2018-05-15 Research shows Wi-Fi / EMF increases MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivities)

[4G – 5G mmW – Alasdair Philips – American Cancer Society – Anne Steinemann – Automotive Radar – BC Ferries (No Wi-Fi Free Zones) – Bent Scientists – Brain Tumours (Acoustic Neuromas, GBM Glioblastoma Multiforme) – Brillouin & Sommerfeld Precursors – Cancer – Cataracts – Cell Phones – Children – ComSenTer – DARPA – Depth … Continue reading 2018-05-15 Research shows Wi-Fi / EMF increases MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivities)

2018-05-12 The effect of EMR on behavior of children, especially those with autism.

[Analog – BC Hydro – BCUC – Behaviour (ADHD, Autism) – Children – CPUC (Michael R. Peevey) – CWTA Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association – Deborah Kopald Intervenor Questions – Dennis Noble Letter to Editor re Freedom Mobile (Shaw) Monopole Cell Tower Construction in Langford – Doctor Toril Jelter – EHS / ES Microwave Sickness – EMF … Continue reading 2018-05-12 The effect of EMR on behavior of children, especially those with autism.

2018-05-07 Evidence that no agency in BC has been looking at scientific evidence that RF is harmful

[4G – 5G Microcells / Small Cells – Batteries – Big Telecom – Bill Watt – Bonnie Henry – Botnets – California Building Industry Association (Bob Raymer) – California Energy Commission (Andrew McAllister) – California Solar and Storage Association (Kelly Knutsen) – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – CRTC – Data – Dr. Oz – … Continue reading 2018-05-07 Evidence that no agency in BC has been looking at scientific evidence that RF is harmful

2018-04-14 Children suffering psychologically due to wireless gadgets

[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – ACTPA Australian Capital Territory Principals Association (Liz Bobos) – Addiction (Dopamine) – Anmore Petition to Adrian Dix, John Horgan, John McEvan, Michelle Mungall, Rick Glumac re Above Ground Transmission Power Lines – Anxiety – Australian Centre for Education in Sleep (Sarah Blunden) – BC Hydro Misinformation … Continue reading 2018-04-14 Children suffering psychologically due to wireless gadgets

2018-04-08 Erin Brockovich interested in multiple glioblastomas in Florida

[5G – Accuracy – AEP American Electric Power – Appalachian Power – Barry Hobbins – Big Telecom & Wireless Corruption & Deception – Bills Complaints (Cold Weather & Tariff Increase) – Brain Cancer Cluster (GBM Glioblastomas) – Cell Towers – CMP Central Maine Power Co. (Doug Herling) – David Littell – Efficiency Maine (Michael Stoddard) – … Continue reading 2018-04-08 Erin Brockovich interested in multiple glioblastomas in Florida

2018-03-23 New Mexico PUC hearings indicate testing responsibility left with ITRON with no or little independent oversight or confirmation

[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – Addiction – AI – AMI – Analog – Andy Greenberg – Arcing & Fires – ATM – AVs – BC Hydro – BCSA – BCUC – Black Hat (Barnaby Jack) – B.N. Frank – Cancer – Cars – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Certification … Continue reading 2018-03-23 New Mexico PUC hearings indicate testing responsibility left with ITRON with no or little independent oversight or confirmation

2018-03-16 Michigan State Senator speaks out about dangers of RF

[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Siting Legislation – A. Tsiang – Analogs – Babies – BCUC Public Watchdog – Bills – BioInitiative Reports – Bullying – Cancer – Carol Bellringer, BC Auditor General – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Children – Clean Energy Act Contradictions – DNA – Doctors’ Recommendations – EHS Microwave … Continue reading 2018-03-16 Michigan State Senator speaks out about dangers of RF