[2G – 3G – 5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – Albert Gjedde – Allan Frey – ASDS – ATP Synthase – Autism Sequencing Consortium – BBB – Behaviour – Big Tobacco – Big Wireless – Cancer – CDC – Cell Phones – Charlotte Bech – Children – Christopher Portier – Corporate Propaganda – Coulomb’s Inverse-square Law (Distance) – CTIA – Danish EHS Association (Christina Mellgren, Henrik Eiriksson, Karin Nørgaard, Pernille Schriver) – Danish Parliament Committee for Health & Elder Care (re National Board of Health) – David McCormick – DNA – Doctor Joseph M. Mercola – EMR Webinar with Nicole Bijlsma, Building Biologist by HAP Health Australia Party – Evan Eichler – FCC – George Carlo – Ghislaine Bouvier – IARC (Véronique Terrasse) – Industry Disinformation & Lies – Infertility – Interphone 2011 – I.S. Moon – Lennart Hardell – Louis Slesin – Mark Daly – Mark Hertsgaard – Mark Dowie – Martin L. Pall – Microwave Illness – M.J. Schoemaker – National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey re Mental Health Disorders – NIMH (Thomas, R. Insel) – NTP Whitewashed – Olle Johannson – Paul Héroux – Probable Human Carcinogen – Ramazzini Institute (Fiorella Belpoggi) – Reduce EMFs – RFR (CDMA, GSM) – Right-to-Know Warning Labels – Ronald L. Melnick – Safety – SAR – SB 649 (Jerry Brown) – Scientist Appeal for 5G Moratorium – – Simon Angeli, University of Miami Ear Institute – S. Lönn – Sperm – Sprague-Dawley Rats – Studies – Thomas Lehner – Tumours (Brain GBMs, Ear Acoustic Neuromas or Vestibular Schwannomas, Glial Cell Hyperplasias, Heart Schwannomas) – VGCCs – V.S. Benson – WhyAutismHappens Website – Wi-Fi in Schools – Wireless Devices | BC – Canada – Australia – Copenhagen, Denmark – France – Italy – Japan – Scandinavia – Sweden – UK – California & West Palm Beach, Florida & Louisiana & New Mexico & Oklahoma & South Carolina & Tennessee, USA] & (videos) & Webinar & Website
1) Relationship between father carrying cellphone in front pocket and autism. Having an autistic child is not only difficult for the family emotionally, it costs as much as $60,000 a year for special ed, medical treatment, etc. Imagine if fathers who have autistic children sue the cell phone companies for not being warned that this is possible. Is having a hidden statement about not having the cellphone within a centimeter or so from the body enough? It’s time to demand a label on cell phones warning users of the health risks.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Why Autism Happens
“There are a number of autism causes: pollution, drugs, genetic constraints, and occasionally immunizations. But new research shows fathers are passing 80% of mutations leading to autism. An environmental toxin affecting men’s reproductive DNA was introduced circa 1995, causing autism to spike in children.
The Silent Autism Carriers
Fathers are four times more likely than mothers to transmit DNA glitches leading to autism in offspring (U.S. Department of Health).
Fathers are passing 80% of mutations leading to autism. (Sanders et al 2012). Fathers contribute DNA to make a baby before an immunization is ever given to the baby.”
2) Attached [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Hearing-at-the-Danish-Parliament-on-wireless-radiation-puts-pressure-on-the-National-Board-of-Health-Christiansborg-Copenhagen-April-12-2018.pdf] is a press release regarding a Parliamentary Hearing in Denmark regarding health risks from wireless (microwave) radiation. Several leading international researchers will speak.

Politicians on the Danish Parliament Committee for Health and Elder care will investigate the health risks from mobile radiation and wireless networks with a public hearing on April 12 at the Parliament building, Christiansborg in Copenhagen. The consultation has been in preparation for a while and several leading international researchers in the field will speak. The National Board of Health will, however, not participate.
Invited experts are:
Prof. Olle Johannson, Neuroscientist, Sweden
Prof. Lennart Hardell, Oncologist, Sweden
Prof. Albert Gjedde, Neurobiologist, Denmark
Dr. Charlotte Bech, Medical Doctor, Denmark
Dr. Ghislaine Bouvier, adj. Professor, France
3) Dr. Mercola continues to share info about the dangers of cell phones and wireless radiation based on the recent NTP and Ramazzini studies.
Cellphones Strongly Linked to Cancer — New Study Reproduces Government Findings
“I believe it would be a serious mistake to consider cellphones safe simply because we’re not seeing a dramatic uptick in brain (and/or heart) tumors. Remember, cellphone radiation has already been acknowledged to be a carcinogen, and most all carcinogens, like cigarette smoking, take decades to increase cancer risk. Cellphones are indeed the cigarettes of the 21st century and we won’t see the epidemic of cancer for another decade or two.”
[(video 1:12:04) Ramazzini Institute Study on Base Station Radiofrequency Radiation: Teleconference March 22, 2018 by Environmental Health Trust – YouTube – March 25, 2018: – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqYczFa_KZM]
4) Doctors are seeing more acoustic neuromas, tumors of the ears. No mention of cell phone use in this article, but the NTP study showed a direct relationship.
Doctors See Increase of Ear Tumor Cases
“Hearing loss can be caused by a number of things, but don’t assume it just comes with old age.
Doctors say they’re seeing more and more cases of ear tumors called acoustic neuroma.”
Here is a description of how such a tumor affected the life of a Commissioner in Florida.

West Palm commissioner Materio home, ‘really tired’ after brain surgery (and after a 7.5 hour surgery)
Some acoustic neuromas grow despite the radiation, though, and some turn from benign to malignant because of it, Angeli said. Or the radiation can make the tumor so sticky that when surgery does become necessary it can be difficult to separate it from the facial nerve, he said.
5) In Australia, a political party is holding a webinar about RF to raise funds for an upcoming election.

Webinar: Electromagnetic radiation: Is it damaging your health?
The Health Australia Party has announced that it will be holding an online webinar featuring building biologist, author and principal of the Australian College of Environmental Studies, Nicole Bijlsma.
The webinar is one segment of a 10-part Health and Lifestyle series commencing 16th April. The purpose of the event is to help raise funds to support its coming election campaigns, and also to help educate and promote a healthier lifestyle for its members and the wider community.
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
The opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice — it is conformity.
~ Rollo May