1) Below in Letters is a prime example of the negligence practiced by our former Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Perry Kendall, and his misleading responses to our many requests that scientific evidence be reviewed and acted upon. We must hope that his replacement, Dr. Bonnie Henry, will do her job with a degree of integrity that was missing by her predecessor.
(click on photos to enlarge)

One major issue is that no one at the BCCDC has the expertise needed to understand the scientific evidence we’ve been presenting for the last several years. What did Kendall do with the studies?
2) Please see below a letter from OpenMedia. Representatives have received approval to meet with ISED (formerly Industry Canada) Minister Bains. They are going to be taking our concerns and presenting them to him. Please take this opportunity to raise your voices, demand that industry not be put before the public’s health.

I hope you will consider submitting a letter to Min. Bains via OpenMedia, and even sending it separately to Min. Bains directly: Navdeep.Bains@parl.gc.ca
3) More on the Samsung home router that exceeds all FCC guidelines for RF power density, yet has been approved for sale to the public.

Samsung 5G Home Router Wins FCC Approval Ahead of Verizon’s 2018 Launch. Now Verizon Should Stop Installing Risky 5G Small Cell Towers in Front of Homes and Everywhere Else – But They Won’t
“Verizon has said that it will launch pre-standards 5G in three to five cities this year, including Sacramento, California. Initially, the leading U.S. carrier will only offer “fixed 5G” — high-speed wireless service that can solely be accessed at a home or office using a cable modem-like device — which it believes will challenge cable Internet and TV providers. The company described itself last week as “full steam ahead” on the 5G deployment, hinting at plans to offer unlimited 5G data and a novel over-the-top video subscription service to customers.”
[(video 00:55) https://www.doctoroz.com/episode/oz-investigates-what-you-need-know-about-your-favorite-meat-hamburger?video_id=5729370081001
Smart Cities: Community’s 10 Questions – https://eduresearcher.com/2018/05/02/smartcity/]
4) California may mandate that all new homes be solar powered, meaning that one of the markets for Site C’s power may cease to exist.

California to become first U.S. state mandating solar on new homes
“Now, California is on the verge of making solar standard on virtually every new home built in the Golden State.
The California Energy Commission is scheduled to vote Wednesday, May 9, on new energy standards mandating most new homes have solar panels starting in 2020.”
5) In the USA, the Consumer Product Safety Commission is holding a hearing on “The Internet of Things and Consumer Product Hazards.” The EPIC (Electronic Privacy Information Center) has submitted comments regarding privacy and security as being major hazards despite the Commission’s assertion that these are not hazards that they consider.

From: norm
Sent: November 30, 2017
Subject: BCCDC and EMR
Kendall says he gives all matters and papers re EMR to the BCCDC – I doubt he does.
Last month I made a FOI request to the BCCDC / PHSA for the papers they are reviewing re EMR. The attached response is what I expected and probably correct – it does show the provincial government does not monitor or care about the harm caused by EMR.
Norm Ryder

From: Laura at OpenMedia <contact@openmedia.org>
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2018
Subject: Your message to Bains
What do you want to say to Minister Bains?
In just a few days, our OpenMedia community came through with support to send us to Ottawa to meet with Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development, Navdeep Bains. What an amazing response, thank you! Now you can tell us what you would like to say to Minister Bains. Email us here and we’ll take your message to Ottawa. There’s a lot we want to talk to the Minister about: A national broadband plan to ensure that everyone in Canada has access to reliable, high-speed Internet access1. Affordability, and the need to find ways to bring more choice and competition into our telecom market. Minister Bains has the authority to bring more choice to our cell phone market, and lower costs2. He can overrule the CRTC and mandate access for services that have the ability to compete directly with “the Big Three”. And he’s the member of government most responsible for the future of the Internet in Canada.
So what should we tell him? Let us know here. We’ll be letting you know about how the meeting went just as soon as we can, but you can help make it a success today. Whatever happens, Minister Bains will be left with no doubt that our OpenMedia community will be watching him closely during his time in office, holding him to account and demanding an open, affordable and surveillance-free Internet for everyone in Canada. Thank you so much for all that you do. Laura, and the whole OpenMedia team. P.S. There’s still time to chip in to help organize our trip to meet with the Minister. You can donate here. Footnotes: [2] CRTC continues to foster investment, innovation and affordable choice in the wireless market: Government of Canada |
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Your silence gives consent”
~ Plato