[5G – Accuracy Testing of Smart Meters – Ajit Pai – Anders Ahlbom – Anthony Swerdlow – Appeals by Doctors and Scientists – Art Thansandote – BC Cancer Agency – Bernard Lord – Big Telecom – Bills (Bradley Tuhi, DE Dirty Electricity, Gemma Brown, Higher Consumption, Jackie Tangata, Leon Austin) – BioInitiative Reports – Charter of Rights and Freedoms – Chris C. Foulke Letter re Digital Addiction & EHS / ES Radio Wave Sickness – Conflicts of Interest – Contact Energy – CTIA – CWTA – Daniel Goulette – Daniel Krewski – Daoud Attayi – Democracy – Disease Epidemics – Electricity Authority Te Mana Hiko (Rory Blundell) – Electricity Industry Participation Code – ELF – EMFs – Emilie van Deventer – Energy Club (David Goadby) – Energy Online – Exponent Inc. – FCC – FDA – Genesis Energy – Greg Gajda – Gregory Quan – Health Canada (RPB Radiation Protection Bureau, Safety Code 6) – Hughes Nappert – IARC – ICES – ICNIRP – IEEE – Industry Bias – James McNamee – Jerry Flynn Letter to HESA Ben Lobb, Bill Casey, Don Davies, Doug Eyolfson, John Oliver, Len Webber, Marilyn Gladu, Raj Grewal, Ramez Ayoub, Ron McKinnon, Sonia Sidhu re Corruption and Greed – Joe Elder – Josette Gallant – Kelly Gibney – Ken Foster – Kevin Graf – Leeka I. Kheifets – Letters re EMR & ZEV Announcement for BC (Andrew Weaver, John Horgan, Kelsey) – Linda S. Erdreich – Maria Feychting – Maria A. Stuchly – Mary L. McBride – Mays Swicord – Media – Meredith Attwell Baker – Michael Repacholi – Michel Bourdages – Military – Misinformation – Neville Watson – Nuremberg Code – Pascale Bellier – Paul Heroux – Precautionary Principle – Privacy – RF Microwave Radiation – Richard Link – Richard Tell – Robert Ghiz – Royal Society of Canada – Smart Grid Surveillance – Studies – Tom Wheeler – UN – Utilities Disputes Tautohetohe Whaipainga (Nanette Moreau) – Vector AMS (Dean Van Gerrevink) – WHO – William F. Bailey – Wireless Devices – Yakov Shkolnikov | BC – Canada – Australia – Austria – Belgium – China – EU – Italy – New Zealand – Norway – Russia – Switzerland – UK – USA] & Websites
**The Coalition site is up and running again. www.stopsmartmetersbc.com **
1) Jerry Flynn has been very busy writing more letters to the various powers-that-be. You will find some very interesting info at these 2 links. In the second one, Jerry has provided valuable evidence showing the conflicts of interest that many of those working in Health Canada on the Safety Code 6 review panel, WHO, etc. have and have had for years, while supposedly ensuring that we are protected from RF radiation. He who pays the piper calls the tune… It does appear that Health Canada and many of the “experts”, who are allowing the exposure limits to be based on industry desires rather than biological health effects, are pipers.
(click on photos to enlarge)

2) More examples, these from New Zealand, that smeters can cause energy bills to increase inexplicably. I’ve been told it is hard to have a smeter tested because it is a computer and when it is removed to be taken in for testing, it reboots, resetting all of the software to the factory settings. If the smeter had a fault or coding error, it would disappear. An Electrical Engineer said that a smeter suspected of being inaccurate should be tested in situ, without being removed, which will take time so BC Hydro will refuse. I wish I knew how the smeters mentioned in this article were tested.

Are smart meters passing the accuracy test?
“The accuracy and reliability of smart meters is being questioned after a number of households found their power bills inexplicably inflated. Is there a wider issue?”
[4) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2018-07-03-many-questions-about-bc-hydro-what-is-going-on/
1) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2018-03-30-some-gadgets-confuse-smeters-higher-readings/
3) A good opinion piece in an Oregon newspaper. Why not try to get similar articles in some BC newspapers?
The price we pay for ‘smart meters’
“Many people, afraid to confront their recent addictions to wireless devices, would prefer to ignore likely health consequences of their indulgences. However, this addiction has increasingly costly, additive effects which aren’t transparent, unlike electromagnetic fields — tasteless, colorless, and odorless — which can create a 24/7 cellular stress response from not-so-smart technologies like “smart meters.”
It’s no surprise we’re experiencing a tide of headaches, skin problems, muscle cramps, fatigue, sleep difficulties, memory loss, balance issues, tinnitus, and 40 different “neuropsychiatric disorders” ranging from autism, ADHD, and anxiety to depression, irritability, and confusion — all known symptoms of “electromagnetic sensitivity.””

From: BC Greens <info@bcgreens.ca>
To: X
Date: November 23, 2018
Subject: Re: By 2040, all cars 🚙 sold in BC: but remember CO2 is not the only danger
Hello X,
Thank you for sharing your feedback with us and for providing this information.
I will make sure to pass your note on to the Green caucus in their legislative office.
Kind regards,
= = =
On Thu, Nov 22, 2018 at 3:56 PM X wrote:
Please remember that zero emissions must also include zero Electromagnetic Radiation emissions! To date no one is addressing this hidden danger, which means that a town carcinogen is allowed to blast us daily not just when we drive or travel in a vehicle, but also even crossing the street in a high traffic area!
Electromagnetic radiation has been considered a possible carcinogen for some years. A recent US government study determined it to be a certain carcinogen in rat studies (usually proven true for people some time later). Please remember that Safety Code 6 does not deal with non thermal pulsed radiation and so is totally irrelevant in this matter.
Websites abound, many US ones, and several here in BC. You could start with stopsmartmetersbc.com, which is about more than the meters. It’s well organized to give a general idea of the issues.
Best wishes
= = =
On Nov 22, 2018, at 3:41 PM, Stefan Jonsson <info@bcgreens.ca> wrote:
On Tuesday, Andrew joined Premier Horgan to announce that every new light-duty car and truck sold in BC will be a zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) by 2040.
This is a major step toward meeting our updated greenhouse gas reduction targets and supporting business at the same time. It’s the type of vision and leadership that Andrew has championed since he was first elected.
Many British Columbians want to do their part to reduce their environmental footprint, and the province’s new ZEV mandate will make them more accessible for people to achieve that.
The mandate, which will be introduced as legislation in the spring, will set targets of 10% ZEV sales by 2025, 30% by 2030, and 100% by 2040. It is second to none in North America.
So, let’s continue to be international leaders when it comes to setting new ZEV standards — standards that will help transition the province into a low-carbon economy.
Stefan Jonsson
Director of Communications
BC Green Party
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“A government has no conscience. Sometimes it has a policy, but nothing more.”
~ Albert Camus