2018-01-25 Is 5G being planned for small coastal communities plus ALL OF VANCOUVER ISLAND?

[5G From Blankets to Bullets by Arthur Firstenberg – Abilify MyCite – Antidepressant Side Effects – BCUC – BioInitiative Reports – Bipolar – Birds & Bees – Bluetooth – Cell Phones – China Communications Construction Co. Ltd. – Christy Clark – Cindy Sage – CRTC – Digital Tracking Pills with Sensors – Doctor Mitchell Mathis, … Continue reading 2018-01-25 Is 5G being planned for small coastal communities plus ALL OF VANCOUVER ISLAND?

2018-01-22 PLEASE READ — 5G is going to be MUCH WORSE THAN WE HAVE BEEN TOLD

[4G – 5G Millimeter Waves Throughput (Penetration) – ANFR – ANSES – Anthony B. Miller– Arthur Firstenberg – AT&T – BC Ferries – Big Telecom – Birds – Blake Levitt – Brain Tumour Tracking – Brillouin Precursors – Cancer – CDC – CDPH – Cell Phones – Cell Towers / Base Stations – Children – … Continue reading 2018-01-22 PLEASE READ — 5G is going to be MUCH WORSE THAN WE HAVE BEEN TOLD

2017-12-21 The US government is pushing 5G for “security” reasons

[4G – 5G (Antennas, AT&T, Bill Menezes, Cars, CloudRAN, EMR, Ericson, Fibre Optics, Gartner, Huawei, Intel, Interference, IoT, ISPs Charter & Comcast, LTE, Qualcomm, Rob Topol, Samsung, Serge Willenegger, SK Telecom, Wi-Fi, Wired, Ying Weimin) – Jerry Flynn Letter re Physicians for Safe Technology (BioInitiative Reports, ECERI European Cancer Environment Research Institute, ICEMS International Commission on … Continue reading 2017-12-21 The US government is pushing 5G for “security” reasons

2017-10-31 In USA, industry wants access to 120 million utility poles for microcells & 5G

[5G Microcells / Small Cells Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – Bob Whalen – CAL FIRE California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection – Communications Act Section 224 – Costs – CPUC – DAS Distributed Antenna System – EMFs – Enabling the Wireless Networks of Tomorrow by CTIA Everything Wireless (& Protecting America’s Wireless Networks) – FCC … Continue reading 2017-10-31 In USA, industry wants access to 120 million utility poles for microcells & 5G

2017-10-30 Important Industry article re. 5G – We must understand this if we are to fight it.

[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – Accenture Strategy – Analogs – Appliances – Benefits – Bills – Boondoggle – Cars – Costs – CTIA – Data for Sale – DOE – DTE Shuts Off Power to Kay Watson – EMR – Health – Opt-out Fees – Privacy & Tracking – … Continue reading 2017-10-30 Important Industry article re. 5G – We must understand this if we are to fight it.