2015-10-10 Woman given $meter after paying legacy fees for years, and BC Hydro lies about it.

1)   From a member. It may be my country farm boy upbringing, but I believe the best letter that any of us can send to people seeking to get or keep elected offices is this:        IF YOU SUPPORT EXPANDING WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY, I CAN NOT SUPPORT YOU.   (print – fold – put in … Continue reading 2015-10-10 Woman given $meter after paying legacy fees for years, and BC Hydro lies about it.


Press Release by Coalition to Stop Smart Meters – December 15, 2015 CERTIFICATION BODY (UL) DECLARES SMART METERS TO BE FIRE HAZARDS. Smart meters have failed, melted and caused fires in British Columbia. While BC Hydro continues to deny that these devices pose risk of fires, Underwriters Laboratory admits it in its introduction of a … Continue reading CERTIFICATION BODY (UL) DECLARES SMART METERS TO BE FIRE HAZARDS

2016-01-21 CBC BC Almanac asks “Smeters, are they worth the cost” on Friday, 12-1

1)    The Public Agency Safety Management Association in the USA believes that $$meters are not only vulnerable to cyberattacks but are also unsafe. “Not only do Smart Meters not have built-in security features against cybersecurity, they do not have built-in features to warn of hot sockets, overheating or fires. In essence, PASMA feels Smart Meters … Continue reading 2016-01-21 CBC BC Almanac asks “Smeters, are they worth the cost” on Friday, 12-1

2016-05-21 At least 15 US states allow opt out of smeters, several more considering

1)   NDP in Saskatchwan blames faulty smeters for rate increases. I wonder why the meter company didn’t have to pay the costs? Defective product, just like ITRON. http://www.saskatoonhomepage.ca/local-news/74187-ndp-says-carbon-capture-project-failed-smart-meters-costing-taxpayers 2)   BC Hydro and FortisBC say that everyone must have a $$meter for the grid to work effectively, whether the transmitter is working or not. This really … Continue reading 2016-05-21 At least 15 US states allow opt out of smeters, several more considering

BCUC’s DRAFT Staff Report on Smart Meter Fire Safety Concerns

From: Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters <dsnoble@shaw.ca> Covering Letter for RESPONSES TO “BCUC’s Staff Report on Smart Meter Fire Safety Concerns” DRAFT As you all know, last June and July I submitted an official complaint to BCUC charging that it was BCUC’s responsibility under the BC Utilities Commission Act to protect the … Continue reading BCUC’s DRAFT Staff Report on Smart Meter Fire Safety Concerns

Newsletter 2016-05-18 Special report on fires

COVERING LETTER FOR “RESPONSES TO BCUC FIRE REPORT DRAFT”: As you all know, last June and July I submitted an official complaint to BCUC charging that it was BCUC’s responsibility under the BC Utilities Commission Act to protect the public from unsafe practices. BCUC was failing to do its job by ignoring the information that … Continue reading Newsletter 2016-05-18 Special report on fires

2016-03-15 An excellent suggestion for response to BC Hydro

1) For those wondering how to respond to BC Hydro’s latest assault – replacing analogs with radio-offs saying they have no more analogs in stock(!) – here’s what a member advises: I’d send an email to BCH CEO Jessica McDonald <jessica.macdonald@bchydro.com>, with a copy to whoever sent you the notice and the BCUC <commission.secretary@bcuc.com> as a … Continue reading 2016-03-15 An excellent suggestion for response to BC Hydro

2016-03-18 Studies showing health effects are frequencies used by $$meters

1)      Clarification on previous article. A few days ago I included a suggestion from a member about an important issue that should be presented as a requirement for considering a transmitter-off $$meter. It said: I’d send an email to BCH CEO Jessica McDonald (jessica.macdonald@bchydro.com), with a copy to whoever sent you the notice and the … Continue reading 2016-03-18 Studies showing health effects are frequencies used by $$meters