2016-06-24 Software updates for smeters — ongoing costs.

1)    New software to “upgrade” $$meters. The smeters are just computers, cheap computers, that require ongoing upgrades. The costs are never ending.  Are these costs included in BC Hydro’s business case? I don’t recall seeing any, just as I didn’t see costs associated with improved security measures or the short lifespans of 5-7 years. “ProFieldENCORE … Continue reading 2016-06-24 Software updates for smeters — ongoing costs.

2016-06-21 HAM radio antenna killing smeters!!

1)    BC Hydro’s 2014-2015 financial report is available at: https://www.bchydro.com/about/accountability_reports/financial_reports/annual_reports.html If you’d like to see executives’ salaries (2014) , they are available at: http://web.archive.org/web/20160324185831/http://www.bchydro.com/content/dam/BCHydro/customer-portal/documents/corporate/accountability-reports/openness-accountability/f14-disclosure-signed-final.pdf 2)    Below in Letters is a very interesting email I got from someone in the USA re. the smeter being “killed” by his HAM radio antenna.  Worth becoming a HAM operator.  … Continue reading 2016-06-21 HAM radio antenna killing smeters!!

2016-06-09 Number of BC Hydro disconnections increase by 6 fold after smeters

1)     The various cancer societies have been loath to say anything negative about wireless devices. One reason might well be because of close relationships with wireless companies. This article from 10 years ago re. Verizon and the American Cancer Society. This makes the ACS’s statement about the recent NTP study from the USA even more … Continue reading 2016-06-09 Number of BC Hydro disconnections increase by 6 fold after smeters

2016-06-02 Smart Meters Articles & Reports & Audio & Website

Coalition to Stop Smart Meters Updates will resume June 04, 2016 [Electric – Gas – PLC – RF – Water – China] Semtech LoRa™ Wireless RF Technology Adopted by Metering Companies throughout China – LoRa RF technology’s unique feature set offers cost-optimized, scalable solution for automated metering services – Globe Newswire – June 02, 2016: … Continue reading 2016-06-02 Smart Meters Articles & Reports & Audio & Website

2016-01-21 CBC BC Almanac asks “Smeters, are they worth the cost” on Friday, 12-1

1)    The Public Agency Safety Management Association in the USA believes that $$meters are not only vulnerable to cyberattacks but are also unsafe. “Not only do Smart Meters not have built-in security features against cybersecurity, they do not have built-in features to warn of hot sockets, overheating or fires. In essence, PASMA feels Smart Meters … Continue reading 2016-01-21 CBC BC Almanac asks “Smeters, are they worth the cost” on Friday, 12-1

2016-03-18 Studies showing health effects are frequencies used by $$meters

1)      Clarification on previous article. A few days ago I included a suggestion from a member about an important issue that should be presented as a requirement for considering a transmitter-off $$meter. It said: I’d send an email to BCH CEO Jessica McDonald (jessica.macdonald@bchydro.com), with a copy to whoever sent you the notice and the … Continue reading 2016-03-18 Studies showing health effects are frequencies used by $$meters

2016-04-11 Study shows the more people know about smeters, the more concerns they have.

1)    Another really good website with info to share in letters, etc. http://bcn.boulder.co.us/health/rmeha/rmehsmtr.htm 2)    Discussion about the human rights and treatment of those who are sensitive to environmental agents such as RF. I think some would argue that the description of the treatment of sensitive people under the Canadian Human Rights Commission is accurate. http://emfrefugee.blogspot.ca/2016/02/medical-and-legal-perspectives-on-ehs.html … Continue reading 2016-04-11 Study shows the more people know about smeters, the more concerns they have.