1) Yet another Telus cell tower is being proposed for the Qualicum Bay/Beach area. Why are so many needed in such a small area? Hopefully, the RDN will be asking this question while people are expressing concerns. Are other areas being hit this hard?
Regional District of Nanaimo [RDN] staff recommends support for proposed Telus Tower in Qualicum Bay
“The Regional District of Nanaimo staff is recommending the RDN support a proposed Telus tower to be erected on a private property located on 210 Cochrane Rd. in Qualicum Bay.
Staff indicated the proposed telecommunications tower has satisfied all the requirements of the RDN and recommended the board provide a statement of siting concurrence to allow the 63.1-metre, steel self-support tower to be built to improve the wireless service in the area, approximately 15 minutes away from the Town of Qualicum Beach.”
[1) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2021-03-21-cell-towers-qualicum-bay-no-cowichan/]
2) For those who missed the forum with the Pittsfield Board of Health re. cell towers, a video is now available of the proceedings.
The cell tower issue was addressed in two segments:
– Public comments are from 16:35 to 47:40, then other agenda items are discussed
– Cell tower expert presentations, discussion and next steps are from 1:11:48-3:20:00
3) As more US officials report illnesses which appear to be related to “directed-energy attacks”, the National Institute of Health has gotten involved and is investigating symptoms and injuries.
(click on photos to enlarge)

State now referring victims of directed-energy attacks to National Institutes of Health
“U.S. officials posted overseas who report symptoms consistent with directed-energy attacks are now being referred to the National Institutes of Health, according to a State Department cable obtained by POLITICO.
The NIH has been playing a “leading role” in helping to analyze symptoms, according to a congressional official briefed on the investigation, which has expanded in recent weeks to include all of the nation’s intelligence agencies amid an uptick in suspected attacks on U.S. personnel.
“We recognize the complexity of this situation due to the fact that affected employees and family members have experienced a wide range of symptoms. Because the precise nature of these injuries has varied, treatment also must vary,” McKeon said in the cable. “We have not yet established whether a common cause exists for all individuals. We are determined to do everything we can to take care of the people who have been impacted.””
Re. June 16, 2021: 4th World Electrosensitivity Day
Please see attached my picture.

We need your help to make communities accessible for Electromagnetically Hypersensitive (EHS) disabled residents. We experience microwave sickness around wireless devices (cell phones) which emit wireless signals in the microwave range. Please encourage family and friends to keep their devices turned off, or in airplane mode (with all signals disabled – Wi-Fi, bluetooth, etc.) in public places so these microwave signals don’t injure EHS disabled people. Children are also more vulnerable.
Most of us are unable to work, because we are crippled by wireless signals and we need to access public transit. We have been injured or displaced by cell towers, and wireless routers in grocery stores, libraries, community centers, etc. which can limit our access to essential services. We need accessible, wired communities so we can work and participate fully in public places. Around wired connections we are healthy, and our debilitating symptoms disappear. It can take us up to 3 days to recover from exposure to cell phones! Signal strength, proximity to the source and exposure time have an impact on the severity of our symptoms.
Wired communities provide faster, greener (less energy), more connected service and wired service protects data privacy. Fiber to the premises and coax cables boost internet connectivity to our homes. Wired is safer for EVERYONE!
Shelley Wright
Things are only impossible, until someone decides that they’re not. David Suzuki
“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.” – Dalai Lama
Sent from my fast, safe, secure WIRED INTERNET laptop connection, with NO Wi-Fi enabled.
Help us reach out to 1,000,000 Canadians
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Plans to protect air and water, wilderness and wildlife are in fact plans to protect man.” Stewart Udall