2018-04-07 A new generation of ITRON smeters that can gather more data

[5G Microcells / Small Cells Milliwave Phased Array Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – Active Denial Military EMR Weapon – Addiction – AEP – AMI Networks – Animals & Wildlife – Appeals – Bacteria & Viruses (More Potent from Microwave Radiation) – Barrie Trower Interview – BC Hydro – BBB – Bent Scientists – Big Oil … Continue reading 2018-04-07 A new generation of ITRON smeters that can gather more data

2018-04-06 Excellent media coverage of cell phones, cancer and how industry hides the truth

[5G – Addiction (Dopamine) – American Cancer Society – Amy Goodman Interviews with Mark Hertsgaard – APA – Bent Scientists – Big Oil & Big Tobacco – Brain Cancer – Brian Ross, ABC News – Category 1 – Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age by Doctor George Carlo & Martin Schram – Children – … Continue reading 2018-04-06 Excellent media coverage of cell phones, cancer and how industry hides the truth

2018-04-05 Number of cases of glioblastomas in Florida town triples from earlier figure.

[2G – 5G From Blankets to Bullets by Arthur Firstenberg – André Fauteux – Andrew Weaver – Andrew Wilkinson – Andy Shadrack – ANFR (Gilles Brégant) – Bills – Blake Levitt – Brain Tumour (Tyra Liko) – Cancer Society – Cell Phone Recalls (Orange Hapi 30 by Mobiwire) – Cell Towers Zoning – Corey Sinclair – … Continue reading 2018-04-05 Number of cases of glioblastomas in Florida town triples from earlier figure.

2018-04-04 A power surge in Slocan Valley resulted in damages and FortisBC denies responsibility.

[2G – 3G – 4G – 5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting – 1984 by George Orwell – Aecon & CCCC (China Communications Construction Co. Ltd.) – Analogs – Arthur Firstenberg Interviews re The Invisible Rainbow – BioInitiative Reports – Breaching the Peace by Sarah Cox – Cell Phones – Chad Blystone – … Continue reading 2018-04-04 A power surge in Slocan Valley resulted in damages and FortisBC denies responsibility.

2018-04-03 Environmental reporter traces history of Site C as a disaster in so many respects that is supported by politicians, both Liberal and NDP.

[4G – 5G Microcells / Small Cells versus FTTP Costs – Agnès Buzyn – Andy Shadrack Electricity Cost Change – ANSES (French Agency for Food, Environmental & Occupational Health & Safety) – AT&T – BC Hydro Smart Metering Program – Brad Bennett – Breaching the Peace by Sarah Cox – Cancer – Cell Phones (CDMA, GSM) … Continue reading 2018-04-03 Environmental reporter traces history of Site C as a disaster in so many respects that is supported by politicians, both Liberal and NDP.

2018-04-01 France says smeter cannot gather minute by minute data, that it is not needed for billing, without obtaining consent

[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting – Accuracy – AMCS – Andy Shadrack – Ariane Mole – Batteries – BC Hydro – BCSEA – Bills – Camp Century Science Center (Chemicals, Project Iceworm) – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – CNIL – Costs – CRTC Complaints re Elimination of Copper Wire Landlines – … Continue reading 2018-04-01 France says smeter cannot gather minute by minute data, that it is not needed for billing, without obtaining consent

Newsletters 2018-04 Apr

2018-04-01 – France says smeter cannot gather minute by minute data, that it is not needed for billing, without obtaining consent 2018-04-02 – Multiple glioblastomas in a small area, unexplained 2018-04-03 – Environmental reporter traces history of Site C as a disaster in so many respects that is supported by politicians, both Liberal and NDP. … Continue reading Newsletters 2018-04 Apr

2018-03-29 How industry uses disinformation to sell their products. A great read.

[4G – 5G Microcells / Small Cells Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – AAP – Addiction (Dopamine) – Adrian Dix – Analog – Annie Sasco – Apple – AT&T – Autism Canada (ASD, Boys, Laurie Mawlam) – BBB – BC Hydro – Bent Scientists – Brain Tumours (Acoustic Neuromas, Gliomas, Meningiomas) – Brave New World – Brian … Continue reading 2018-03-29 How industry uses disinformation to sell their products. A great read.

2018-03-27 “smart” phones, smeters, wireless devices are heating the planet

[5G Microcells / Small Cells Public Right-of-way (PROW) Siting Legislation – Addiction – ANSI – AT&T – ASD Autism – BBB – BC Hydro – BCUC – Brain Tumours – Cancer – Catherine J. Frompovich – Cell Phones Recycling – Cell Towers – Children – Clean Energy Act – Climate Change / Global Warming – … Continue reading 2018-03-27 “smart” phones, smeters, wireless devices are heating the planet