Category Archives: CINDY SAGE

Microwave Oven Radiation Test

We all know that Microwave ovens cook food by beaming high levels of microwave radiation (MWR) into an enclosed space in which food is placed.  This MWR heats up the water molecules and “bingo” the food gets cooked.  There are some major concerns about the changes in the food that may have impacts on our health but that is covered elsewhere.

My objective here was to measure the actual MWR created by the MW Oven in my house.

I know that there is MWR leakage so when I use the oven I immediately move away to about 10 feet or more to decrease my exposure.

I measured and recorded the levels of MWR (a band of Radio Frequency Radiation (RFR) using a GigaHertz HF59B and NFA1000.

The results are:

  • Oven off – 20-30 µW/m² (background, cell towers)
  • MWR at 9 feet – 400-1,000 µW/m²
  • MWR at 4 feet – 6000-12,000 µW/m²
  • MWR at 2 feet – 10,000-20,000 µW/m²

How does this relate to standards of RFR/MWR/EMF exposure?

Federal safety limits (6 GHz) - set by Industry
 - based on thermal heating of flesh for 6 min.
 - no consideration on impact of body chemistry
ICNIRP- 10,000,000 µW/m²
CHINA - 100,000 µW/m²
CANADA- 10,000,000 µW/m² - (Safety Code 6 - 2015) 

Limits recommended by Independent Researchers
Building Biology Precautionary (SBM-2015)
- severe Concern =  10-1,000 µW/m²
- Extreme Concern =  Over 1,000 µW/m²

Bio-Initiative Report 2012
- Precautionary level = 6 µW/m²

If you believe the standards set by industry then you can stand in front of your microwave oven when it is on for ever.
However if you believe that independent researchers may be closer to the truth then I suggest that you stand as far away from an operating MW oven as possible.  And certainly do not peer through its window to see how the food is being cooked.


Please read the

BioInitiative Report 2012


RF Color Charts

The RF Color Charts summarize many studies that report biological effects and adverse health effects relevant for cell towers, WI-FI, ‘smart’ wireless utility meters, wireless laptops, baby monitors, cell phones and cordless phones.

Biological Effects From RF Radiation and Implications for Smart Meters June 5 2013

Physicist, Ronald M. Powell (Ph.D., Harvard University, 1975) explains, in lay terms, the implications of the BioInitiative 2012 Report for Smart Meters and Smart Appliances.

He compares the low RF power density levels at which biological effects were reported in the RF Color Charts in the Report to the calculated RF power density levels that Smart Meters and Smart Appliances can produce.

Link to article on



Cindy Sage & LA Dept. of Water and Power – ‘Smart’ Meters

Published on May 11, 2013

Cindy Sage, environmental consultant and editor of the groundbreaking international study ‘The BioInitiative Report‘ on the health effects of electromagnetic radiation exposure, shares the results of her research and how it relates to wireless ‘smart’ meters with the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power. First of two parts.

For more information:

Part 1

Part 2