1) Below in Letters is a plea for people in Honolulu to testify against 5G microcells on city property. I have shared most of the email but would like to draw your attention to the very significant point she makes to avoid concentrating on certain issues that are considered irrelevant by the US Telecom Act: health and environment. She lists many other concerns raised but doesn’t mention privacy, data gathering and sharing via IoT, cybersecurity.
In Canada, the ISED considers health (saying emissions are safe if below SC 6 levels) and property values. Many people do not understand or accept that EMR causes health problems, so in presentations and discussions it is important to present other concerns. There are enough problems and many people will be concerned about one or another.
2) EVENT: On August 20, 2020 @ 8:00 pm (easterm), Roku TV’s program STANDING FOR JUSTICE: THE MICHA 6:8 Project will air an interview with Dafna Tachover, Children’s Health Defense’s Director of 5G and Wireless Harms Project. The program is hosted by Hunter Lundy, one of the top Personal Injury attorneys in the US who interviews leaders of social justice and change. In Episode 8, Hunter interviews Dafna for her work to expose the harms of 5G and wireless and the growing sickness from this technology. Hunter himself is involved with the wireless harms issue. He is one of the attorneys leading the lawsuits against the cell phone industry for brain tumors from cell phones.
The program is aired exclusively on Roku Top Television.
Ep 8 Dafna Tachover:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qr3fuFZKEA4 (2 min. preview is excellent)
3) This Fall, the National Toxicology Program is working on more studies as a follow-up to its 10 year study that showed clear evidence of cancerous tumors after exposure to high levels of EMR. The studies are designed to look at frequencies and modulations from all generations of technology, including 5G.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Cell Phone Radio Frequency Radiation
“NTP aims to better understand the underlying effects of RFR on biological systems, such as looking at biomarkers of damage. The biomarkers are measurable physical changes, such as DNA damage, that can be seen in shorter amounts of time than it takes to develop cancer and that might be predictive of disease. NTP scientists also want to know if heat or exposure-related stress plays a role in cancer development…
The exposure system is also designed to allow NTP to conduct studies with various RFR frequencies and modulations used by cell phones to keep up with changing technologies in the telecommunications industry. In general, NTP scientists want to understand the impact of exposure to RFR on biological tissues, regardless of generation, or G.”
4) EHT has shared its legal briefs and filings in its lawsuit against the FCC. Some very interesting reading and an excellent 60 min. YouTube of the press conference featuring the lawyer and Dr. Devra Davis which would be excellent for sharing.
Important Amicus Briefs have been filed.
“Environmental Health Trust (EHT), the scientific think tank headed by Devra Davis PhD, MPH, filed its principal brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia on July 31, 2020 in a landmark case against the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The appeal is aimed at getting the FCC to reconsider, revise, and update its 24-year old exposure limits for radio-frequency radiation (RFR) from cellphones, cell towers, Wi-FI networks, smart meters, and other wireless communication devices and facilities.”

From: Debra Greene, PhD via aweber.com
Date: Sun, Aug 16, 7:02 PM
Subject: 5G small cells on city-owned streetlights must be stopped!
Item to be addressed on Wednesday, August 19, at a Special Meeting of the Honolulu City and County Council!
Three Master License proposals from 3 different site developers!
An avalanche of testimony is needed to stop this. See sample testimony below….
Please write in or speak out to oppose!
Oahu residents, please testify in person!
All others please email (yes, even non-residents who love Hawaii and/or own property here).
DEADLINE to submit testimony is Wednesday at 12 noon. Don’t wait! Please submit NOW.
No need for long testimony (but sure can if you want). Just say you
OPPOSE this use of our public rights of way!
Three options to testify:
For more info about testifying click here
Please Remember: Avoid talking about health and environmental effects! If too many people testify about environment or health effects, it can compromise the hearing (because the Telecom Act of 1996 prohibits objecting to cell towers/antennas on those grounds).
Here are some points you can choose from to mix and match in your testimony.
DO NOT copy/paste them all. Pick one or two and embellish. Please add your own words.
1) The placement of these facilities will reduce property values. If you are a realtor use your expertise. There is plenty of evidence: https://ehtrust.org/cell-phone-towers-lower-property-values-documentation-research/
2) These facilities will inflict adverse aesthetic impact. Honolulu is a tourist destination and all of these small cells hanging off of our street lights would produce visual blight, disturb the view plane, be so ugly, drive tourists away, etc….
3) There are insufficient fall zones around street lights. The potential to cause harm is extreme, such as property damage to nearby cars, and personal injury or death to anyone who might be unlucky enough to be near a cell facility when it fails.
4) Cell facilities have been known to catch fire. A quick search of YouTube will show multiple videos of cell antenna fires. We do not want these fire hazards.
5) City street lights are too close to schools and children could be injured if the facilities fall or components (such as baseplates, flanges, joints, bolts or guy wires) are blown off by high winds.
6) Our street lights are too close to condos and businesses (shops, restaurants, offices) with busy sidewalks. Residents and visitors could be injured if the facilities fall or components (such as baseplates, flanges, joints, bolts or guy wires) are blown off by high winds.
7) Noise pollution is a factor. Excessive noise from cooling the ancillary equipment (up to 28 cubic feet) for each antenna would disturb the quiet enjoyment of our streets and neighborhoods.
8) Cell towers in residential areas would also create an access barrier to the homes and communities of Americans with Electromagnetic Sensitivity (EMS), an environmentally-induced medical illness that can be caused by RF microwave radiation exposures. These Americans (estimated to be 25,000,000 Americans and growing) with Federally-recognized ADA disability rights, would be barred from accessing public spaces and could be forced to move from their homes. https://wearetheevidence.org/electromagnetic-sensitivity/
9) There is not a significant gap in personal wireless service. Applicants are required to prove a significant gap in service and there is no such thing. Honolulu is saturated with cell coverage. These facilities are proposed by site developers, not by wireless carriers. Site developers do not provide personal cellular service. If there were a gap in coverage the carriers themselves (Verizon, AT&T, Sprint) would be making these proposals but they are not. Honolulu has adequate cell coverage. There is no need for more.
10) Site Developers are notorious for blanket installing unneeded and unnecessary cell facilities in urban areas because it’s fast and cheap and they make a lot of money collecting rent from the carriers for the life of the facilities. Site developers do not have our best interests in mind. They make use of our publicly owned, taxpayer funded streetlights and electricity and pavements. They pay nominal rent for use of our street lights and saturate our streets and neighborhoods with toxic wireless radiation. A large body of research reports adverse health effects https://bioinitiative.org/research-summaries/ It’s not worth the risk. No insurance company will insure cell facilities against health effects.
11) These resolutions are proposed by site developers that are notorious for tricking local authorities by providing false and misleading information in their applications. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=96&v=UtT6gVH584s Please demand hard data. Ask the carriers themselves (Verizon, AT&T, Sprint) for their records of dropped calls in the proposed areas. They can produce this information with the click of a mouse. We need evidence of lack of coverage. Do not take the site developers word for it. Do not be tricked. We demand proof from the carriers themselves.
12) We are not anti-technology! We want optical fiber to the premises. We want SafeG! www.SafeG.net
Please share with others to oppose. Please stick with facts and science!
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be.” Khalil Gibran