2021-08-12 Australians charged for putting surplus solar power into the grid???

1)  Does anyone know if “smart” gas meters have been approved by any Canadian utility company and, if so, if they have been installed?  Please send info to: citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca 2)  Patricia Burke has written a very thoughtful article about harmonizing with nature, not allowing ourselves to be manipulated and sold a bill of goods for … Continue reading 2021-08-12 Australians charged for putting surplus solar power into the grid???

2021-02-28 – Clarification re. California EHS court decision

1) From Dr. Joel Moscowitz, information indicating that the California case re. the court ruling EHS as a disability (see Update Feb. 24 – 1) https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2021-02-24-calif-court-says-ehs-a-disability/) is not as cut and dried as first reported. One recommendation is that an expert witness make determinations re. health effects, etc. As we all know, there are “experts” … Continue reading 2021-02-28 – Clarification re. California EHS court decision

2018-02-15 US Intelligence warns against Chinese company that Telus has invited into our grid.

[3GPP 5G Living Lab Pilot – Adrenal Medulla – AT&T – Athletes – BC Hydro – BCUC Response Letter – Brain Gliomas – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Children – Chris Wray, FBI – Copyright Law – CyberSecurity – Data – DocumentCloud – Driverless Cars – EAEM – EFF Electronic Frontier Foundation – EHS … Continue reading 2018-02-15 US Intelligence warns against Chinese company that Telus has invited into our grid.