Newsletters 2020-08 AUG

2020-08-01 –  The dangers of densified 4G/5G microcells

2020-08-02 –  Health Canada says it has no responsibility re. cell phones’ excessive RF

2020-08-03 –  Lawsuit filed against FCC for “false health guidelines”

2020-08-04 – A great 5G flyer from EHT

2020-08-05 –  26 new studies/reports on EMF from Dr. Moskowitz

2020-08-06 –  Health effects of 5G under real-life conditions

2020-08-07  – Dr. Schoechle shared his submission to FCC

 2020-08-08 –  A call for a medical discussion re. EMR/5G

2020-08-09 – No update

2020-08-10 –  How EMR (5G) affects trees

2020-08-11 –  Smeters role in 5G--> loss of privacy

2020-08-12 –  Petition to update CEPA to include environmental rights

2020-08-13“Smart” streetlight controversy in San Diego

2020-08-14 –  BC Hydro’s LED street light program — chance for comments

2020-08-15 –  A win for the FCC re 5G deployment in US

2020-08-16 – No update

2020-08-17 –  Amazing offer from Dr. Devra Davis’s team

2020-08-18 –  NTP to conduct further studies, including effects of 5G

2020-08-19 –  Lawsuit against Facebook for censorship, e.g. 5G

2020-08-20 –  U.S. FCC further limits municipal rights re. 5G

2020-08-21 –  Wireless devices like smeters and insulin pumps vulnerable

2020-08-22 –  Effect of cell towers on property values

 2020-08-23 –  How Industry War Games Science

2020-08-24 –  FCC, like Health Canada and ISED, ignore risks re. 5G

2020-08-25 –  5G benefits not being realized

 2020-08-26 –  Report on Smeter Data Management

 2020-08-27 –  Bermuda & Nigeria, 5G moratoriums

2020-08-28 – There will not be updates for a while. I’ve injured my wrist and cannot use the computer. Keep an eye on our website and if there is anything important, I’ll have someone put it under “Newsletters“. I hope this is just for a short period.

If you find something really significant or have important news, please send to me at:  and I will get it forwarded to someone to post.  Thank you for understanding.

Best- Sharon



Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation