2015-12-15 Underwriting Lab admits Smart meters are fire hazards and utilities and manufacturers know

  Below is a Press Release that was sent to every media outlet, every MLA, and every fire chief early Tuesday morning. I believe that this admission by UL is very significant, confirming everything we’ve been saying for 2 years now. Please help get this out there. If you live in Adrian Dix’s or John … Continue reading 2015-12-15 Underwriting Lab admits Smart meters are fire hazards and utilities and manufacturers know

2015-07-04 Hydro Quebec admits that 500 smart meters overheated/burned.

1)      Just in from Quebec, Hydro Quebec admits to 500 overheated/burned smart meters. Some areas have Landis & Gyr, which were mentioned in the Texas testimony. In the video they show Elster meters. From what I’ve been able to learn, smeters share design flaws. When will BC Hydro admit the problems here – how many … Continue reading 2015-07-04 Hydro Quebec admits that 500 smart meters overheated/burned.

2015-06-04 Why aren’t Hydro and Fortis moving meters away from propane tanks, etc.?

1)   Below is a letter I wrote to BCHydro and FortisBC asking if they are taking precautionary measures like those Quebec Hydro is taking. Please share with your MLA, media, etc. This must get out – that other utilities are doing things in recognition of the fire hazard, but apparently BCHydro and FortisBC are not. … Continue reading 2015-06-04 Why aren’t Hydro and Fortis moving meters away from propane tanks, etc.?

2015-05-21 100 Smart Meters explode in California

————————————————————————–   100 Smart Meters explode and blow off homes in Capitola, Calif.  I don’t know the cause of this, and when I find out I will let you know. This is the second incident like this in Calif. in 2 months.  http://stopsmartmeters.org/2015/05/21/hundreds-more-smart-meters-blow-off-wall-in-capitola/   We’ve been facing the media’s refusal to provide information about anything … Continue reading 2015-05-21 100 Smart Meters explode in California

2015-05-01 Hydro Quebec admits to more than a dozen $$meter fires, hiding $meters

1)  Below is a letter from a member regarding the decision by Vancouver to allow “free” wifi throughout the city. Many people have made presentations and written to the Council over the last few years, informing the Councillors and Mayor about the dangers of RF. Vancouver was one of the 60+ local governments who asked … Continue reading 2015-05-01 Hydro Quebec admits to more than a dozen $$meter fires, hiding $meters

2015-02-23 Interview with major US consumer advocate re Smart meters

  A very good interview about Smart Meters and power grid with Jim Turner, a long time consumer advocate who was part of Ralph Nader’s Raiders.  He is very concerned about the health, fire and privacy issues – especially the use of our data.  http://www.naturalhealth365.com/wireless-technology-energy-industry-1199.html  a 33 min. interview   In India govt agencies are … Continue reading 2015-02-23 Interview with major US consumer advocate re Smart meters

2015-02-21 Environmental groups co-opted by industry. Smeters contribute nothing green!

Attached is the latest in a series of articles by Richard Caniell about BC Hydro’s draconian smart meter program and the bullying tactics used against its customers with the approval/acceptance by politicians.   https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/5.-Smart-Meter-Wealth-and-Power-final-1.pdf Many respected “environmental” groups have been co-opted by industry, resulting in many supporting the lies that the smart meters are “green”. … Continue reading 2015-02-21 Environmental groups co-opted by industry. Smeters contribute nothing green!