1) A new study shows that the intensity of radiation from 5G at 28GHz is greater than that from either 3G or 4G even though the shorter wave lengths (28GHz) do not penetrate as well.
(click on photo to enlarge)

““The SAR is inversely proportional to the penetration depth, and hence, a shallower penetration occurring in 5G yields a higher absorption.”
“The example shown in Figure 4 presents a measurement of SAR being introduced on human skin at the distance of 10 cm from a transmitter in an uplink. It clearly shows a scenario where the current belief is not valid; the fact that a high-frequency EMF cannot penetrate deep into human skin does not mean that it is not dangerous. Specifically, although the penetration is limited only at the skin surface, the SAR (illustrated as a heat map in Figure 4) can be higher within the concentrated area, which can cause subsequent health problems such as skin heating.””
2) The Medical Conference being held in January 2021 is geared toward educating doctors, nurses and others in the medical field about EMR and the dangers associated with microwave radiation. This topic has not been taught in medical schools, leaving these people uninformed about what is becoming an epidemic. Here is a trailer about the conference that I hope you will consider sharing this with your health provider.
EMF Medical Conference 2021 Trailer
https://vimeo.com/473134021 (2:34 min.)
Here is more information about the conference. For those who are not seeking Continuing Medical Education, the cost for this online conference is $149 until Nov. 30.
3) ISED is taking the first steps toward authorizing use of the 6-7 GHx frequency range for Wi-Fi — that could be, and most likely will be, used in schools. On the ISED webpage, it states that public comments can be made until January 19, 2021. We need to make our concerns known, to demand that this be kept out of schools where fiber optic cable should be used. Remember, this frequency range has not been studied nearly as much as the lower frequencies and the studies that have been done have shown the potential to cause harmful biological effects
From The Wire Report as sent by a member. Without a subscription, I cannot provide more:
“ISED opening up 6 GHz band for WiFi. The federal government has launched a consultation on a proposal to open up the 6 GHz spectrum band for WiFi use, a move it says would triple the amount of licence-exempt spectrum available for WiFi. The announcement, made by Innovation Minister Navdeep Bains at the online edition of the Canadian Telecom…”
I strongly recommend reading all the objectives laid out by ISED for expanding the Wi-Fi band. Notice: There is absolutely no reference to health or safety, or to privacy in these targets.
Consultation on the Technical and Policy Framework for Licence-Exempt Use in the 6 GHz Band
1. Through the release of this document, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED), on behalf of the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry (the Minister), is hereby initiating a consultation on the technical and policy framework for licence-exempt use of the 5925-7125 MHz frequency band (referred to as the 6 GHz band).
6. ….. Furthermore, licence-exempt spectrum is used by Internet of Things (IoT) devices, from smart watches to industrial and agricultural sensor networks. The demand is increasing for outdoor enterprise services supported by IoT for applications such as asset tracking services in container port terminals, railyards and mining and extraction. Additional spectrum for licence-exempt use will support the introduction of next-generation licence-exempt wireless technologies that are deployed both indoor and outdoor, operating over distances ranging from less than a metre to several hundred metres, and delivering increased capacity and reliability for existing use cases as well as new and emerging use cases.
9. In consulting on this band, ISED is guided by the objectives of the Telecommunications Act, the SPFC and Canada’s Digital Charter. ISED’s objectives for licence-exempt use of the 6 GHz band in Canada are to:
- foster innovation and investment in new wireless technologies and services
- support greater choice and affordability of wireless services for consumers and businesses
- facilitate deployment and timely availability of wireless broadband Internet across the country
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“You will be better advised to watch what we do instead of what we say.” A. A. Milne