2018-04-24 Utility companies planning on use of detailed data gathered by smeters

[AEE Advanced Energy Economy – Analog – Animals – BC Hydro (Tanya Fish) Net Metering – California PUC – Cancer – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Data Exchange Infrastructure – DERs Distributed Energy Resources – Digital Meters – Dirty Electricity – Doctor Gro Harlem Brundtland – EcoSmart (Michel de Spot) – EHS – ElectroSmog … Continue reading 2018-04-24 Utility companies planning on use of detailed data gathered by smeters

2018-04-23 BC Hydro applying to BCUC to reduce net metering benefits

[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – Accuracy – Alexander Binik – Analog – Andrew Jakubeit – BBB – BC Hydro Application to Amend Net Metering Program (Solar, Wind) – BCUC – Bills – Bob Ferguson – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Coalition Against Smart Meters & 5G, Inc. – Consumer … Continue reading 2018-04-23 BC Hydro applying to BCUC to reduce net metering benefits

47 Smart Meter Fires – BC Government Still Silent. Sharon Noble – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard – April 17, 2018

(audio 30:10) 47 Smart Meter Fires – BC Government Still Silent. Sharon Noble – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard – April 17, 2018 by talkdigitalnetwork – YouTube – April 17, 2018: https://youtu.be/REEmWy_Nxh8 (Report finds 47 fires caused by Smart Meters, no government reaction) Guest’s website: https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/ Produced by https://www.howestreet.com/) & (podcast 29:59) April 17, … Continue reading 47 Smart Meter Fires – BC Government Still Silent. Sharon Noble – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard – April 17, 2018

2018-04-15 BC Hydro wants to build substation under/near a school in Vancouver!

[4G LTE – 5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – Agoria – Alexander De Croo – BC Hydro (Chris O’Riley) Substation – Bill Maher – BMI Research – Children – Doctor Martin L. Pall – Emery Park – EMFs – European Commission – Health Risks – Industry Misinformation – Nelson Park (Lord … Continue reading 2018-04-15 BC Hydro wants to build substation under/near a school in Vancouver!

2018-04-14 Children suffering psychologically due to wireless gadgets

[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – ACTPA Australian Capital Territory Principals Association (Liz Bobos) – Addiction (Dopamine) – Anmore Petition to Adrian Dix, John Horgan, John McEvan, Michelle Mungall, Rick Glumac re Above Ground Transmission Power Lines – Anxiety – Australian Centre for Education in Sleep (Sarah Blunden) – BC Hydro Misinformation … Continue reading 2018-04-14 Children suffering psychologically due to wireless gadgets

2018-04-09 Inside info about the peer review of the NTP report.

[5G Millimeter Waves Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Siting Legislation – American Cancer Society – AT&T – Bay City Broadband Partners – Bent Scientists – Big Wireless – Cancer – Cardiomyopathy – CDMA & GSM Signals – Cell Phones – Clear Evidence of Carcinogenicity – Columbia Telecommunications Corporation – Comcast – Corporate Propaganda – David Eaton … Continue reading 2018-04-09 Inside info about the peer review of the NTP report.

2018-04-08 Erin Brockovich interested in multiple glioblastomas in Florida

[5G – Accuracy – AEP American Electric Power – Appalachian Power – Barry Hobbins – Big Telecom & Wireless Corruption & Deception – Bills Complaints (Cold Weather & Tariff Increase) – Brain Cancer Cluster (GBM Glioblastomas) – Cell Towers – CMP Central Maine Power Co. (Doug Herling) – David Littell – Efficiency Maine (Michael Stoddard) – … Continue reading 2018-04-08 Erin Brockovich interested in multiple glioblastomas in Florida