2018-11-29 US Congress Report on Smart Grid — our concerns are justified

[American Cancer Society – ARRA American Recovery and Reinvestment Act – Benefits – Cell Phones – Clean Energy Act – ConEdison – Congressional Research Service R45156 – Consumption – Costs – CPUC – Cyberattack – Data for Sale – EIA-861 – EISA – Eversource Energy – EVs – FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission – Fourth Amendment … Continue reading 2018-11-29 US Congress Report on Smart Grid — our concerns are justified

2018-11-13 French court recognizes EHS as “work-related handicap”

[Accommodation of Disability – Analogs – BC Hydro Electric Tariff – Bsquare – Clean Energy Act – Congress Accountability – covert military training exercises – Data for Sale – Doctor Pons – Documentary Plane Truths by Mark Dworkin & Melissa Young – EA – EHS / ES Microwave Sickness Lawsuit (Work-related Handicap) – EIS – First … Continue reading 2018-11-13 French court recognizes EHS as “work-related handicap”

2018-10-30 Why are policemen checking up on smeter installations?

[Active Grid Edge Devices – BCCDC – BC Hydro Meter Exchanges (Dwayne, Michael, Police Officer) – BCUC (Patrick Wruck) – Bonnie Henry – Bsquare – Cell Phones – Clean Energy Act – Corix – Damaged Appliances (Clothes Dryer) – Dariusz Leszczynski – Doctor Dietrich Klinghardt – Dominique Belpomme – EHS / ES – Electric Tariff – … Continue reading 2018-10-30 Why are policemen checking up on smeter installations?

2018-10-27 BC Hydro admits analogs are available in the marketplace but we can’t have them.

[Active Grid Sensors – Analogs – BCUC & Smart Meter Fires: The Failure to Protect Report – Clean Energy Act – Constantly Connected: B.C.’s obsession with personal electronics and how it’s shifting household electricity use – Costs – CSA – Data for Sale – DE – Design Flaws – Digital Addiction – DTE – EHS / … Continue reading 2018-10-27 BC Hydro admits analogs are available in the marketplace but we can’t have them.

2018-09-28 CBC — Smart devices make homes vulnerable.

[5G Microcell / Small Cell Towers Antenna Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation (Ajit Pai, Brendan Carr, Digital Divide, FCC Docket 17-79, Flat / Fixed Fees, Michael O’Reilly) – Amazon Echo – AT&T – Big Cable (ISP Fees) – CBC Marketplace Home Hack Investigation by Makda Ghebreslassie (Johanna Kenwood & Peter Yarema, Smart Home Devices, Theo Van Wyk) … Continue reading 2018-09-28 CBC — Smart devices make homes vulnerable.