When Thomas Edison began wiring New York City with a direct current electricity distribution system in the 1880s, he gave humankind the magic of electric light, heat, and power;
in the process, though, he inadvertently opened a Pandora’s Box of unimaginable illness and death.
Dirty Electricity (DE) tells the story of Dr. Samuel Milham, the scientist who first alerted the world about the frightening link between occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields and human disease.
Milham takes readers through his early years and education, following the twisting path that led to his discovery that most of the twentieth century diseases of civilization, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and suicide, are caused by electromagnetic field exposure.
In the second edition, he explains how electrical exposure does its damage, and how electricity is causing our current epidemics of asthma, diabetes and obesity.
Dr. Milham warns that because of the recent proliferation of radio frequency radiation from cell phones and towers, terrestrial antennas, Wi-Fi and Wi-max systems, broadband internet over power lines, and personal electronic equipment, we may be facing a looming epidemic of morbidity and mortality. In Dirty Electricity, he reveals the steps we must take, personally and as a society, to coexist with this marvelous but dangerous technology.
(I just copied the above from the Amazon web site)
Wow, I just purchased Dirty Electricity and read it all in one reading. I found it engrossing and I think it will change my life. Here are some of the main nuggets of information that I have dug out of this great book:
Dirty Electricity exists on all 60 Hz power, mostly low amplitude but some extremely high and thus dangerous.
There is a a well proven relationship between Dirty Electricity and cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and suicide, Dr Milham details his detective work in finding first cancer clusters and then the Dirty Electricity that caused the cancers.
The power and communications industries do not want to know about Dr Milham’s findings and use their financial muscle to prevent him in many cases to fix the problems and then to publicize the findings. In public hearing the Industry brings in high paid “experts” to say that there is no problem. These expert either are stupid and do not know anything or quite smart for accepting daily fees of $1,500 for their work and false testimony. And, these fees are usually paid by the Power company who simply add the costs on to their operating costs which are paid for by the customers. A no win/no win for the citizen/consumer.
Dr Milham found cancer clusters in various schools and found the source of the Dirty Electricity that caused the cancers and showed the school management how to fix the problem. But in many cases the administration did not believe the science and thus did not fix the problem. And so it seems that more teachers, and students were exposed to Dirty Electricity and the resulting increase in chances of cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and suicide.
Dr Milham has worked closely with Stetzer Electric and promotes the use of their Dirty Electricity filters. This is just Dr Milham finding the DE problem and Stetzer providing a fix.
Note – Normal DE as measured by the Stetzer filters is 50 G/S units. Dr Milham has measured DE as high as 20,000 G/S units. And of course there were many health problems associated with these sites.
What to do?
1 – Purchase (or Borrow) the book and read it cover to cover. I found it quite readable. And it is not that expensive – $15 or less. If you believe that Dr Milham is correct in his findings, then you will know what you have to do.
2 – Measure the DE – Purchase (or borrow) a Stetzerizer meter and measure the DE in your house and other work spaces. Test especially in areas where there might be lots of power transformers or near-by cell towers.
3 – Install DE Filters – If you have elevated Stetzer G/S reading, say 250 or more, then purchase 10 – 20 filters to eliminate most of the DE. This may cost $200-$300 but also may decrease your chances of cancer and related health problems. Note that there are other manufacturers of DE filters. Do your due diligence about what is best to get and go for it. Lots of stuff on the web.