1) Does anyone know if “smart” gas meters have been approved by any Canadian utility company and, if so, if they have been installed? Please send info to:
2) Patricia Burke has written a very thoughtful article about harmonizing with nature, not allowing ourselves to be manipulated and sold a bill of goods for convenience, being convinced we “need” something that ultimately will harm us and the very world we live in.
(click on photo to enlarge)

August Harvest Vs. 5G: App On Your Device? Or Seek Knowledge, Ask A Friend, Colleague, Or Respected Resource You Know, Trust, And Love (And Not A Corporation)
“It’s one or the other; wireless devices block the inter-relationship with the cosmos, not only for ourselves, but for others in our environment. Not unlike second-hand smoke, one consumer’s addiction to an environmental pollutant destroys the well-being of others.
The industry practice of conducting data transfers at night should be halted immediately, in recognition of international human rights laws prohibiting sleep deprivation, because it is a form of torture (for example, smart grid transmissions).
Stimulating the nervous system, brain, heart and other organs with artificial frequencies when the body seeks to be in a state of rest is an assault to immunity, endocrine balance, and health. The healthcare costs associated with these instinct-injured practices, which are being covertly introduced into communities without knowledge and consent, have never been considered.”
3) In Australia, people may be charged to send surplus energy created by their solar panels to the utility company. Imagine how many fossil-fuel burning power stations could be replaced by this surplus energy. Better they build a more robust network to accept and hold this power. Imagine if we had subsidies for solar power and could sell surplus to BC Hydro. No more dams ruining the environment like Site C, although we don’t need Site C. The frackers do, though.
Rooftop solar export charging scheme to open in 2025
“Controversial changes allowing energy networks to charge households with rooftop solar panels for sending surplus power back into the energy grid will apply from 2025, following official approval from the national market rule maker on Thursda.
The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) says electricity networks may need to charge customers some of the time they send their solar power into the electricity grid to remove blockages that are created by an influx of power from households into the network when the sun is shining in the middle of the day.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.” Henry David Thoreau
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