2017-02-18 Illegal in Germany for companies to breach privacy with hidden devices

[Airlines Cargo – Anthony Miller – BC Hydro – BCUC – BioInitiative Report – Cell Phones – Dariusz Leszczynski – Doctor – EMFs – EMR Health Conference – Esra Neufeld – Federal Network Agency – High Voltage Power Lines – ICEMS – ICES – IEEE – Itron – Jerry Flynn – Liability Lawsuits – Linda … Continue reading 2017-02-18 Illegal in Germany for companies to breach privacy with hidden devices

2017-02-16 BC Hydro still installing “disabled” smeters that are sending RF signals

(audio 22:34) Are Radar Guns Mowing Down Pro Athletes? Sharon Noble – February 16, 2017 by Talk Digital Network – YouTube – February 16, 2017: – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5I23H99n74k&feature=youtu.be (Radar gun radiation same as school WIFI Produced by http://www.HoweStreet.com) ================================================== [Baseball & Tennis Athletes – BC Hydro – BCUC – Brain Tumors – Cancer – Children – … Continue reading 2017-02-16 BC Hydro still installing “disabled” smeters that are sending RF signals

2017-01-24 Push at the International Criminal Court to declare those causing harm guilty of Health Crimes

[Analog – ARTAC Association pour la Recherche Thérapeutique Anti-Cancéreuse – ASD Autism Spectrum Disorder – BC  Hydro – BCUC – Bertella-Geffroy – Bill Bennett – Children – Doctor – Dominique Belpomme – EHS – ES – FMH Swiss Medical Association – Health Crimes – ICC – International Criminal Court – John Horgan – Lithium Batteries … Continue reading 2017-01-24 Push at the International Criminal Court to declare those causing harm guilty of Health Crimes

2017-01-15 Is the Health dept. of BC deliberately ignoring the science re. microwave radiation?

[AEP/PSO – BCCDC BC Centre for Disease Control – BC Health Minister – BC Hydro – Cars – Conflict of Interest – Connie – Doctor – EHS – FCC – Health – Itron – Joe Esposito, The Meter Man – Medical Implant – MLAs – NTP National Toxicology Program – Perry Kendall – RF – Safety … Continue reading 2017-01-15 Is the Health dept. of BC deliberately ignoring the science re. microwave radiation?