2020-08-05 – 26 new studies/reports on EMF from Dr. Moskowitz

1) According to this YouTube, in Kelowna, the second 100 ft. tower applied for by Rogers has been cancelled by the landowner. This YouTube shows how to find out what is happening throughout the application process and the design of the tower and its transmitters. I don’t know if this process is the same in other communities — my community’s website appears to be less transparent. With this tower’s cancellation, the individual owner apparently was persuaded by individuals in his area having concerns.

CANCELLED: 100 Foot Tall Cell Tower – This video includes blueprints.

“Opposition to cell towers in Kelowna is gaining momentum. The second 100 foot tall cell tower proposed for 3754 East Kelowna Road has been cancelled by the landowner. This now makes TWO towers cancelled recently, one on Spiers Road, and now this one overlooking Rutland.”


2) From Dr. Arazi’s Phonegate team. An excellent point. What new name is appropriate for “overexposure to waves”? People are being made sick, that can’t be denied.

(click on photo to enlarge)



“Electro(hyper)sensitivity? I don’t like these words at all. Why?”

“We are publishing this testimony from a person who asked to remain anonymous. With his words, he tells us with strength and courage how he feels about his illness. And also why we should not or no longer talk about electro hypersensitivity but rather about overexposure to the waves. This is also very clearly our opinion!”


3) From Dr. Joel Moskowitz, re. 26 recent papers or studies.

Recent Research on Wireless Radiation and Electromagnetic Fields

FEATURED: 26 New Papers on Electromagnetic Fields and Biology or Health

Electromagnetic Radiation Safety, August 3, 2020

“I (Joel) have been circulating abstracts of newly-published scientific papers on wireless radiation and electromagnetic fields (EMF) about once a month since August 2016. Several hundred EMF scientists around the world receive these updates. The complete collection of these papers contains more than 900 abstracts.”

To see abstracts for the most recent papers or to download the 699-page document (pdf) go to: http://bit.ly/saferemr200803


4) Update on the 5G Appeal from C4ST. If you haven’t signed the petition, please do. And please circulate this widely:



Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters

“Never before in history have humans been so cleverly induced to slowly exterminate themselves– and happily pay big money for the privilege.”        – Amy Worthington


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation