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Category Archives: DEMOCRACY
Appeal to the Government of Canada: Suspend 5G Until Proven Safe – Press Release – May 14, 2020
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Twenty-Four Canadian Groups Say: Suspend 5G Until Proven Safe Appeal to the Government of Canada “Look Before We Leap”
For Immediate Release May 14, 2020
Ottawa: Scientists and citizens groups from across Canada, including several from British Columbia, are launching an Urgent Appeal demanding the right to say “No” to 5G in their neighbourhoods. Twenty-four Canadian groups are banding together and calling for a national moratorium on the roll out of 5G until questions about its human health effects are resolved.
“This has nothing to do with Covid-19. All groups launching this Appeal condemn acts of violence such as burning antenna towers,” said one of the organizers. “The Parliamentary Health Committee has been investigating the negative health impacts of cell phones, cell towers and Wi-Fi for over a decade. So far the only assurance that it’s safe comes from the wireless companies profiting from it, but scientists disagree.”
The Appeal is also requesting that Health Canada conduct a comprehensive and rigorous assessment of the health effects of radiofrequency radiation.
“Health Canada’s 2015 guidelines for human exposure to non-ionizing radiation (Safety Code 6) were out of date before they were published, and the review process was flawed,” said Dr. Meg Sears, PhD, Chair of Ottawa based Prevent Cancer Now, one of the signatory groups. “Hundreds of peer-reviewed, published studies show that radiofrequency (RF) radiation can cause cancers, damage sperm and DNA, impair reproduction, learning and memory, and more. We should be limiting public exposure, not increasing it.”
“We have sufficient data to classify RF radiation as a Group 1, known human carcinogen, along with, for example, asbestos and tobacco smoke,” states Dr. Anthony Miller MD, Professor Emeritus of the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, who worked with the International Agency for Research on Cancer on the 2011 scientific review. Dr. Miller is a signatory to the appeal.
Numerous 4G and 5G microcell antennae are appearing in neighbourhoods with no prior notice; some being placed by children’s bedrooms. This blatant disregard for potential health consequences is unCanadian and unnecessary. A safer, faster, and more environmentally friendly Internet option is available — fibre optic cables connected right to the home.
Oona McOuat of Salt Spring Island says, “COVID-19 has shown us we need dependable and affordable Internet. With the government increasing connectivity funding, and the Connected Coast bringing fibre optics to 154 BC communities, now is the perfect time to connect fibre to our homes. Rural communities like Denman, Hornby and Salt Spring islands and the Slocan Valley are exploring how to create net neutral and energy efficient community-owned fibre networks. These networks may be up to 20 times faster than wireless 5G, while offering untold financial and other benefits.”
“The proponents would prefer that we hear only about the up-side – the additional billions in purported revenues from 5G – but there is little recognition of the increased costs,” said Frank Clegg, former President of Microsoft Canada and CEO of Canadians For Safe Technology.
“Canadians deserve a full economic analysis including the unspoken increased costs to our healthcare system, which is particularly stressed right now. Also the lost productivity from adverse health effects; security and privacy breaches; increased energy consumption, damage to the environment; and risks to safety and property should be included. We are living in a different world than we were three months ago, and this is a standard cost-benefit analysis that might open the eyes of the public that is paying for it,” said Clegg.
The Appeal requests that Ottawa give local governments and their citizens proper notification and grant them a decisive say over the placement of cell towers and microcell antennas.
Visit the Appeal here: http://c4st.org/5Gappeal/
Count-down until the April 25, 2020 5G Online Global Protest Day!

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Online events planned by Stop 5G International
We are planning a Global Webinar which will consist of a panel of speakers covering various issues pertaining to 5G. (Panel members to be announced). The Webinar is planned for April 25th at 6:00 pm UK time. (Our apologies to Australia, New Zealand and other countries and territories where that hour is not convenient.)
Stop 5G International is producing a We Do Not Consent video that includes statements people have sent us saying why they do not consent to 5G on Earth and in space. Some of the footage we have received is superb. Many thanks to all who contributed!! A link to the video will be sent out when it’s ready.
NB: Let’s take advantage of the Online Protest Day to educate people about the advantages of safe, fast, reliable and energy efficient hard-wired connections, and to urge people to watch videos and share materials on hard-wired connections when possible.
