2018-02-12 Elizabeth May warns of huge financial consequences if Site C continues after China buys Aecon

[AARP – Aecon – BC Hydro – BCUC – Brian Wheeler, Consumers Energy – CCCC China Communications Construction Co Ltd. – David Waterhouse Letter to Andrew Weaver, John Horgan, Media, Ministers & MLAs re Site C – DTE – Elaine Gary – Elizabeth May – FDA – FIPA – Food – Gary Glenn – Higher Bills … Continue reading 2018-02-12 Elizabeth May warns of huge financial consequences if Site C continues after China buys Aecon

2018-02-09 New Brunswick smeter plan’s costs exceed benefits

[5G – Appliance Damages – BC Hydro Tariff – Benefits – Bills – Brady Yauch, Consumer Policy Institute – Brain Cancer (Henry Delaney) – Catastrophic Failures – Cecelia Doucette Letter re Massachusetts Legislation – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Children – Christopher Stewart – Costs – Darren Murphy, Keith Cronkhite, Lori Clark, NB Power … Continue reading 2018-02-09 New Brunswick smeter plan’s costs exceed benefits

2018-01-25 Is 5G being planned for small coastal communities plus ALL OF VANCOUVER ISLAND?

[5G From Blankets to Bullets by Arthur Firstenberg – Abilify MyCite – Antidepressant Side Effects – BCUC – BioInitiative Reports – Bipolar – Birds & Bees – Bluetooth – Cell Phones – China Communications Construction Co. Ltd. – Christy Clark – Cindy Sage – CRTC – Digital Tracking Pills with Sensors – Doctor Mitchell Mathis, … Continue reading 2018-01-25 Is 5G being planned for small coastal communities plus ALL OF VANCOUVER ISLAND?

2018-01-03 For FortisBC electrical customers — application for major rate changes

[2G – 4G LTE – AAP – Appliances – BC Hydro Smart Metering Program Investigation – BCUC Order G-5-17 – Bees – Bills – Cars – Cell Phones – Cerise Edwards – Children – Data – Doctor Joel M. Moskowitz – EHT – EMFs – EMR – FortisBC Rate Design Application – Glioma Brain Cancer … Continue reading 2018-01-03 For FortisBC electrical customers — application for major rate changes

2017-12-27 An update on the US Navy’s War Games and the fight to stop them by “Save the Olympic Peninsula”

[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting (Brian Schatz, Cell Towers, Edmund G. Brown Jr., Ellen Marks California Brain Tumor Association,Fires, Frederick Hill, Internet Access, John Thune, Kelly Cole CTIA, Miscarriage, Safety, WTFs Wireless Telecommunication Facilities) – Addiction (Behaviour, Doctors, Gaming Disorder Mental Illness, Insurance, WHO) – André Fauteux (Bees & Birds, Cell … Continue reading 2017-12-27 An update on the US Navy’s War Games and the fight to stop them by “Save the Olympic Peninsula”

2017-12-21 The US government is pushing 5G for “security” reasons

[4G – 5G (Antennas, AT&T, Bill Menezes, Cars, CloudRAN, EMR, Ericson, Fibre Optics, Gartner, Huawei, Intel, Interference, IoT, ISPs Charter & Comcast, LTE, Qualcomm, Rob Topol, Samsung, Serge Willenegger, SK Telecom, Wi-Fi, Wired, Ying Weimin) – Jerry Flynn Letter re Physicians for Safe Technology (BioInitiative Reports, ECERI European Cancer Environment Research Institute, ICEMS International Commission on … Continue reading 2017-12-21 The US government is pushing 5G for “security” reasons

2017-12-16 In US EMR war games, Navy is not using best available science.

[Noise from US Navy Electronic Attack EA-18G Growlers in EMR RF War Games – Please Comment on Daryl Osborne Letter re Cell Tower (Cancer, Cell Phones, EMFs, Health, IAFF Opposition to Antennas, Pets, Property Values, WHO, Wireless Radiation) – Site C (Arlene & Ken Boon, BC Hydro, Botterell Law Corp., BCUC, Carol Bellringer, Costs, David … Continue reading 2017-12-16 In US EMR war games, Navy is not using best available science.

2017-12-11 Horgan sided with Christy Clark against all reason and logic today

[5G – 1996 Telecommunications Act Section 704 – BC Hydro Smart Metering Program – Bio-Initiative Report – Catherine J. Frompovich – Children – Consensus Science – Doctor Girish Kumar PowerPoint (Cell Phones, Cell Towers Hazards) – EHS (IEI Idiopathic Environmental Intolerance, Microwave Radiation Sickness) – EMFs – FCC – Finlay MacPherson Letter – GWEN Ground … Continue reading 2017-12-11 Horgan sided with Christy Clark against all reason and logic today

2017 -12-10 ICNIRP is reviewing RF guidelines which have been unchanged for 20 years.

[Cell Phones – Children – Doctor Dietrich Klinghardt – Generation Zapped Documentary by Sabine El Gemayel – Health Canada Safety Code 6 – ICNIRP Review of 1998 EMF Guidelines re RF Exposure Limits – Joseph M. Mercola (Alzheimer’s, Autism, Bees & Wildlife, Body Voltage, CFL & LED Bulbs, DE Dirty Electricity, Earthing, ELF, Glymphatic System, Shielding, … Continue reading 2017 -12-10 ICNIRP is reviewing RF guidelines which have been unchanged for 20 years.