2017-12-06 Brain abnormalities in Cuba Embassy victims

[4G – 5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – Aline Richard – ANFR National Frequency Agency & Abeille Law (EMF Exposure Limits) – AT&T – BCUC – Cell Phones – Costs – Covert Sonic Weapon Attacks on American / Canadian Embassy Diplomats (Brain Abnormalities, Concussions, Directional Acoustic Phenomena Noise, EHS Symptoms, Tracking 24 … Continue reading 2017-12-06 Brain abnormalities in Cuba Embassy victims

2017-12-04 A response to MLA “Shame” Simpson re. hydro bills

[Ajit Pai (remove Net Neutrality) & Jessica Rosenworcel (Wired Internet) – Brain Cancer Risk from Smartphones & Cell Phones – C4ST Website Hack (Frank Clegg) – Janis Hoffman Letter to Shane Simpson re BC Hydro Smart Metering Program Bills (Carole James, John Horgan, Michelle Mungall) – Jim Goddard Radio Interviews with Sharon Noble (Smart Meter Fires Report, etc.) … Continue reading 2017-12-04 A response to MLA “Shame” Simpson re. hydro bills

2017-12-01 An industry “bent scientist” starts rumour about NTP study

[5G – American Cancer Society – Children – Commissioner Rosenworcel, FCC – Doctor Hyung Suk Seo – EMF – Eric van Rongen – Health (Brain Tumours, DNA, EHS, Heart, Sleep) Canada – IARC Interphone – ICNIRP & Conflict of Interest – Janis Hoffman Letter to John Horgan, Michelle Mungall, Carole James re BC Hydro Smart Metering Program … Continue reading 2017-12-01 An industry “bent scientist” starts rumour about NTP study

2017-10-31 In USA, industry wants access to 120 million utility poles for microcells & 5G

[5G Microcells / Small Cells Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – Bob Whalen – CAL FIRE California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection – Communications Act Section 224 – Costs – CPUC – DAS Distributed Antenna System – EMFs – Enabling the Wireless Networks of Tomorrow by CTIA Everything Wireless (& Protecting America’s Wireless Networks) – FCC … Continue reading 2017-10-31 In USA, industry wants access to 120 million utility poles for microcells & 5G

2017-10-22 A very important video revealing another ugly side of telecoms, computers, new technology “Death by Design”

[A.J. Carter – Andrew Campanelli – Amateur Radio Interference – BC Hydro Opt-out Fees – BCUC Direction No. 4 – Bill Robinson, Citizen Lab – Cell Phones – Central Hudson Gas & Electric – Churches – Death by Design Film by Sue Williams – Deborah Kopald – Doctor David Carpenter – Edward Snowden, NSA – … Continue reading 2017-10-22 A very important video revealing another ugly side of telecoms, computers, new technology “Death by Design”

2017-10-18 Gord Downie dies of glioblastoma (brain cancer linked by studies to cell phones)

[5G Milliwave Frequencies – Amber Alert – Cell Phones – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – Cheryl Irvine – Doctor Cindy Russell, SSCMA – Emergency Alert / Warning Systems Compromised by Removal of Landlines – Federal Emergency Management Agency – Glioblastoma Brain Cancer (Gord Downie) – Health – Itron – John McEldowney – Jonathan … Continue reading 2017-10-18 Gord Downie dies of glioblastoma (brain cancer linked by studies to cell phones)

2017-10-09 Investment analyst warns of storm of lawsuits re. wireless

[Analog – Antennas – Appliances Electric Load Signatures & Residence Behaviour – ARRA American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009 – Catherine Frompovich – Cell Phones – CFAA Computer Fraud and Abuse Act – Congressional Research Service CRS Smart Meter Data: Privacy and Cybersecurity report by Brandon J. Murrill, Edward C. Liu, Richard M. Thompson II – DNA … Continue reading 2017-10-09 Investment analyst warns of storm of lawsuits re. wireless