Online events planned by others around the world….
Suggested actions for April 25th
Links to: SafeG info, PowerPoint; sample Letters to City Officials, Healthcare Providers, the Editor; Flyers; International Space Appeal; Community Kit; Comment Letter by the Advisors to the EMF Scientists Appeal; Put Your Government on Notice; Inform Environmental Organizations; Window Signs; Petitions….
The Flames of Progress by Arthur Firstenberg – March 07, 2020
From: “Arthur Firstenberg” <info@cellphonetaskforce.org>
Sent: March 7, 2020
Subject: Legal update; Decline in bat populations; Help needed
I have been entrusted with the International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space, but I find myself bewildered — bewildered by the devastation around me; by the destruction of the cathedral of life into which I was born; by the silencing of the songs of the fifty million other species with whom I was raised; by the failure of my fellow human beings to care or to notice. How can they not miss their brothers and sisters? How can they not miss the magnificent symphony? How is it possible?
“The oceans are dying,” wrote Jacques Cousteau in 1970. “Can anyone believe it is possible,” wrote Rachel Carson in 1962, “to lay down such a barrage of poisons on the surface of the earth without making it unfit for all life?” “I have seen too much,” said microwave researcher Allan Frey in 1969, explaining why he did research on animals and not humans. “I do not feel that I can take people into these fields and expose them and in all honesty indicate to them that they are going into something safe.”
Yet here we are half a century later: there will soon be more plastics than fish in the oceans, the world uses four times more pesticides per year than in 1962, and five billion people are holding open sources of microwave radiation in their hands.
The Earth is burning, yet no firefighters come. In the face of certain catastrophe, everyone is going about their business as if everything is fine, as if by magic the synthetic fibers in our clothing and the rubber tires on our automobiles will stop becoming microplastics in the sea; as if the few insects left in the world will magically escape the pesticides that we apply to our lawns and the radiation from the cell phones into which we speak. Everyone is still going about their business as if everything is fine. Isn’t it time that we stop? And since the most immediate threat to life comes from our cell phones, isn’t it time to throw them away?
A worldwide organization needs to be created, whose members do not own cell phones, whose purpose is to end the use of cell phones on Earth.
For most people this seems like an impossibility, but that is because they do not remember that only 25 years ago almost no one owned a cell phone, and that young people did not get cancer, diabetes, heart attacks and strokes like they do today. And the air was full of butterflies and birds, and the streams were full of tadpoles and frogs. It is because no one has explained to them what radiation is. No one would willingly use a radioactive phone, but that is essentially what everyone is doing. Radio waves and gamma rays are only two ends of a continuous spectrum; they are essentially the same phenomenon and have the same disastrous effects on our bodies and our planet.
The train that we are on is a train to nowhere. On either side, through the windows, can be seen insects, and birds, and frogs, and if we listen we can hear them buzzing, chirping, and croaking.
Please contact me if you would like to participate in the creation of an organization that will get us off this train.
Arthur Firstenberg
P.O. Box 6216
Santa Fe, NM 87502
phone: +1 505-471-0129
A pdf of this [complete] newsletter is available here: www.cellphonetaskforce.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/The-Flames-of-Progress.pdf
Smart Meter Opt-Outs for BC, Canada and USA
6 links to help you find your electric utility‘s opt-out program plus comparison chart of opt-out fees.
– https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/metersgrid/smart-meter-opt-out-options-and-fees/

Videos, Letters & Photos from 2nd International Action Day Rallies to Stop 5G – July 27, 2019

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Vancouver, BC – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2019-07-29-safeg-the-safe-reliable-faster-option/ (see letter from Paul LeMay)
Victoria, BC – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2019-07-30-fed-govt-panel-to-review-5g/ (see letter from Sharon Noble)
Photos: (see videos below)
Victoria, BC @ Legislature steps
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Videos: (new videos will be added when available)
Maple Ridge, BC (video 16:48) MR 5G Protest by Ron G – YouTube – July 27, 2019: – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f96AmdEukks
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See – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2nd-international-action-day-rallies-to-stop-5g/
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2nd International Action Day Rallies to Stop 5G

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Rallies in BC – Saturday, July 27, 2019:
Maple Ridge – 11:00 am, July 27 – gathering at MP Dan Ruimy’s office, 22369 Lougheed Hwy.
