1) The link to the Hydro workshop presentation that I gave you went one step too far. If you wish to make comments go to this one:
“Street Light Rate Design” will take you to the page where you can click on Feedback Form.
2) In Illinois, a State Representative has introduced a bill to allow residents and local municipalities a voice re 5G micro- and macrocells. The Act, as presented, would be a good one to consider for municipal 5G regulations or policies, but would need strong public support to push against the telecom and ISED authorities for some of the points. It is time for the residents to take back authority over what is happening in their neighbourhoods and outside their homes.
“State Representative Deanne Mazzochi (R-Elmhurst) announced today new legislation to protect local residents from the proliferation of controversial 5G wireless canisters in suburban communities. “Our neighborhoods welcome technological advances,” Mazzochi said. “But those same neighborhoods also need the right to decide at the local level whether certain aesthetic or safety costs are worth it, Rep. Mazzochi said.
Several neighborhoods in Mazzochi’s district have served as pilot communities for various categories of 5G wireless small cell units, and they are not happy with the early rollout results. After hundreds of Western Springs and Hinsdale residents called for expanded local control over 5G sites, Mazzochi filed House Bill 5818, the “Protect Me From 5G Act.” Mazzochi hopes the bill will be considered in the General Assembly’s Fall Veto session in November. ”
3) In the Netherlands, some university students are designing and will build a home that would be free of EMR and would reduce penetration into the building.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Students build a first radiation-free home at Brainport Smart District
“The construction of a radiation-free house at Brainport Smart District will start next year. Students of the Eindhoven University of Technology have been looking for an optimal combination of materials and building constructions to allow as little radiation as possible into the house. Some people suffer from electromagnetic radiation, which manifests itself for example in headaches or sleeping problems. They themselves often do not have devices that cause radiation and this house also reduces the radiation from outside….
Varolgunes expects that in the future people, with or without complaints, will become more aware of the amount of radiation in their homes and that they want a solution for this. “We see that in other countries standards have already been drawn up about the permissible amount of radiation in a house. Just as there are noise standards,” he explains. “This is not yet the case in the Netherlands. That’s why we’re going to investigate this.”…
Besides the complete houses, the students also want to look at renovation packages to make an existing house radiation-proof. “This could be used by construction companies or the government to help their customers and residents,” explains the team leader. With their house, the students want to help the government set standards around radiation. “Not only do we think it’s important to do research and give advice, but we also want to show that it actually works,” he says. “From the university, we can contribute to both elements.””
4) From Children’s Health Defense who, with EH Trust, has filled a lawsuit against the FCC for its inadequate safety guidelines, which the FCC wishes to apply, unchanged, to milliwave frequencies:
“The 9th Circuit upheld most of the FCC’s orders expediting the deployment of cell service buildouts, making CHD’s case against the FCC more critical than ever. This ruling eases regulations on 5G deployments after numerous cities challenged the 2018 FCC order which significantly limited a municipality’s power to regulate the installation of 5G antennas in the public right of ways. CHD’s case against the FCC is now the only case that has a chance of stopping the FCC and Big Telecom’s fraud and their destructive “race to 5G.”
Courts Upholds Most of FCC’s 5G Deployment Dereg
“The order had been challenged by a host of local governments, utilities and others. Oral argument had been held Feb. 10.
“Today’s decision is a massive victory for U.S. leadership in 5G, our nation’s economy, and American consumers,” said FCC Chairman Ajit Pai. “The court rightly affirmed the FCC’s efforts to ensure that infrastructure deployment critical to 5G—a key part of our 5G FAST Plan—is not impeded by exorbitant fees imposed by state and local governments, undue delays in local permitting, and unreasonable barriers to pole access. The wind is at our backs: With the FCC’s infrastructure policies now ratified by the court, along with pathbreaking spectrum auctions concluded, ongoing, and to come,…”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Who gets the risks? The risks are given to the consumer, the unsuspecting consumer and the poor work force. And who gets the benefits? The benefits are only for the corporations, for the money makers.” Cesar Chavez