1) For Winnipeg members, please see a News Release and flyer for full details about a public meeting Tuesday, Aug. 11 in Vimy Ridge Mem. Park.
(click on photo to enlarge)

News Release: Campaign to Halt 5G Cell Network Antennas in Winnipeg: First Stop – Wolseley
WINNIPEG, AUGUST 6, 2020. 5G Winnipeg Awareness will kick off a campaign to stop the rollout of 5G wireless cell network antennas in Winnipeg with a public meeting.
Date: Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Time: 7:00 PM
Place: Vimy Ridge Memorial Park, 821 Preston Avenue (Portage Ave. & Home Street), Winnipeg
The objective is to work towards a moratorium on rollout of 5G cell antennas until the safety of 5G wireless technology is fully studied and the findings confirmed by qualified researchers who are independent of the telecommunications industry. No health safety studies have been conducted on long-term exposures to 5G technologies.
Topics at the meeting will include:
1. An overview of what is known about the plans to install more than 3,400 cell network antennas throughout Winnipeg
2. The flaws in Health Canada safety guidelines for wireless technology radiation emissions
3. Health risks of cell antenna network radiation and the implications for human rights
4. Environmental risks and safer options.
More information: https://5gwinnipegawareness.ca/
2) The pressure is being put on the FCC to stop ignoring science as it pertains to EMR, its biological effects, and to stop the roll-out of 5G. So far, our pressure on Health Canada and ISED, as started with the 5G Appeal, must be increased and maintained.
“Over 700 Medical & Scientific Professionals Sign Letter to FCC!
We’re thrilled to announce that OVER 700 medical and scientific professionals signed our letter calling out the FCC’s failure to acknowledge independent science and protect public health and the environment from ultra-high wireless radiation frequencies.
We want to express our deep thanks to all who signed and all who helped us circulate this critical message within the medical and scientific communities.
We’re also thrilled to report that more than 1,700 additional individuals signed in support of the letter. Thanks to all who made their voices heard.
5G Crisis”
The letter:
RE: Comments on the FCC’s Proposed Rule (Docket No. 20-133): “Modernizing and Expanding Access to the 70/80/90 GHz Bands”
“As medical, public health and scientific professionals, we are writing to express our opposition to the above captioned matter, and herewith submit the following comments on the agency’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Order dated June 10, 2020 which purports to modernize and expand commercial access to the 70, 80 and 90 GHz bands.
Our opposition is rooted in the fact that the agency lacks sufficient scientific knowledge to properly assess the potential impact of this dramatically expanded use of the spectrum on the health and safety of people and the environment. We call on you to delay any implementation of this order until such time as the Commission has sought and received input from the independent scientific community, and brought critical balance to its decision-making process….
Although the effects of exposure to RFR have been studied since the 1950s, sharper investigative tools are enabling scientists to understand more precisely how these exposures are causing biological harm. Yet, the agency seems either unaware of such research or unconcerned about it. Not only do the words “environment,” “health” and “wildlife” fail to appear anywhere in the 38- page document regarding this matter, but there has apparently been no discussion or consideration of these tangential impacts.”
The Press Release:
Please consider sending to your local media outlets. ensuring that the highlighted link to the letter is active.
700-plus Medical and Scientific Professionals Urge the FCC to Hold Off Approving Spectrum for 5G
Experts Say Agency is Ignoring Risks to Human Health, Wildlife and the Environment in its Rush to Fast-Track 5G
3) Most medical doctors and clinicians have not been educated on EMR and the potential biological effects caused by exposure because the topic has not been taught in medical schools. Researchers are calling for this to change and, further, are accusing ARPANSA, the equivalent of Health Canada, of misleading doctors by telling them there is no evidence of harm and consequently misdiagnosing or even allowing harm to occur to patients.
The same thing is happening in Canada. The medical associations are being totally misled by Health Canada. It would be wonderful if some Canadian doctors would read this article and start a medical discussion.
New paper on 5G Wireless Deployment and Health Risks: Time for a Medical Discussion in Australia and New Zealand
“There is an urgent need for clinicians and medical scientists in the Australia-New Zealand region to engage in an objective discussion around the potential health impacts of the fifth generation (5G) wireless technology currently being deployed. The statements of assurance by the industry and government parties that dominate the media in our region are at odds with the warnings of hundreds of scientists actively engaged in research on biological/health effects of anthropogenic electromagnetic radiation/fields (EMR/EMF).”
https://www.emfacts.com/2020/08/new-paper-on-5g-wireless-deployment-and-health-risks/ (the abstract)
“a review of 1955 peer-reviewed studies on the ORSAA database 13
(which contained the studies ARPANSA reviewed) revealed 68% of those publications had reported on significant biological/health effects.
This refutes the claim that there is no evidence indicating health risks.
However, ARPANSA has merely rejected our reported findings
without presenting any evidence to substantiate their position.24
Furthermore, ARPANSA continues to make assurances of
safety about wireless technologies (RF-EMR) in general and also
about the new and untested 5G. Such unfounded statements
jeopardise the safety of Australians because the Australian
healthcare professionals and organisations solely depend on
ARPANSA’s advice.”
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/343416307_5G_Wireless_Deployment_and_Health_Risks_Time_for_a_Medical_Discussion_in_Australia_and_New_Zealand (the full paper)
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Today, more than ever before, life must be characterized by a sense of Universal responsibility, not only nation to nation and human to human, but also human to other forms of life.” Dalai Lama