2019-02-06 Another Glioblastoma victim – Former MP dead at age 56

1) Another victim of glioblastoma [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/brain-cancer/],the brain cancer directly associated with cell phone usage, former MP Paul Dewar died at age 56 [see 2) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2018-06-13-a-retired-mp-is-another-glioblastoma-victim/]. This is the same cancer that has killed many people, including US. Senators John McCain and Ed Kennedy, Gord Downie.  Health Canada and the cancer societies refuse to acknowledge the … Continue reading 2019-02-06 Another Glioblastoma victim – Former MP dead at age 56

2019-02-03 Smeter software potentially dangerous consequences explained

1) In a prior update [2) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2019-02-01-smeter-software-failures/], I sent an article warning about the potential problems with smeter software, which included possible “disastrous consequences”. https://www.smart-energy.com/industry-sectors/smart-meters/reliability-of-embedded-software/ or   https://tinyurl.com/defectivesmeters I asked some Engineers if they could explain what some of these might be and here are a couple of comments which confirm/reiterate the warnings given by … Continue reading 2019-02-03 Smeter software potentially dangerous consequences explained

2019-01-13 – 20,000 satellites circling the earth all with multiple 5G transmitters

1)    Approval has been given and preparations are underway to begin to put 20,000 satellites with phased array antennae shooting milliwave radiation to every point on earth.  Radiation is not the only cause for major concern. The rockets will use a mercury-based fuel that is a neurotoxin. Damage to the environment and to all living … Continue reading 2019-01-13 – 20,000 satellites circling the earth all with multiple 5G transmitters

2019-01-12 – Health Can. rejects industry studies re. food guide but not wireless radiation

1)  The tenth smartphone model found to exceed the SAR limit. Dr. Arazi continues the fight to have the phones that exceed the allowed limits to be withdrawn from the market – more than 250 models that are still being sold and used. [see https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/list-of-mobile-phones-with-non-compliant-sars-removed-or-updated-in-france-by-alerte-phone-gate-july-28-2022/] Tenth smartphone exceeding SAR: the Logicom M BOT 60 measured … Continue reading 2019-01-12 – Health Can. rejects industry studies re. food guide but not wireless radiation

2019-01-05 Radiation levels 100 ft. from microcells similar to 300 ft. from cell tower

1)   Some colleagues in Ontario, among whom some suffer greatly from EHS, sent me this request. I hope, if you are able, you will consider helping out. “Would you consider sending this gofundme campaign out to your group?  Laura is a severely EHS friend of a few of us EHSr’s out here in Ontario.  It’s … Continue reading 2019-01-05 Radiation levels 100 ft. from microcells similar to 300 ft. from cell tower

2019-01-04 Across the US, wireless service cut — no emergency service for millions

1)   When the access to wireless internet replaces available wired access, people begin to ask serious questions like, why is this so?  We all know that wired internet is much faster, more reliable and safer than wireless, but companies have convinced people that the internet equals Wi-Fi. This mis-conception needs to be addressed because the … Continue reading 2019-01-04 Across the US, wireless service cut — no emergency service for millions

2019-01-02 Light (Li-Fi) could replace Wi-Fi

1)  McLean’s is alerting Canadians to the potential for cybersecurity issues resulting from the IoT and, especially, 5G technology as Huawei’s equipment is used and this Chinese company partners with Telus to build the infrastructure. What’s the worst China could do with access to Canada’s 5G network? https://www.macleans.ca/society/technology/whats-the-worst-china-could-do-with-access-to-canadas-5g-network/  2)  Internet via light or Li-Fi was … Continue reading 2019-01-02 Light (Li-Fi) could replace Wi-Fi