1) From Dr. Joel Moscowitz, information indicating that the California case re. the court ruling EHS as a disability (see Update Feb. 24 – 1) https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2021-02-24-calif-court-says-ehs-a-disability/) is not as cut and dried as first reported. One recommendation is that an expert witness make determinations re. health effects, etc. As we all know, there are “experts” and “experts”. There are lots of industry experts whose decisions are pre-ordained.
Please be advised by this email from Dr. Joel Moscowitz, who’s an ally:
“Several lawyers pointed out to me that the news stories I sent out yesterday misinterpreted the Appellate Court ruling. The case is far from over, and nothing’s been proven yet.
As Judge Wiley who concurred on the ruling stated:
“I worry about giving any sort of green light to this unprecedented and unorthodox disability claim. Plaintiff’s counsel was most reluctant at oral argument to admit it, but it seems clear we are the first court in the United States of America—a nation of over 300 million people—to allow a claim that ‘Wi-Fi can make you sick.’ ”
Here is what one lawyer wrote to me about the case:
“I have read this Appellate decision several times and I don’t believe it says what is being reported that it says. I think that people are over-reading the words of the Court.
In reversing the demurrer, the Court said: “Brown adequately pled physical disability within the four corners of the statute.” They specifically say ‘physical disability’ and the Court’s discussion indicates it was immaterial what caused the disability. And nowhere in the decision does it say that the disability was caused by electromagnetic fields or is triggered by electromagnetic fields. So, the conclusion that the Court found that EHS is a disability under the act is a stretch. The court said she adequately showed that she was impaired.”
The superior court must now hear the case and determine the appropriate accommodations that LAUSD needs to adopt to address the plaintiff’s physical disabilities. One of the Appellate jurists recommended that the superior court employ an expert witness to help make these determinations.“
2) A presentation from the EMF Medical Conference is being shared, both a video and a transcript. Dr. Seymour is Medical Director of the Environmental Health Center in Texas where she worked with Dr. Rea diagnosing and treating people suffering from EHS.
Differential Diagnosis of Complex Cases with Elizabeth Seymour MD
“Differential diagnosis was a term used to describe the process of differentiating between two or more conditions which share similar signs and symptoms. With EMF patients, there are a multitude of symptoms and it can be difficult to obtain a true diagnosis, thus making these cases extremely complicated. One must take into account that the nervous system transmits signals between different parts of the body and is essentially the body’s electrical wiring. EMF exposure can affect the electrical signals and transmission of information to the rest of the body.”
https://vimeo.com/513539124/cf4772c980 (35 min.)
3) If every town and village needs to have antennae, and a few stand their ground and refuse, might that delay/cancel the satellite 5G grid?
(click on photos to enlarge)

Non, merci: French village rejects Elon Musk and hi satellite internet antenna
“To realise his dream of satellite-powered internet, tech billionaire Elon Musk needs to install antennas around the world. In northern France, a village hopes he’ll decide to keep those antennas far away.
Saint-Senier-de-Beuvron, population 350, is none too thrilled to have been picked as a ground station for Musk’s Starlink project for broadband from space.”
4) Some of us are working on a project and we would appreciate some help from some BC public school teachers teachers (K-12). Please contact me at: citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca.
From FortisBC in response to questions asked by a member at the public meeting. If you have questions, please send to FortisBC and share responses with: citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca

Hi X
Thanks for your questions.
We are still in the early stages of the project, and will be submitting an application to the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC) this spring. If approved, we’d encourage everyone to take advantage of the benefits of the proposed Sensus SonixIQ meter, such as daily consumption updates, safety benefits and customer service enhancements. Although customers cannot opt out, there is a radio-off option for those who want to have their wireless transmitter disabled. This means a FortisBC employee or representative would continue visiting the property on a monthly basis to obtain the readings and a fee would be applied to cover the cost of service.
To learn more about the advanced gas meters benefits and for up to date project information, visit us at www.fortisbc.com/advancedgasmeters.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.” Eleanor Roosevelt