Update 2016-04-12 Creative bookkeeping by Liberals result in BC Hydro borrowing to pay dividends.

1)    The growth of wireless technology has been exponential over the last 20 years or so, as has the increase of microwave radiation in our environment. The scientists keep reminding us that this has happened all so quickly that our cells and bodies have not been able to adapt – there are and will be … Continue reading Update 2016-04-12 Creative bookkeeping by Liberals result in BC Hydro borrowing to pay dividends.

2016-04-28 Member getting anonymous harassing phone calls from BC Hydro

1) The International Journal of Impotence Research has identified cellphone radiation as a possible cause of male infertility. This has been reported by independent scientists.   http://www.nature.com/ijir/journal/vaop/ncurrent/abs/ijir201615a.html     2) The Vernon water meters are emitting RF signals all day every day, either every 10 seconds or every 60 seconds depending on how the meter … Continue reading 2016-04-28 Member getting anonymous harassing phone calls from BC Hydro

2016-04-24 In Ontario, (TOU) time of use rates increase again on May 1

Sorry for a typo on the first link in last night’s update Australia banning use of appliances during off-peak (cheaper) time periods. http://reneweconomy.com.au/2016/energex-to-ban-battery-storage-air-con-and-appliances-from-off-peak-36967   At this link is information about smart meter fires in Nevada even though UL had given them “passing” grades. There is a short audio of industry people talking about the problems … Continue reading 2016-04-24 In Ontario, (TOU) time of use rates increase again on May 1

2016-04-03 Industry planning expansion of the grid to include digital communications and more

  The future of the grid to combine utility provision with communication, with our data being for sale. “The docket has attracted attention the world over for its ambition to shift the utility business model from traditional cost-of-service regulation to one where the utilities earn more market-based revenues through charging transaction fees, selling system usage … Continue reading 2016-04-03 Industry planning expansion of the grid to include digital communications and more

2016-03-21 Tyee article about Hydro’s “service” to Hartley Bay residents

Passing word to friends and neighbours about this horrible program is so very important. I have “my democratic right” laminated sign on the window by my front door and another on the rear passenger side window of my car. You can find this and other signs at http://www.citizensforsafetechnology.org/MY-DEMOCRATIC-RIGHT-Smart-Meter-SIGN,86,1477   Iphone on air plane catches fire. … Continue reading 2016-03-21 Tyee article about Hydro’s “service” to Hartley Bay residents