2023-04-18 TIME SENSITIVE: Reply Comments to the FCC – Sign-ons Due April 19th at 3 PM EST

1) URGENT: Please see time-sensitive info below in Letters. Hopefully, you will consider signing on. 2) This article expands on the third report by Hardell and Nilsson I shared in last night’s update about the effects of 5G on healthy people. Industry and ‘health’ authorities don’t seem to care about the potential dangers of this … Continue reading 2023-04-18 TIME SENSITIVE: Reply Comments to the FCC – Sign-ons Due April 19th at 3 PM EST

2023-01-18 7th 5G Appeal to EU

1) Another appeal to the EU, signed by more than 400 scientists and MDs, asking in the strongest way that the exposure limits be reduced dramatically from ICNIRP’s to protect the health of all living things and a moratorium on 5G be established. This is an important document, pleading for precautionary steps before it’s too … Continue reading 2023-01-18 7th 5G Appeal to EU