1) The many wireless devices that use the internet are made of materials that, when thrown away, pollute the environment. In addition, many require materials that are mined by children working instead of going to school. Katie Singer, like many of us, is hoping for a way to enjoy the convenience and benefits of the internet without causing immense harm.
Dear Greta: Letter #1 – Dreaming of a Visible Internet Footprint by Katie Singer
“Let me say a bit more about the Internet, the largest thing that humanity has built. In order to tweet, text, make a video, stream a video, post on social media, research online, do a GPS search, purchase anything online, attend a Zoom meeting (do any online activity), you need three things: a device, internationally deployed access networks, and data storage.
Producing every device (tablet, smartphone, desktop, laptop, iWatch, etc.) starts with design (by energy-intensive robots) and extraction of ores. To “reduce” metals from their ores, the ores need smelting and/or refining.
Smelting and refining depend on CO2-emitting electric plants fueled by coal, fracked gas, nuclear power and/or hydro power. In most cases, renewables cannot power smelting or refining, since smelters need to be kept at 1800°F for six or seven years at a time.
Access networks provide cellular sites that receive and transmit signals between mobile devices. Access networks depend on electricity, batteries, fiber optic cables, antennas, satellites and cooling systems.”
2) I just learned that medical doctors and health practitioners can earn CME credits by attending the EMR Medical Conference (virtually) Jan. 28-31, 2021. Most doctors have never received any education about EMR/EMF or the related illnesses or problems, e.g. EHS. This is a great opportunity for them to become educated which could help so many people. I hope you will consider printing off the attachment or forwarding the attachment to your family physician.
3) Rogers is planning on erecting a 5G tower in Oliver, only 130 meters from homes and 360 m from an elementary school, and a Councillor is concerned only about how it looks. “Make it look like a tree” !!! People in the area who are concerned hope you will consider adding your comments and send letters to:
letters@pentictonherald.ca with no more than 400 words.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Proposed cell tower needs better disguise
“I’ve been led to believe these telecommunication companies are quite flexible in how they make (towers) look – to the point of disguising them as trees,” said Coun. Dave Mattes.
“If we can make it look like a tree, let’s make it look like a tree.”
And read what Dr. Paul Heroux offered about 5G towers and the additional EMR exposure. Dr.Heroux is especially qualified to speak on this topic. This is a very important letter and I suggest you save it for future reference.
“I have unique insight in how the telecom industry works, and therefore shall be straightforward with you. Public health is already being harmed with 4G, Wi-Fi and cell towers. 5G would add to the present detrimental health effects of EMR. 5G is being pushed by industry simply to expand markets for cell phones and streaming video.”

from: http://chng.it/LphqXjPj
A Global 5G cell tower peaceful protest is being held at the corner of the old Island Highway and Village Way turnoff where the big Qualicum Beach sign is at the gateway to Qualicum Beach.
Parking will be available next door at 825 Village Way in the parking lot of the Christian Fellowship Church.
On Sat. Sept. 26, 2020, 12:30 – 2:30pm (1:00pm for speakers) to learn more about the effects of 5G and cell towers.
Bring a chair, and any signs you wish to display. We will be self distancing, there will be a sign up sheet and sanitizer provided.
For more information, call Carol and Fred Dowe: 250-752-2104 caroldowe@gmail.com
Go to: c4st.org in your browser for more information about this subject.
We are meeting to protest the 5G and cell towers that are going up all over the world, that emit EMF radiation.
Our concerns are especially for the health and safety of our children and grandchildren located near this proposed cell tower location, in the middle of some 4 Daycares, 2 elementary schools, and our vulnerable senior/elderly population. Drs. Faulkner and Cline state the effects of EMF radiation is much greater on the unborn fetus, infants and young children because of the undeveloped skull thickness and increased depth of brain penetration, the chronically ill and senior/elderly because their ability to tolerate added stressors for any reason is already compromised. Numerous studies have conclusively demonstrated that chronic exposure to non-ionizing microwave radiation is equal to the effects of long term exposure to mercury and asbestos or to other class 2b carcinogens.
Two kinds of cancer are particularly documented as being associated – Glioblastoma multiforme and Acoustic neuroma (both brain tumours).
Many parents are concerned for their children; we have over 1,000 petition signatures, and several hundred letters sent to Qualicum Beach Mayor and Council expressing huge concerns. Farmers are concerned about the death of pollinating bees too.
The incidence of all cancers is noted to increase the closer populations are living to a cell phone tower. The phenomenon is called “cancer cluster” (and well worth googling). quoted from Dr. Stephen Faulkner and Dr. Cline, practicing medical doctors here on Vancouver Island. They were invited to speak to the Regional District of Nanaimo in February regarding a proposed cell tower in Coombs, and after their presentation, the RDN Board turned down the tower! Our Town of Qualicum Beach Council has disallowed us, on 4 requests, the opportunity to hear from these doctors and have a Public Consultation process.
Thank you kindly,
Carol and Fred Dowe Team for the
Concerned Citizens opposing the cell tower at Village
Way and Old Island Highway, Qualicum Beach
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history. Unfortunately, it might also be the last, unless we learn how to avoid the risks.” Stephen Hawking