[4G LTE – 5G Microcells / Small Cells Antenna Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – Ajit Pai – ALEC American Legislative Exchange Council – AT&T – Bait-and-Switch Scandals – Brendan Carr – BDAC Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee – Christopher Mitchell – Communacopia Conference – Costs – Cross-Subsidize – Crown Castle – Darrell Steinberg – Deb Socia – Deregulation – Digital Divide – Elimination of Copper Wire Landlines – EWG Cell Phone Survey – FCC Wireless Infrastructure Streamlining Order WT Docket No. 17- 79 – Fibre Optics – Institute for Local Self-Reliance – IoT – Kushnick’s Law – Local Control – Maria MacGunigal – Mignon Clyburn – Net Neutrality – Next Century Cities – NHPA National Historic Preservation Act – Privacy – Ray Baum Act – Rebecca Hunter – Sam Liccardo – Shireen Santosham – Telus – Verizon FiOS – Vision Zero Data – Wireless Devices – Wireline Fiber | BC – Sacramento & San José, California & Boston, Massachusetts, USA]
1) Another group, dedicated to informing people about the environmental issues of the day, is addressing cell phones. I hope you will consider taking their survey.

(click on photos to enlarge)
2) Is 5G a complete scam? From this article, it sounds like what Telus did to me. Promised fibre optic cable to my home, connected via wires in my home, but then deceived me with hidden wireless modems. The people of Boston were not told about this bait-and-switch and neither are the people of BC. And while they were at it, they stole my landline.
But worse, it’s a scam to remove regulations. The telecoms will be putting cell transmitters outside our homes instead of having cell towers. No matter if they have current frequencies or new ones, they will be exposing everyone to high levels of microwave radiation.

“5G” Wireless Is the New Fiber Optic, Bait-and-Switch Scandal
“Lowell McAdam, speaking at the Goldman, Sachs 26th Communacopia Conference on September 13th, 2017 stated it will be substituting wireless to the home (commonly called “the last mile”). And they are doing this throughout the East Coast.
“Well, I think that’s where 5G and over-the-top come in because even in the markets where we have our FiOS footprint from Washington to Boston, the preferred method, the preferred architecture for us is going to be that last mile being 5G.”
As we pointed out, the City of Boston residential customers were NOT told about this bait-and-switch — the agreement is for fiber optics to the home…
And just to show you how crazy this is, we again face a situation where a new technology is being touted as superior to upgrading the networks to fiber optics, even though 5G doesn’t exist yet as advertised, may never fulfill its projected destiny and requires fiber optics. But now, the FCC is giving companies the ability to dismantle the state utilities and hand them over to an affiliate company — wireless. And there are no commitments of any sort that once they get deregulated they will do what they say.”
3) And in the USA, the deregulation is happening. This is a way for telecoms to avoid any regulations or controls at the local level, even though they already avoid most. Has anyone seen any discussion of this in Ottawa? I think the telecoms have been given a free hand already, without any debate.

5G Preemption Is Coming
“The Federal Communications Commission will vote on an order at its March 22 meeting eliminating the need for federally mandated historic preservation and environmental reviews when deploying small cells, meaning states and localities without such rules will be out of luck.
By removing the National Historic Preservation Act and National Environmental Policy Act from the equation, the FCC would pave the way for streamlined installation of 5G networks — once the technology is realized.
But proponents of local self-reliance see it as phase one in transferring the management of public rights of way and the leasing of access from counties and cities over to the wireless industry. Phase two would be the FCC’s adoption of the industry-leaning Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee’s recommendations that local governments be allowed only 30 days to make permitting decisions and leases over and above the cost of the permitting process be limited.”

Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.”
~ Aldous Huxley