2018-09-13 Vancouver School District allowing BC Hydro to build substation under school & daycare centre

[5G mmW Microcell / Small Cell Towers Antenna Siting Legislation – 1996 Telecommunications Act Section 704 – AAP – Acoustic Neuromas – Animals – BC Hydro Substation (Fire Risk, Lord Roberts School Annex) – Bees – Big Telecom – Birds – Brain Gliomas – Cancer – Captured Agency by Norm Alster – CDC – Cell … Continue reading 2018-09-13 Vancouver School District allowing BC Hydro to build substation under school & daycare centre

2018-09-10 Dr. Beatrice A. Golomb’s Full Report on Diplomats’ Mystery Illness

[4G – 5G Microcell / Small Cell Towers Antenna Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – Aclara – Acousticom 2, Microsurge (+ 1 Filter) & TriField Meters – ALEC – Alexander Wunsch – AT&T – Baubiologie / Building Biology – Beatrice A. Golomb – Bell – Big Telecom – BioInitiative Report – Bluetooth Hearing Aids – Cancer – … Continue reading 2018-09-10 Dr. Beatrice A. Golomb’s Full Report on Diplomats’ Mystery Illness

2018-09-08 Dr. Bonnie Henry, like Kendall before her, is ignoring information and requests for meetings.

[5G Microcell / Small Cell Towers Antenna Siting Legislation – Children – EHS / ES – Health – Holocaust – Janis Hoffman Letters to Adrian Dix, Doctor Bonnie Henry, John Horgan, Rob Fleming, Tom Kosatsky, Trevor Hancock re Wi-Fi in Schools Safety – Lawsuits – Letter to Esther Enkin & CBC Ombudsman’s Review of Marcus Schluschen … Continue reading 2018-09-08 Dr. Bonnie Henry, like Kendall before her, is ignoring information and requests for meetings.


2018-09-01 – Another smeter fire, this time in Washington. 2018-09-02 – More about microwaving embassy personnel 2018-09-03 – A review of work by Russian and Ukrainian researchers, on EMF, including milliwaves 2018-09-04 – ICNIRP doesn’t believe NTP and Ramazzini studies are convincing 2018-09-05 – RF/EMF and fertility 2018-09-06 – Action to help get attention at … Continue reading NEWSLETTERS 2018-09 SEP

2018-06-26 Vancouver school board allows BC Hydro’s substation

[ANFR National Frequency Agency – BC Hydro Substation (Fire Risk, Lord Robert School Annex) – Building Biology Guidelines – Cell Phones – Children – CPUC – DEC Duke Energy Carolinas Rider MRM Opt-out Fees – EHS / ES – ElectroSmog – European Commission Pollution Lawsuit (Elżbieta Bieńkowska, Nitrogen Dioxide NO2 & Particulate Matter PM10) – … Continue reading 2018-06-26 Vancouver school board allows BC Hydro’s substation

2018-06-01 Dr. Magda Havas warns BC Hydro not to build substation under a school

[2B Carcinogen – 5G mmW Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – Amplifiers – Bees – Bell MTS – Birds – Cancers – CB Operators – Cell Towers – Centers for Disease Control – Children – Doctor Paul Héroux – EHS – Electronics – ELF – EMF Safety Network (Sandi Maurer) – EMR – … Continue reading 2018-06-01 Dr. Magda Havas warns BC Hydro not to build substation under a school

2018-05-28 Milliwave frequencies likely much more dangerous to insects than lower frequencies

[5G mmW – Alzheimer’s – Appliance Damages – Arno Thielens – Aspartame (Phenylalanine) – Autism – Babies – Bees – Betty Martini – Birth Defects – Bonnie Lysyk – Brain Tumours – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Cheryl Bridges – Children – Costs – CPUC (Michael Peevey) – Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act … Continue reading 2018-05-28 Milliwave frequencies likely much more dangerous to insects than lower frequencies