Vancouver – 2:00-4:30 pm, July 27 – gathering in the south-east corner of Creekside Park, between Olympic Village and Telus Science World on Quebec Street.
Victoria – 10:30 am to Noon, July 27 – gathering on the steps of the BC Legislature. For more info: citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca
Get your signs ready and let’s make our voices heard. And keep your signs for the next Action Day.
If there is no rally being organized in your area, please consider having a table at libraries, rec. centres, and summer markets where you can hand out material and talk with people about this. Or hold a coffee meeting with friends and neighbours, show them the “Soccer Mom” video [Local Soccer Mom Versus Multi Billion 5G Industry – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6M7YFI0I9kI]. This must be a grassroots issue because the governments are silent on the issue and the media is muzzled.
For more info that might be useful to hand out, etc. go to: https://www.5gcrisis.com/
Flyers & Signs:
– https://www.americansforresponsibletech.org/toolkit & https://www.americansforresponsibletech.org/signs
– https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/5G-Handout-Card-2-sides-revision.pdf
– https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/more/5g-enodeb-microcells-small-cells/ (scroll down to Handouts & Signs)
INTERNATIONAL APPEAL – Stop 5G on Earth and in Space
To the UN, WHO, EU, Council of Europe and governments of all nations
5G will result in a massive increase in inescapable, involuntary exposure to wireless radiation
Harmful effects of radio frequency radiation are already proven
The deployment of 5G satellites must be prohibited
5G is qualitatively and quantitatively different from 4G
Regulators have deliberately excluded the scientific evidence of harm
The thermal hypothesis is obsolete—new safety standards are needed
RF radiation has both acute and chronic effects
World governments are failing in their duty of care to the populations they govern
International agreements are being violated
World governments are playing dice with life on Earth
We call upon the UN, WHO, EU, Council of Europe and governments of all nations
Please respond before 1 December 2018
See full text here
UBCM Votes Yes to Having a Say in Microcell Placement
Enjoy this 1-minute animation on the Resolution:
The Resolution That Was Passed:
MOTION of Grand Forks City Council:
Direct fiber optic connections, G-Fast technology which connects fiber optic cables to existing copper wires, strategically placed low-EMF emitting public transmitters like those piloted in Paris, France – why are telecoms choosing to put the well-being of all of us, including wildlife and plants at risk, when safe options are available?
UBCM: Local Control over Pot but not Radiation?
UBCM: Local Control over Pot but not Radiation?
Contact Oona McOuat
Give me a Minute & I’ll Give you News
SALT SPRING, September 25 – The big story out of the UBCM so far this week is the BC government’s announcement that they are seeking public and municipal input on the legalization of marijuana. But there is another burning issue on the conference agenda that deserves your attention – Resolution B100 on the lack of public and local government input on the placement of microcells within 100 meters of homes, schools, and hospitals.
Please take a minute to watch this easy to digest animated short on the vote: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzUBK2AFyLI&feature=youtu.be
Follow the lead of California’s major media who recently made a similar statewide vote on small cell placement on their streets a major news story (http://www.mercurynews.com/2017/08/31/california-bill-to-ease-permits-for-cellular-antennas-could-impact-health/).
Grand Forks councillor Beverley Tripp will be giving a presentation on Resolution B100 and microcells at 9:30am on Tuesday at the UBCM’s Small Talk Forum.
Recognize that connectivity does not have to be primarily EMF-based and does not have to continue to escalate the amount of this scientifically deemed hazardous substance to which we are all exposed. (To see why over 180 European scientists and physicians have just announced they are opposed to mass microcell placement in preparation for 5G deployment click here (https://tinyurl.com/ycx5ngnx)
Direct fiber optic connections, G-Fast technology which connects fiber optic cables to existing copper wires, strategically placed low-EMF emitting public transmitters like those piloted in Paris, France (http://www.lexnet.fr/fileadmin/user/communication/LEXNET-Press_Release_1.pdf) – why are we permitting telecoms to choose to put the well being of all of us, including wildlife and plants at risk, when safe options are available?
For more facts click here: https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Microcell-Flyer-for-UBCM-revised.pdf
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Getting Buzzed in the Bedroom?
