1) A Summary of the “Site C Summit – Accountability and Action” by an independent journalist who attended. Many committed and knowledgeable people share opinions and information regarding this expensive, unnecessary and unapproved project that will do damage for generations to come if it is not stopped.
(click on photos to enlarge)
Site C Dam – still on life support as opposition continues
“Resistance to Site C is multi-faceted
What I found was a powerful momentum and a sustained and growing resolve to halt this ill-founded project and replace it with something better.
These sentiments were amplified when the 400 or so participants watched a video of the December 11 press conference announcing the decision; the distress and anger it stirred up in the room was palpable, and audible. It was clear that green-lighting this third dam on the Peace River – a dam planned in the 1950’s when scientific understanding of such projects was still limited and superficial – stirred up a huge wave of skepticism and anger in the audience.
Torn to ribbons first – after the video ended – were the economic arguments with which Premier Horgan attempted to buttress his decision to let the megaproject to go ahead – arguments already under fire long before December 11.”
2) The segment of the Dr. Oz program I included in last night’s update was a snippet (promo). Here are 2 segments from his Feb. 9 program with close to 10 minutes about cell towers and 5G. Unfortunately, the radiologist who spoke on the health effects was not well-informed on, or perhaps was unwilling to speak about, health effects of microwave radiation (don’t let the title in the link fool you).
http://www.doctoroz.com/episode/oz-investigates-what-you-need-know-about-your-favorite-meat-hamburger?video_id=5729338016001 (03:43 minutes)

http://www.doctoroz.com/episode/oz-investigates-what-you-need-know-about-your-favorite-meat-hamburger?video_id=5729975165001 (04:57 minutes)
3) There are so many “bent scientists” around who forego their ethics for profit. Some of them, like Dr. Peter Valberg, who has a PhD in physics and who, somehow, can sell his services as an expert in such diverse areas as tobacco and microwave radiation. He works for Gradient, which is a “product defense” company like Exponent, the company that convinced BCUC that a person was exposed to more radiation from sleeping with someone than from sleeping near a smeter.
“Whose Research Is It Anyway? Meet One Scientist Who Gets Paid To Defend Both Tobacco and Wireless Products”
or https://tinyurl.com/ycbka6az
[Peter Valberg, Gradient – Tobacco Science Trifold]
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Knowledge is Power.”
~ Sir Francis Bacon, 1597