2014-10-22 Dangers of water $meters

Water $$meters have been installed already in many communities. For some reason water does not fall under the BCUC, and rather is controlled by local agencies. If water meters are in or near homes, the level of RF emissions is a major concern. http://smartmeterharm.org/2014/10/17/smart-water-meters-emit-6200-43000-rf-pulses-per-day/   Remote disconnect switches has left hundreds/thousands of people in Detroit … Continue reading 2014-10-22 Dangers of water $meters

2014-09-27 Poll results: 85% believe $meters pose health risk and 11% don’t trust Hydro

The major lawsuit against cell phone companies in the US is resonating in the UK. Note that this article did not allow comments – it was closed to comments virtually immediately.   http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-11519/Mobile-firms-face-lawsuits.html#ixzz3EPdF9kUY     Non-$meter. cordless phones. The cordless phones available are DECT phones which emit very high levels of RF all day every … Continue reading 2014-09-27 Poll results: 85% believe $meters pose health risk and 11% don’t trust Hydro

2014-08-01 We must get those with Smart Meters informed about fires!!

1)  The BC Liberal Government and BC Hydro are misleading the public about Smart Meter Safety – again The govt’s and Hydro’s PR departments are busy misleading the public about the safety of the Smart meters yet again. I hope you will write letters to your newspapers, call radio stations, etc. and allow the public … Continue reading 2014-08-01 We must get those with Smart Meters informed about fires!!

2014-06-23 10 EU countries think Smart Meters aren’t worth the money

1)  EU finds that Smart Meters are Poor Value Smart meters are poor value, find 10 EU countries http://www.rtcc.org/2014/06/19/eu-efficiency-set-back-as-countries-delay-smart-meter-rollout/ 2)  Do you have an Itron C1SR meter – tell us We are trying to get a handle on how long some of the meters have been around. Thank you everybody for telling me about the … Continue reading 2014-06-23 10 EU countries think Smart Meters aren’t worth the money

Smart Meters: Correcting the Gross Misinformation – David Carpenter – Full

Smart Meters: Correcting the Gross Misinformation agfauteux | 11 juin 2012 (original at https://maisonsaine.ca/sante-et-securite/electrosmog/smart-meters-correcting-gross-misinformation.html) I believe that this article is so important that we must all read it. Quebec-based magazine La Maison du 21e siecle asked physician David O. Carpenter, former founding dean of the University at Albany (NY)’s School of Public Health, to comment an open … Continue reading Smart Meters: Correcting the Gross Misinformation – David Carpenter – Full

2014-06-12 Warning from AARP about effects of $meters

1)   A $$meter poll in Burnaby now, on the right hand side. Please circulate to your lists first, and then vote. http://www.burnabynow.com/opinion/columnists/is-there-a-better-answer-to-teachers-dispute-1.1123599 2)   Lots of good letters and articles in newspapers re. rallies. See below. 3)   A warning from AARP about the effect of remote control, or the results of high time of use rates, … Continue reading 2014-06-12 Warning from AARP about effects of $meters

2022-10-13 Electrical Pollution and Microwave Illnesses

1) A very interesting article by Patricia Burke that covers EMF’s association with EHS, Alzheimers and increases in neurological diseases, and Acupuncture. Acupuncture and EHS/Microwave Illnesses; Taking Another Look at Electrical Pollution “Although consumers are mostly unaware, researchers and laypersons worldwide have been studying the phenomenon of symptom onset, illness, and disability associated with exposure … Continue reading 2022-10-13 Electrical Pollution and Microwave Illnesses