2018-05-26 Telus holding “info session” on 5G in Maple Ridge, May 28, and another smeter fire.

[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – Alectra Utilities – Asbestos – Birds – Brain Tumours – Buglife (Matt Shardlow) – Cancer – Cell Phone Towers – CERENAT – Children – Cynthia Ross Tustin – Democracy – DNA – EHT – EKLIPSE Report re Web Conference – EMF – EMR Pollution – … Continue reading 2018-05-26 Telus holding “info session” on 5G in Maple Ridge, May 28, and another smeter fire.

2018-05-09 Telecoms going live with 5G in several US cities later in 2018.

[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas – Alexander Friedrich – Antoinette Stein, CHE EMF Working Group – AT&T – Cell Phones – CHE Collaborative on Health & the Environment Webinar – CIA (Gina Haspel) – Doctor De-Kun Li, Kaiser Permanente – DoD – EMR – FBI – FCC – Frank Barnes (Handbook of Biological Effects of Electromagnetic … Continue reading 2018-05-09 Telecoms going live with 5G in several US cities later in 2018.

2018-05-02 Doctors in Europe ask for Precautionary Principle re. 5G –> moratorium

[5G Microcells / Small Cells Phased Array Antennas Directed Beams – AGCOM Italian Communication Authority – Baljit Singh, Intel – Brendan Carr, FCC – Cancer – Cell Phones – DNA – EMF – Environmental Health Monitoring – Ethics – European Commission – From Blankets to Bullets by Arthur Firstenberg – Ian Gresham, Anokiwave – IARC … Continue reading 2018-05-02 Doctors in Europe ask for Precautionary Principle re. 5G –> moratorium

2018-04-16 5G will be much worse/stronger than we’ve been told.

[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Siting – BC Hydro Substation – Cancer (Breast) – Cell Towers – Children – Covert Sonic Weapon Attacks on American / Canadian Embassy Diplomats (10 Canadian Victims, Brain Abnormalities, Cognitive Dysfunction, Concussions, Directional Acoustic Phenomena Noise, EHS Symptoms, Tracking 24 American Victims, Vibrations) – Doctor Douglas Smith, Center for Brain … Continue reading 2018-04-16 5G will be much worse/stronger than we’ve been told.

2018-03-21 5G likely to use lower, more penetrating, dangerous frequencies

[2G – 3G – 4G LTE – 5G Trials – Analogs – AT&T – AVs – Cancer – Cell Towers – Competitive Carrier Association (Steven K. Berry) – Covert Sonic Weapon Attacks on American / Canadian Embassy Diplomats (Balance, Brain Abnormalities, Concussions, Directional Acoustic Phenomena Noise, EHS Symptoms, Tracking 24 American Victims, Vibrations, Vision) – … Continue reading 2018-03-21 5G likely to use lower, more penetrating, dangerous frequencies

2018-03-19 Ottawa announced hundreds of millions $$ for 5G development, $0 for health

[4G LTE – 5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – Alphabet Inc. Waymo – Analogs – AT&T – AVs Autonomous Vehicles – BCE – BC Hydro Tariff – Bob Nichols – Buckingham Research Group – Cancer – Carol Bellringer – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Consumer Watchdog – CSA – … Continue reading 2018-03-19 Ottawa announced hundreds of millions $$ for 5G development, $0 for health

2018- 03 -10 Is 5G a scam to gain complete deregulation?

[4G LTE – 5G Microcells / Small Cells Antenna Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – Ajit Pai – ALEC American Legislative Exchange Council – AT&T – Bait-and-Switch Scandals – Brendan Carr – BDAC Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee – Christopher Mitchell – Communacopia Conference – Costs – Cross-Subsidize – Crown Castle – Darrell Steinberg – Deb Socia … Continue reading 2018- 03 -10 Is 5G a scam to gain complete deregulation?