[4G – 5G (Antennas, AT&T, Bill Menezes, Cars, CloudRAN, EMR, Ericson, Fibre Optics, Gartner, Huawei, Intel, Interference, IoT, ISPs Charter & Comcast, LTE, Qualcomm, Rob Topol, Samsung, Serge Willenegger, SK Telecom, Wi-Fi, Wired, Ying Weimin) – Jerry Flynn Letter re Physicians for Safe Technology (BioInitiative Reports, ECERI European Cancer Environment Research Institute, ICEMS International Commission on Electromagnetic Safety) – Marcus Schluschen Letter to Jill Hawe, BC Ferries (Cell Towers, EHS, E-Smog, Health Canada Safety Code 6, Hypoxia, RFR) – National Security Strategy December 2017 (DIUx Defense Innovation Unit Experimental, Verizon, White House) – Smart Grid Security (AEMC Australian Energy Market Commission, AEMO Australian Energy Market Operator, Batteries, Blackouts, Cell Phones, Cyber Attack, Don Harwin, EST Energy Security Taskforce, Fuel, Generators, Mary O’Kane, NBN Landline Telephones, Power Outages, Solar, Wind) – Wireless Devices – Write to Mark Collins, BC Ferries & Claire Trevena re No Wi-Fi Free Zones | Departure Bay & Duke Point & Horseshoe Bay & Langdale & Swartz Bay & Tsawwassen, BC – Sydney, New South Wales & Queensland & South Australia & Victoria, Australia – Brussels, Belgium – Italy – Korea – Sacramento & San Francisco, California & Waco, Texas & Washington, DC, USA]
1) The recent US National Security Strategy Report included an easily overlooked statement about 5G internet needed for security purposes. A secure internet would be hard-wired.

(click on photos to enlarge)
Ultra-fast 5G wireless service declared national security priority by White House
“Who would have thought that the president who writes in 140-character missives would suddenly be interested in 70 Gbps wireless internet access?
The White House released its congressionally-mandated National Security Strategy report (warning: PDF) yesterday. Tucked away in a section on improving America’s infrastructure was this action item: “We will improve America’s digital infrastructure by deploying a secure 5G Internet capability nationwide.” Other than natural gas, 5G wireless service was the only area of technology to get a specific calling out for infrastructure.”
2) Companies are working out the possibilities presented by 5G, ways to expose us to even more EMR.

The 5G Race Is On, Now That The Technology Is Almost Ready
The 5G Yet To Come
The second part of 5G will enable services well beyond phones. Those include ultra-reliable, mission-critical connections for autonomous cars and drones; guaranteed low latency for devices like wireless VR headsets; and low-power, low-bandwidth modes for ubiquitous “internet of things” connected devices like environmental sensors. “The core foundation of 5G is, you build a system that can evolve and adapt to various requirements and new market opportunities through the lifetime of the system,” says Serge Willenegger, an engineer and SVP for product management at Qualcomm who helped develop the 5G standard.
Finishing the radio standard first provides extra time for lots of things that engineers still have to figure out. One major challenge is the very short-range “millimeter wave” frequencies needed to provide the extra capacity that everything-connected 5G networks will need. The signals can’t even travel as far as Wi-Fi signals, and can be blocked by obstacles as small as tree leaves.
3) An excellent description of what will happen (according to cyber-experts) when an attack or accident brings the grid down – from Sydney, Australia. The experts say that when the grid goes down, it will be down for many months, not just a few days or weeks.

Sydney would be chaos with overflowing sewage and stuck trains in SA-style blackout
Fuel shortage and sewage spill
The EST said there was concern about the ability to secure fuel supplies in an extended blackout event.
While many essential services have their own generators on site, it is not known how backup generators and fuel supplies would be made available and prioritised during an extended outage.
Big batteries, stabilisation urged for Australia’s power system
South Australia’s renewables-heavy power mix was a factor in the statewide blackout in September, a new report by the Australian Energy Market Operator confirms.
How to pay for fuel could also be a problem, given EFTPOS machines would most likely not be working.
Remaining forms of public transport, such as buses and ferries would also be competing for fuel.
Water supplies to the city could also be affected. Not all sewage treatment plants have backup power generators and there could be the potential for sewage to overflow.
In previous blackouts, landline telephones have literally been a lifeline.
But since the introduction of the NBN, many landline telephones now require power and mobile phones are of course dependent on their battery life.
4) I hope you will consider taking a minute to write to the BC Ferries (and please cc. Minister of Transportation & Infrastructure Claire Trevena <Minister.Transportation@gov.bc.ca>, and ask them to review the need for a Wi-Fi free space on ferries as well as the potential that employees are being harmed by exposure to microwave radiation every work day. An excellent letter is below.