Municipalities Vote on Small Cells & the Right to Choose
SALT SPRING, September 16 – At the September 25-29 Union of BC Municipalities Convention in Vancouver, local governments will be voting on a resolution aimed at giving them a say in microcell placement in their communities.
Despite a substantial body of evidence (https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Over-60-Studies-from-2015-Apr.2016-Reporting-Bioeffects-below-Safety-Code-6-by-C4ST-Apr.18-2016.pdf) showing wireless technology is harmful to humans and the environment, Innovation Canada is allowing microcells to be placed on neighbourhood lampposts and utility poles, and yes – even by our bedrooms – without our consent or often knowledge.
Aesthetics, property value, industry control-for-profit over the public right of way, cyber-security, safety, health, and well-being – there are many reasons for local governments and all of us to be concerned about microcells.
The Resolution:
MOTION of Grand Forks City Council:
WHEREAS public consultation on the placement of cell towers is mandated; and
WHEREAS new technology is moving away from these large towers to microtransmitters which do not require local government or public consultation;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the AKBLG request the UBCM petition relevant provincial and federal governments to mandate consultation with the land use authorities and the public regarding microcell transmitter siting within 100 meters of residences, schools and hospitals.
What’s all the Fuss About? (And what’s a microcell?)
Microcells are small cellular transmitters that broadcast wireless radiation 24 -7. Anywhere from 3 to 10 of them are being placed on one residential street. Wireless radiation is linked to an increased risk of cancer, as well reproductive and neurological problems – like disturbed sleep. It is conservatively defined as a 2b carcinogen, which means it is in the same category as DDT.
Out of Sight, Out of Mind?
Industry is coming up with some sneaky ways of designing (http://www.fiercewireless.com/tech/american-tower-philips-lighting-team-up-to-hide-small-cells-inside-street-lights) – or is that hiding – small cell transmitters. But that doesn’t mean their effects will not be felt.
The wireless industry would like us to believe the jury’s still out on whether wireless radiation has harmful health impacts. But thousands of peer-reviewed studies show evidence of harm. Over 180 scientists and physicians just sent out a plea for a halt to the rollout of 5G transmitters in Europe (http://www.odwyerpr.com/story/public/9390/2017-09-13/scientists-35-countries-rap-proposed-calif-5g-radiation-rollout.html). To protect their health, California firefighters won an exemption from having small cells placed on their fire halls. It seems then, that the “smart” choice would be to adopt the precautionary principal for all, and not allow microcells to become permanent fixtures in our communities and our lives.
What’s the Game Plan?
The end game is no landlines and “smart” everything for all of us, and big bucks through data mining for the telecoms. Don’t be fooled into thinking these technologies are green. The “Cloud” is a huge energy guzzler, while tech production and waste is anything but eco-friendly.
There are safe ways of sharing high-speed data, like using wired fiber optic connections. New paradigms in non-harm inducing connectivity are waiting to be discovered, but industry must be urged by consumers and regulators to develop and promote them.
In the News
While concerns about the effects of wireless technologies and the need for more protective EMF exposure guidelines have made recent headlines in Brussels (http://www.odwyerpr.com/story/public/9390/2017-09-13/scientists-35-countries-rap-proposed-calif-5g-radiation-rollout.html), Massachusetts (https://malegislature.gov/Bills/190/SD1462.Html), Paris, France (https://www.goodplanet.info/actualite/2017/03/02/paris-va-reduire-de-30-lexposition-aux-ondes-electromagnetiques/), Romania (https://ehtrust.org/recommendations-consumers-protection-association-romania-cell-phones-wireless/) and more, government and media here at home remain eerily silent on what may very well be the most pressing health issue of our time.
This summer, 300 California cities have voiced strong opposition to a California microcell placement bill, SB 649. This bill would essentially create the same situation there that we have here – telecoms being given free rein to use the public right of way for profit, disturbing the sanctity of our streets, and maybe even preventing us from getting that proverbial good night’s sleep.
Relevant EMF-Related Resources
A short fact sheet on microcells:
A fun, animated short on small cells:
An article on small cells & local authority:
An environmental perspective:
A great overview of wireless technology and health:
Contact Oona McOuat