2017-09-19 Canada medical system not tracking all brain cancers

[2G, 3G, 4G – Austrian Medical Association EMF Guideline – Benjamin Sovacool – Brain Tumour Registry & Tracking – Cancer Society – Children – Doctor Perry Kendall – Ed Miliband – EMR Military Weapons – EOn – Glioblastoma – Health Canada – International Doctors’ Appeal – J. Edgar Murdoch Letter to John Horgan, Ginette Petitpas … Continue reading 2017-09-19 Canada medical system not tracking all brain cancers

2016-04-10 The fallacy and risks of time-of-use billing

1) BCHydro continues to throw good money after bad, due to bad decisions that benefit only corporations. We will have to live and pay for these for a long time, and no one is punished or held accountable. Want to bet that people will vote for these money wasters again next year? http://vancouversun.com/news/politics/b-c-hydro-spent-17-5-million-to-not-buy-power   2) … Continue reading 2016-04-10 The fallacy and risks of time-of-use billing

2016-03-22 Public bodies, including Hydro, misuse FOI to hide info from public.

Another study showing prolonged exposure to microwave radiation at frequencies similar to those used by cell phones results in reduced fertility in female rats as well as reduced melatonin and other natural antioxidants. https://www.academia.edu/23513152/Exposure_to_1800_MHz_GSM-like_radiofrequency_electromagnetic_field_reduces_follicular_development_and_overall_fertility_of_female_rats   Vandalism of any sort can never be justified, but in some places people have taken drastic measures in reaction to … Continue reading 2016-03-22 Public bodies, including Hydro, misuse FOI to hide info from public.

2014-06-14 Quebec has a Smart meter court case!

1)   Large rally in Montreal garnered media attention after Friday’s decision to allow continued of the $meter program. A great rally!! http://globalnews.ca/news/1394087/protests-continue-against-hydro-quebec-smart-meters/ 2)   A $meter court case in Quebec, an injunction to stop installation of multiple meters in a condo. I have asked for more information, but here is the article which can be translated … Continue reading 2014-06-14 Quebec has a Smart meter court case!