[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Siting Legislation – A. Tsiang – Analogs – Babies – BCUC Public Watchdog – Bills – BioInitiative Reports – Bullying – Cancer – Carol Bellringer, BC Auditor General – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Children – Clean Energy Act Contradictions – DNA – Doctors’ Recommendations – EHS Microwave Sickness – ElectroSmog – Environment – Evelyn Reimann Legal Battle – FCC – Fertility – Fibre Optics – FortisBC – Generation Zapped Film – Gregor Dürrenberger – Harassment – Health Risks – ICBC – IoT – Lead – Maximilian Reimann – Michelle Mungall – Patrick Colbeck – RFR – Safety – SB 637 & SB 894 – Site C – Smart Appliances – Studies – Swisscom Copper Wired Internet – Thyroid – Tobacco – Vectorization – Wi-Fi in Schools – Wireless – Write to Paul Wieringa re BC Hydro Smart Meter Program & Opt-out Fees | BC – France – Israel – Gipf-Oberfrick & Lucerne, Switzerland – Michigan, USA] & Film & Flyer & (video)
1) Michigan State Senator Colbeck urges other legislators to consider microwave radiation as dangerous as tobacco and lead, and to vote NO on allowing microcells. Please consider sending this YouTube to your MLA, asking for their support in stopping the proliferation of wireless transmitters / cell towers in front of our homes.
Colbeck cites health as reason to slow ‘small cell’ rush
“This convenience comes at a price and it comes at the price to the health of many of our citizens most notably children babies in the womb and even adults who suffer from hyper sensitivity to wireless transitions.
A few weeks ago I distributed sample data to each of you from scientific studies…complied by Bioinitiative.org…the adverse health effects are very serious.
Many of us are rightly concerned about the hazards of cigarettes, lead levels..and other harmful substances…but I regret to inform you that we need to add electromagnetic radiation from wireless technology to this list.”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkDDQqDVsbk&feature=youtu.be (6:40 minutes)
Please give him a “thumbs up”.
2) The Auditor General says that the government must allow the BCUC to do its job. If only….

(click on photos to enlarge)
BC Govt. urged to stop chaining its watchdog
“The BCUC is supposed to be an independent watchdog whose purpose is to protect ratepayers from government utility monopolies, while balancing the needs of Crown corporations like BC Hydro and ICBC to properly fund the services it provides – electricity, natural gas and auto insurance, for example.
But the previous Liberal government interfered with the commission’s work and also excluded it from reviewing three major energy projects or programs: Site C dam, the Northwest Transmission Line and BC Hydro’s smart meter program.”
3) A member has been in communication with bureaucrats in the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources (Minister Michele Mungall). Paul Wieringa said that Les MacLaren, Asst. Deputy Minister, might be willing to consider the opt-out fees and the way they have assessed in the upcoming/current review of BC Hydro.
Wieringa asked for people to write to him: <paul.wieringa@gov.bc.ca>
with their concerns, with the reasons they wish to keep their analogs. If documentation such as doctor’s recommendations to avoid RF, complaints to BC Hydro or MLA that have been rejected, intervenor requests made to BCUC, comparison with FortisBC or other utilities’ fees (the chart of Opt-out Fees charged is at: https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/metersgrid/smart-meter-opt-out-options-and-fees/). I think evidence of lies or harassment might be compelling.
If you write to Wieringa, I suggest you send a copy to the Auditor General whose department also is reviewing BC Hydro:
Auditor General of BC <bcauditor@bcauditor.com>
Here are some links to documents from years past that might give you some info/examples for your letters. I hope you’ll copy me <dsnoble@shaw.ca> so that I can share your letters with others. Please indicate if I can use your name or not.

4) In Switzerland, there is a battle for fiber optic cable to replace copper-wired internet cable to which sensitive people react. The emissions travel through the ground rather than through the air.

Switzerland: How the Daughter of National Councilor Maximilian Reimann is Fighting against Swisscom for Her Survival
“Swisscom is responsible for this. In October 2015, it finished introduction of the vectorization at Gipf-Oberfrick. This technology allows more rapid access to the Internet by means of copper cables and is principally used in rural areas. Now, 10 meters behind the house, a bundle of cables traverses the Reimann’s garden, transmitting signals to the neighbors. While the antiquated urban cables are being replaced by new fiber optic non-radiating cables, they have to transmit higher band widths in rural areas.
Reimann requested the help of a biologist-electrician Josef Peter. He electrically grounded the house and protected it against the cell phone antennas 500 meters from the village. But as Ms. Reimann continued to suffer, Peter identified the copper cables as being the cause. “Swisscom uses them as antennas transmitting short waves”. Contrary to mobile radio, the waves go through the ground and cement. You cannot protect yourself from that.””
5) “Generation Zapped” was named Best Documentary at the D.C. Independent Film Festival! And there is a special this month for those wanting to put on a presentation.

Generation Zapped : How the Digital Technology Age Impacts Us
6) Below are several studies about the effects of microwave radiation on the thyroid that were gathered by someone in the USA.
(the first link s/b: http://www.ijem.in/temp/IndianJEndocrMetab216797-6799214_185312.pdf)
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented”
~ Ellie Wiesel – Nobel Peace Prize Winner