2017-02-21 Industry document confirms that smeters have many problems that are not being addressed

[Andrea Horwath – ANSI C12.1 – Arcing – BC Hydro – Bills – Brain Tumors Risk Reports – Cell Phones Studies – Children – Consumer Affairs – Data – Design Flaws – Fires – Health – Hot Sockets – Hydro One Privatization – Itron – Lord Roberts School Annex – Parks – Plastic Covers – … Continue reading 2017-02-21 Industry document confirms that smeters have many problems that are not being addressed

2017-01-11 Industry admits smeters have exploded and are threats to our privacy and security

[Acoustic Neuroma – BC Hydro – BCUC- C4ST – Cell Phones – Disconnected – DNA – Doctor – EMF – EMR – Environment – Glioma – Green Party – Health – Health Canada – John Rowe – Lennart Hardell – Lisa Madigan – Lithium Batteries – Martin Blank – Netanel Rubin – Northwestern University’s Kellogg … Continue reading 2017-01-11 Industry admits smeters have exploded and are threats to our privacy and security

2016-10-11 Is Hydro really testing meters when customers believe they are running fast?

1)    A member found this website with experiences of people who are sensitive, and what they’ve learned that helps them to cope in this horribly hostile environment. https://beingelectrosensitive.blogspot.ca/2016/10/finding-medical-therapy-for-ehs.html 2)    Parents confront cell towers on schools and hopefully they will apply their concern to the Wi-Fi in school rooms, too. http://stopsmartmeters.org/2016/10/05/wireless-corporations-face-rebellion-from-parents-teachers-kids/ 3)    In every place where … Continue reading 2016-10-11 Is Hydro really testing meters when customers believe they are running fast?

Articles by Norman Lambe, Insurance Adjuster – Smart Meters & Fires

Articles re Smart Meters by Norman Lambe LA Home and Business Insurance Examiner In the past two decades California has sustained a series of natural disasters, everything from earthquakes to several horrific wildfires, and with the changes in the weather and resulting lack of water, additional large-scale wildfires are sure to come. The insured’s awareness … Continue reading Articles by Norman Lambe, Insurance Adjuster – Smart Meters & Fires

2016-07-16 Segment #7 — proof that BC Hydro is removing meters from fires that appear to have been caused by $$meters.

1) The US courts are telling the Navy to reduce the sonar to reduce the deaths of marine mammals. This is wonderful, but what about people and the Navy’s wargames?? According to the decision by the Ninth US Circuit Court in San Francisco on Friday, USA officials wrongly allowed the Navy to use sonar at … Continue reading 2016-07-16 Segment #7 — proof that BC Hydro is removing meters from fires that appear to have been caused by $$meters.