2017-01-01 – Why is the Cancer Agency’s website misinforming the public about cell phones, etc? 2017-01-02 – Microcells – time to raise issue with all levels of government 2017-01-03 – Information about “the hum” that many people hear and dread. 2017-01-04 – Another failed smeter. 2017-01-05 – What is going on in airplanes? 2017-01-06 – … Continue reading NEWSLETTERS 2017-01 JAN

2016-12-16 BC Hydro has a winter disconnect policy!!

1)      FortisBC is being as heartless and reckless as BC Hydro, cutting power as retaliation for people refusing to allow FortisBC to put a fire hazard on their home. Please comment while the comments are open – people need to know what the many problems are. 2)      Saskatchewan government recalled the smeters after only … Continue reading 2016-12-16 BC Hydro has a winter disconnect policy!!

2016-12-14 Another agency that can’t help us — Consumer Protection Agency

1)    A slightly different version of a beautiful YouTube by one of our members that I had in an update last week.  This is a lovely way to educate people about the dangers of RF.  Please share widely. 2)    Some of our members took readings of microcells that Telus has installed as a result … Continue reading 2016-12-14 Another agency that can’t help us — Consumer Protection Agency

2016-12-08 Charges of conflicts of interests, cover-ups in major regulatory groups

Clarification: I have received a lot of emails about the “legacy digital meter” that was installed on Salt Spring, with people asking if I meant “analog” or really a smeter with the transmitter turned off. This is indeed a “legacy digital” meter and is not a smart meter. The model number is C1S (you can … Continue reading 2016-12-08 Charges of conflicts of interests, cover-ups in major regulatory groups

2016-12-04 Time to hold Bennett and Clark accountable and demand change to Clean Energy Act.

1)    There is now enough evidence of all kinds to refute the justification that Bill Bennett and the Liberals gave for the Clean Energy Act’s forcing everyone in BC to have a smeter. I suggest we confront Bill Bennett on the many things we’ve learned that shows that all the reasons, all the promises, etc. … Continue reading 2016-12-04 Time to hold Bennett and Clark accountable and demand change to Clean Energy Act.


2016-12-01 – Hacking and cyberattacks on the increase 2016-12-02 – US Navy report on electromagnetic warfare – 600% increase in low level flights 2016-12-03 – PG&E in California allows customers to keep analog meters permanently. 2016-12-04 – Time to hold Bennett and Clark accountable and demand change to Clean Energy Act. 2016-12-05 – How to … Continue reading NEWSLETTERS 2016-12 DEC


Here are some suggestions and websites that we have gathered to help you go off the grid and be independent from electrical utilities. Scroll down & click on links for information. If you have any suggestions / experiences that you’d like to share re going off the grid, please email: = = = BC … Continue reading How to “GO OFF THE GRID”