Liability for Damage From Microwave Radiation Exposure Sustained by Senate Bill 649 will be Shifted to California State – July 19, 2017: –
Dr. Martin Pall‘s Letter to California Legislature re Microcells / Small Cells / 5G / RF –
[American Planning Association (APA California), the League of California Cities (LCC), the Urban Counties of California (UCC), the Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC), and Protect our Local Streets Coalition (POLS), California, USA] –
[California Alliance for Safer Technology]
[EMF Safety Network & EON Ecological Options Network]
[EM-Radiation Research Trust]
[Environmental Health Trust]
[Let’s Get Healthy California]
[Town of Fairfax, California, USA]
[Marin County, California, USA]–Marin-County-Council-of-Mayors-and-Councilmembers-Legislative-Committee-Mar.27-2017.pdf
[Monte Vista neighborhood, Monterey, California, USA] Small Cell Towers nixed in 7-hour Monterey Planning Commission meeting –
[Santa Cruz County, California, USA]–CountyOfSantaCruz-Apr.11-2017.pdf &
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[Florida, USA] Opposition to microcells and 5G is growing in the USA. 400 communities in Florida, as of May, were opposing. – Cities across Florida ask governor to veto 5G bill: (1 ½ minutes)
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[Montgomery County, Maryland, USA] 2 letters to Council: ––tragically-small-cells-about-life-and-death/ & –
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March 20, 2017 –
5G – The Next Generation Mobile
Here is a great advertisement for the coming 5G communications world. It is a world where everything, everwhere is connected by 5G wireless RFR. You will have all of the gadgets and phones all capable of fast connection. The IoT (Internet of Things) will be connect EVERYBODY with EVERYTHING.
This is a fantastic technical leap. Everybody should be wanting this new world of communications. RIGHT?.
However there are some problems with this communications future that are not being talked about.
The major problem is that the level of Electro pollution (EP) will be increased dramatically and will inescapable. This Electro pollution is also know as RFR (radio frequency radiation) polllution. This EP is currently produced by cell towers, microcell towers, WiFi routers in homes and coffee shops and offices and buildings and from the DECT cordless phones as well as from the billions of cell/smart phones.
There are many studies that show that there are biological impacts on people and plants and animals from this EP/RFR. The major human EP impact is Electro HyperSensitiviry (EHS) that seems to be effecting 5% (a guess) of the population and that some researchers are saying is increasing. A person with EHS suffers when exposed to EP/RFR fields like around a WiFi router, a smart phone when being used, a Cell tower and other devices that produce RFR. Do a web search on EHS for the latest information.
People with severe EHS now have to:
- live with a constant pain and discomfort because they have no other options
- Shield their homes or apartments from EP/RFR
- move to country where there may be much less EP/RFR
So, it seems that in the future with 5G, there will be:
- more people reporting and suffering EHS
- fewer places in communities where there is low or no EP/RFR
- fewer places in the country to which they can flee
A few notes on EHS
It seems that EHS may be called EHS Spectrum or Syndrome in which health impacts range from none to extreme.
No EHS impact
It seems that most people do not feel EP/RFR and exhibit no health impacts. Lucky them. This does not mean that they are immune from the impact of EP/RFR but only that they are not showing or feeling any impact.
There is growing evidence that the impact of EP/RFR is lifetime cummulative. A person with high levels of EP/RFR for a year or so may have the same potential health outcomes as a person who has exposure at much lower levels but for many years or decades. This is exactly the same health outcome as the use of tobacco; the more cigarettes over a lifetime then the increase in the probability of cancer or other related diseases.
Mild EHS impact
Then there are people who do not feel EP/RFR but suffer mild health impacts such as headaches and sore joints and foggy brains etc. but believe that this is just life and they do not connect their problems with any specific thing or area or product or smell. These people have not yet connected their problems with their exposure to EP/RFR. I recently consulted with a lady who spent most of her time in her garden because she felt better out there. Her home had 2 wireless routers. And her home was a double wide trailer in a trailer park.
The problem of chemical sensitivity has had lots of press over the years. There are now many schools and businesses that are “scent free” so that those who are very sensitive can be accommodated. In my opinion, those suffering with moderate but diagnosed EHS are similar to those people suffering from chemical sensitivity. I expect that soon, many establishments and schools will become EP/RFR free zones; no cell/smart phones, no wireless devices, no wifi routers.
Extreme EHS impact
And then there are those few that suffer from Extreme EHS. These people feel the EP/RFR from all of the sources and know exactly where the source is and try to avoid the impacts. These people must travel keeping in mind where the least EP/RFR is to be felt. These people must shield their homes and bodies. Many of the extreme EHS sufferers become quite ill for hours or days after being subjected to high levels of EP/RFR.
Extreme EHS sufferers must also have a home with no devices that produce EP/RFR such as cell/smart phones, wifi computers and tablets, wifi routers, DECT cordless phones, wireless baby monitors and the myriad of new wireless toys and gadgets that are now flooding the market. (light dimmers, video cameras on all corners of the house, room environment monitors, and the list goes on and on). Yes, we can live good lives without all of these EP/RFR toys.
The Future
If the future of 5G plays out as planned by the telecom companies and their rollout of the toys, then I expect major economic and health problems.
- increased health problems means higher health costs to every level of government: federal, provincial (state), and local
- Increased level of moderate EHS which means individuals will not be performing as well as they should because they are coping with EP/RFR assault.
- Major lawsuits against telecoms for allowing such an environment to exist. Oh wait, I think that the US has passed a new law that prevents citizens from suing major corporations for causing harm. I wonder who wrote and passed that law.
- Major lawsuits against Federal government for allowing such an environment to exist. And you know who will be paying for that; you and I.