Water $$meters have been installed already in many communities. For some reason water does not fall under the BCUC, and rather is controlled by local agencies. If water meters are in or near homes, the level of RF emissions is a major concern. http://smartmeterharm.org/2014/10/17/smart-water-meters-emit-6200-43000-rf-pulses-per-day/ Remote disconnect switches has left hundreds/thousands of people in Detroit … Continue reading 2014-10-22 Dangers of water $meters →
Published on May 11, 2013 Cindy Sage, environmental consultant and editor of the groundbreaking international study ‘The BioInitiative Report‘ on the health effects of electromagnetic radiation exposure, shares the results of her research and how it relates to wireless ‘smart’ meters with the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power. First of two parts. For … Continue reading Cindy Sage & LA Dept. of Water and Power – ‘Smart’ Meters →
1) From Barb Payne in Toronto — it was time sensitive. Sorry, I didn’t get it until today. Never too late to make comments about a “safer internet” because I see nothing about health. “20th annual international Safer Internet Day (especially re kids). Right now it’s trending with twitter hashtag #SaferInternetDay (I’m sure that’s on … Continue reading 2023-02-07 Anxiety due to smeters →
1) From someone in the USA who has been fighting for people to be able to refuse smeters. I thought of particular interest his testimony that analogs are readily available. I don’t know what is involved in “refurbishing” them but they have lasted for decades without any care or maintenance so I would expect refurbishing … Continue reading 2023-01-27 Analog meters are available in the USA →
1) Experts have been begging, demanding that WHO and IARC review the current scientific evidence that clearly shows the causal relationship between exposure to EMF/RF and cancer. Now they are participating in a project funded by telecoms. Why new assessment of 5G when there have been studies for years on 2G, 3G and 4G? Regardless … Continue reading 2023-01-09 Smart meters do catch fire →
1) Environmental Health Trust has a new webpage devoted to smeters. A lot of the information is not new, but I do not recall seeing this SEC form by ITRON before which is quite interesting. SMARTMETERS HEALTH AND SAFETY FAQS “Even Itron, a manufacturer of Smart Meters warns shareholders that, “We may face adverse publicity, consumer … Continue reading 2022-03-21 ITRON’s SEC form re. smeters →
1) Sudbury Hydro is giving the same lame reasoning re. “smart water meters” as FortisBC is giving to BCUC re. gas smeters. First BC Hydro and FortisBC were allowed to put electric smeters on our homes, without our input, over our objections. Now it’s FortisBC trying to get approval to do the same thing with … Continue reading 2022-03-18 – Smeters are hard to justify financially →
1) It is vital that CEPA be amended to reflect the environmental harm done by EMF. Several environmental law firms are involved in this process, EcoJustice being one of them. EcoJustice has played significant roles in many legal cases regarding the environment. Working to bring CEPA into the 21st century “The Canadian Environmental Protection Act, … Continue reading 2022-02-12 Effects of Underwater IoT on marine life →
1) In the EU, half of the homes and businesses have been smetered and the rest are being targeted. But, even though these smeters have not been in place all that long, the existing ones are being replaced with 2nd generation smeters. As many of us told the government and BCUC — this is a … Continue reading 2021-11-03 2nd generation smeters in EU →
1) An electronics article under the heading of “sensors” reports that smeters are being developed to work with the 5G grid, just as we had been expecting. We must find out what BC Hydro and FortisBC are planning with regard to this. These smeters will be enhanced to better able communicate with everything “smart” in … Continue reading 2020-01-31 Next generation smeters for 5G →