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Online events planned by Stop 5G International
We are planning a Global Webinar which will consist of a panel of speakers covering various issues pertaining to 5G. (Panel members to be announced). The Webinar is planned for April 25th at 6:00 pm UK time. (Our apologies to Australia, New Zealand and other countries and territories where that hour is not convenient.)
Stop 5G International is producing a We Do Not Consent video that includes statements people have sent us saying why they do not consent to 5G on Earth and in space. Some of the footage we have received is superb. Many thanks to all who contributed!! A link to the video will be sent out when it’s ready.
NB: Let’s take advantage of the Online Protest Day to educate people about the advantages of safe, fast, reliable and energy efficient hard-wired connections, and to urge people to watch videos and share materials on hard-wired connections when possible.
Online events planned by others around the world….
Suggested actions for April 25th
Links to: SafeG info, PowerPoint; sample Letters to City Officials, Healthcare Providers, the Editor; Flyers; International Space Appeal; Community Kit; Comment Letter by the Advisors to the EMF Scientists Appeal; Put Your Government on Notice; Inform Environmental Organizations; Window Signs; Petitions….