2019-04-17 Mercola covers Cancer Clusters at Elementary School

1) Another excellent article by Dr. Mercola to his readers. Cell Tower Removed From Schoolyard Due to Cluster of Cancer Cases “Unlike the 4G technology currently in use, which relies on 90-foot cell towers with about a dozen antenna ports on each, the 5G system uses “small cell” facilities or bases, each with about 100 antenna ports. These … Continue reading 2019-04-17 Mercola covers Cancer Clusters at Elementary School

2019-04-08 The Govt & Industry guilty of scientific fraud

1)   Some very good news. A legal judgment found that San Francisco has the right to require permits before installing transmitters on city property, including poles along streets. California Supreme Court Sides with Cities in Small Cell Faceoff Justices unanimously upheld a 2011 San Francisco ordinance requiring telecommunications companies to get permits before placing antennas on … Continue reading 2019-04-08 The Govt & Industry guilty of scientific fraud

2019-03-22 Connected Communities — a new website “Wired to Deliver”

1)  Oona McOuat, who is one of the leaders in this battle against 5G, has just completed the creation of a new website: http://connected-communities.ca/ .  Below, in Letters, is the press release that was just sent to many BC media outlets. Your help is spreading the word would be much appreciated. Please send it, the expansion … Continue reading 2019-03-22 Connected Communities — a new website “Wired to Deliver”

2019-03-17 New Hampshire House passes bill to study health effects of 5G

1)  Another article about Huawei which reminds us that, regardless of Huawei promises, it is the Chinese government calling the shots. If Telus uses the Huawai transmitters, they might as well be partnering with that foreign government. Can Huawei Be Trusted With Your Data? Not Even Close “This article reports that Huawei denies these allegations and claims that it would … Continue reading 2019-03-17 New Hampshire House passes bill to study health effects of 5G