2016-03-01 In the EU energy savings are far below those promised. Benefits don’t justify the costs.

A city council in Michigan is supporting opt out with no financial penalties. The opt out should include keeping a safe, dependable analog! http://www.voicenews.com/articles/2016/02/25/news/doc56cf767dd57b6484939345.txt   In Germany and other parts of the EU the smeter programs are not proceeding as planned, and promised savings are far below those projected. Costs will not be recovered through … Continue reading 2016-03-01 In the EU energy savings are far below those promised. Benefits don’t justify the costs.

202016-03-08 Warning that security of grid is at least 10 years away

Communities and companies, as well as individuals, are leaving Hydro due to costs (and, I know, due to the way Hydro is treating its “customers”, with contempt and deceit.)  Dr. Timothy Schoechle has researched the issue of dependence on the major grid and is advising that communities install their own systems. This prevents major hacking, … Continue reading 202016-03-08 Warning that security of grid is at least 10 years away

2016-03-03 Hydro “offering” online bills with a new account number. Beware.

From the people who succeeded in getting the “right to know” law passed in Berkeley, Calif. It was certain that the telecoms would fight this, but the explanation is nuts. The retailer will be harmed?? The ordinance will be implemented on March 21.  Stay tuned…….. Ellie Marks CA Brain Tumor Association  CTIA Urges 9th Circuit … Continue reading 2016-03-03 Hydro “offering” online bills with a new account number. Beware.

2016-02-04 TED Talk about EHS

We are being warned that long-term exposure to wireless devices is harmful in so many ways. The people who are sensitive are the canaries in the mine, and many are paying a dear price. “For Dr. Andy Marino of Louisiana State University, it has been his life’s work to show that EMF-induced biological effects are … Continue reading 2016-02-04 TED Talk about EHS


2016-02-01 – Warning of EMP attack on grid. 2016-02-02 – ITRON & Hydro — new smart meter using 4G LTE 2016-02-03 – Surveillance via web-connected home appliances 2016-02-04 – TED Talk about EHS 2016-02-05 – US states have pending bills to allow opt outs without fees 2016-02-06 – Ont. Energy Board demands more customer data … Continue reading NEWSLETTERS 2016-02 FEB