2018-05-15 Research shows Wi-Fi / EMF increases MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivities)

[4G – 5G mmW – Alasdair Philips – American Cancer Society – Anne Steinemann – Automotive Radar – BC Ferries (No Wi-Fi Free Zones) – Bent Scientists – Brain Tumours (Acoustic Neuromas, GBM Glioblastoma Multiforme) – Brillouin & Sommerfeld Precursors – Cancer – Cataracts – Cell Phones – Children – ComSenTer – DARPA – Depth … Continue reading 2018-05-15 Research shows Wi-Fi / EMF increases MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivities)

2018-05-13 RF signals affect medical implants, potentially causing great harm or death.

[5G – ACLU (Shankar Narayan) – Acoustic Neuroma Brain Tumour Lawsuits (Neil Whitfield v Nokia & Roberto Romeo v INAIL) – BC Ferries – Cancer Research – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Children – City of Yakima Utility Services (James Dean) – Colin Purnell – Data Disaggregation – DBS Medical Implants – DE – … Continue reading 2018-05-13 RF signals affect medical implants, potentially causing great harm or death.

2018-05-10 Internet of Things is failing 75% of the time

[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – 1996 Telecommunications Act Section 704 – Addiction – Allan Frey – Alzheimer’s – Asha-Labs (Seyi Fabode) – Austrian Medical Association – Benefits – Big Wireless – Bills – Blake Levitt – Cancer – Cell Towers – Children – Christopher Ketcham – Cisco (Bryan Tantzen) – … Continue reading 2018-05-10 Internet of Things is failing 75% of the time

2018-05-08 Are Health Canada and ISED in violation of the Nuremberg Code?

[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Siting – Big Wireless – Cancer – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Children – Choice – CTIA – Doctor Leif Salford – EHC Environmental Health Criteria for the RF-EMF (WHO EMF Project) – EHS / ES Microwave Radiation Disabling Injury – Emilie van Deventer – EMR – Evelyne … Continue reading 2018-05-08 Are Health Canada and ISED in violation of the Nuremberg Code?

2018-05-07 Evidence that no agency in BC has been looking at scientific evidence that RF is harmful

[4G – 5G Microcells / Small Cells – Batteries – Big Telecom – Bill Watt – Bonnie Henry – Botnets – California Building Industry Association (Bob Raymer) – California Energy Commission (Andrew McAllister) – California Solar and Storage Association (Kelly Knutsen) – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – CRTC – Data – Dr. Oz – … Continue reading 2018-05-07 Evidence that no agency in BC has been looking at scientific evidence that RF is harmful

2018-05-03 Rate of Malignant brain tumors (glioblastomas) doubles in UK

[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – 1996 Telecommunications Act – Atomic Bomb Tests – B.A. Geary – BC Hydro Opt-out Fees – Big Wireless – Brain Cancer (GBM Glioblastoma Multiforme) – Cancer Research UK – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Children with Cancer UK (Alasdair Maclean Philips, Cliff O’Gorman) – … Continue reading 2018-05-03 Rate of Malignant brain tumors (glioblastomas) doubles in UK

Newsletters 2018-05 MAY

2018-05-01 – Is radar the cause of the cancer cluster (ocular melanomas)? 2018-05-02 – Doctors in Europe ask for Precautionary Principle re. 5G –> moratorium 2018-05-03 – Rate of Malignant brain tumors (glioblastomas) doubles in UK 2018-05-04 – BC Ferries putting Wi-Fi transmitters on private land. 2018-05-05 – Cellphone-related nerve pain 2018-05-06 – Samsung’s dangerous … Continue reading Newsletters 2018-05 MAY

2018-04-30 Time for Prov. Health Officer to recognize the Precautionary Principle — it’s her duty.

[A Cure in Sight – Auburn Ocular Melanoma Page Community Facebook – BC Public Health Act – BCCDC – Bias – Brain Cancer – Canadian Environmental Protection Act – Children – CMS Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools – Dave Stetzer – DE Dirty Electricity VFDs – Doctor Michael Brennan – ElectriCities – EMFs – Environment – Highway 73 & Hopewell High … Continue reading 2018-04-30 Time for Prov. Health Officer to recognize the Precautionary Principle — it’s her duty.

2018-04-28 Wireless charging is now a reality.

[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – 1996 Telecommunications Act – A.C. Dode (Brazil Study) – Apple (AirPower, PowerByProxi, Proxi-Com, Qi) – Barrie Trower (MI5) Interview by Richie Allen – Batteries – Big Wireless – Brain Cancer Cluster (GBM Glioblastomas) – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Corporatocracy – DNA – Doctor Richard … Continue reading 2018-04-28 Wireless charging is now a reality.

2018-04-27 Time sensitive: April 30 proposal by Green Party to implement Precautionary Principle. Need members to support.

[5G – AI – ALAN Artificial Light At Night (Breast & Prostate Cancer) – Alejandro Sánchez de Miguel – AMA – Austrian Medical Association Guideline for Diagnosis & Treatment of EHS / ES – BBB – Blue Light (Melatonin) – Cell Phones – Children – Doctor Celia Sánchez-Ramos – Dr. Oz – ElectroSmog – EMFs – … Continue reading 2018-04-27 Time sensitive: April 30 proposal by Green Party to implement Precautionary Principle. Need members to support.