From: Marcus Schluschen (name given with permission)
To: Customer Relations
Sent: December 20, 2017
Subject: Callous indifference by BC Ferries
Dear Ms. Hawe,
I am astounded that BC Ferries, Mr. Collins refuses to take the suffering of electronically sensitive passengers seriously, and continues to point to Health Canada’s outdated Safety Code 6, which was condemned by international science as archaic and biologically non-protective.
Canadians boast being a compassionate people, but your reply makes it very clear this is nothing more than idle posturing, with nothing backing up this claim.
I am surprised that supposedly bright individuals, such as CEO, Mr. Collins, refuses to educate himself on this subject. I expected that someone with a reasonably good education like him, would be not so easily duped into ignorance, by the very same organization that failed to protect Canadians time and time again. E.g. DDT, Asbestos, Formaldehyde, etc.
Health Canada did not shy away from firing their own biologists and induced costly court proceedings against them, in order to stop their research from being published, as it would jeopardize the financial interests of industry. The court ruled against HC, in favour of the scientists, leaving Health Canada with a tarnished reputation!
If Mr. Collins is truly the leader we expect him to be, he will appreciate reading this science compilation on cell towers, as BC Ferries allowed a massive cell tower on their Tsawwassen ferry terminal. When peoples health is compromised by biologically untested technology, vigilance becomes mandatory and the precautionary principal must be applied.
Mr. Collins should find Table 1: RFR Levels in Cell Tower Studies Reporting Adverse Health Impacts of interest, as the chart compares lower strength cell tower radiation, to Wi-Fi radiation.
Here he can see a shocking display of biological effects, induced by cell phone radiation, information Health Canada chooses to withhold from the public!
Scroll down the page to see how severe blood cells respond to low level radiation. According to young German researchers, this negative biological effect, referred to as “Hypoxia”, extends even to by-standers (passengers) 6 feet away!
If Mr. Collins would take the time to educate himself on this subject, for the well being of passengers and long term health of BC Ferries staff, he would come realize that today‘s radiation is millions of times greater than the natural background radiation of our planet.
Electro hypersensitives, like my wife, are not asking for much, all we want is a place to travel in reasonable comfort.
We strongly object that BC Ferries allows paying passengers to be subjected to second hand e-smog pollution, without consent, as illustrated very clearly in the attached research/link above.
Please prove to us that Canadians are a compassionate people and not a self absorbed, indifferent technology addicted nation, who love their devices far more than their fellow man.
Marcus Schluschen
= = =
From: Customer Relations
To: Marcus
Sent: December 19, 2017
Subject: BC Ferries
Dear Marcus,
Thank you for your recent note to President and CEO, Mark Collins, regarding BC Ferries’ Wi-Fi service and radio frequency (RF) emissions. Mr. Collins has asked that I respond on his behalf.
While we appreciate the time that you have taken to share your suggestion, there are no plans at this time to offer a Wi-Fi free lounge onboard our vessels or at our terminals. BC Ferries is in compliance with and well under Health Canada’s acceptable RF exposure limits.
Please note, Wi-Fi service is only available on vessels and terminals servicing our major routes between Tsawwassen and Swartz Bay, Departure Bay and Horseshoe Bay and Langdale and Horseshoe Bay. A Wi-Fi-free travel option between Vancouver Island and the Mainland can be found on our Duke Point, Nanaimo to Tsawwassen route as the Queen of Alberni and Coastal Inspiration vessels do not offer Wi-Fi onboard.
We welcome feedback from our customers and I thank you for sharing yours.
Happy Holidays.
Kind regards,
Jill Hawe
Assistant Manager, Customer Relations,
Customer Care
British Columbia Ferry Services Inc.
The Atrium
Suite 500, 1321 Blanshard St., Victoria, BC V8W 0B7
T: 250-978-1185 F: 250-978-1240
From: Jerry Flynn (name given with permission)
Sent: December-20-17
To: perry.kendall@gov.bc.ca; premier@gov.bc.ca; MH.Minister@gov.bc.ca; AG.Minister@gov.bc.ca; MCF.Minister@gov.bc.ca; CC.Minister@gov.bc.ca; HLTH.Minister@gov.bc.ca; tom.kosatsky@bccdc.ca; mona.nemer@uottawa.ca; Joyce, A
Cc: 60m@cbsnews.com; SDR Fox; Dr. Camacho; Sharon Noble; Malcolm Paterson PhD.
Subject: Website: Physicians for Safe Technology: https://mdsafetech.org/
Physicians and health practitioners everywhere should also view:
1) the BioInitiative 2007 Report, which distilled some 2000 international studies; and,
2) the BioInitiative 2012 Report, which distilled a further 1500 international studies. www.bioinitiative.org
Note: Some ‘Advisory Panel’ members to the Physicians for Safe Technology were also key participants in the BioInitiative Reports.
Another trustworthy, reputable site is: ECERI (European Cancer Environment Research Institute) based in Brussels.
Non-industry scientists around the world subscribe to the ICEMS (International Commission on Electro-magnetic Safety) based in Italy.
Slowly, but surely, the truth is seeping out (shades of tobacco)!
Jerry Flynn
Happy holidays,
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters