2018-06-06 No place to escape Wi-Fi on ferry, woman travels in dog area.

[2B Possible Human Carcinogen – 4G – 5G – Accessibility / Accommodation of Disabilities – BBB – Benita Schluschen Complaint & Letters to BC Ferries re No Wi-Fi Free Zones – Canadian Telecom Summit (Mark Goldberg, Michael Son) – Cell Phones – Connecting Families re Digital Divide (BCE’s Bell, Cogeco, Rogers, SaskTel, Shaw, Telus, and … Continue reading 2018-06-06 No place to escape Wi-Fi on ferry, woman travels in dog area.

2018-01-27 Legislative bill re. smeters in Oklahoma — a model to protect civil rights and health

[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antenna Siting Legislation – Amazon Alexa – Analog Electromechanical Meters – Andy Shadrack Letter to Patrick Wruck, BCUC re FortisBC Rate Design Application Order G-23-18 (Flat Rate) – Appliances – BC Hydro – BC Public Interest Advocacy Centre – Benefits – Bills – Columbia Power – Costs – Cyborgasm – … Continue reading 2018-01-27 Legislative bill re. smeters in Oklahoma — a model to protect civil rights and health

2018-01-09 How many hundreds of microcells will be in each community, on each street?

4G LTE – 5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – Addiction – Alex Markowetz, Menthal – Apple iPhone – AT&T – BCCDC – CalSTRS California State Teachers’ Retirement System – Cancer – Cell Towers – Chamath Palihapitiya – Checky – Children – DE – Design Flaws – DNA – EHS – … Continue reading 2018-01-09 How many hundreds of microcells will be in each community, on each street?

2018-01-06 The money trail that explains why the Cancer Society says no evidence that RF radiation is harmful

[ACS American Cancer Society – Analog Meter Suppliers – Apple iPhones – BC Hydro & BCUC Audits by Carol Bellringer, Auditor General – Bluetooth – Brain Glucose Metabolism – Catherine J. Frompovich – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – CEOs Against Cancer – Cerise Edwards – Clean Energy Act – Conflict of Interest – Corporate … Continue reading 2018-01-06 The money trail that explains why the Cancer Society says no evidence that RF radiation is harmful

2017-12-20 The Provincial Minister of Health’s office knows nothing about smeters or RF.

[Kathy Read Letters to Adrian Dix, David Eby, John Horgan, Michelle Mungall, Mike Farnworth, NDP Ministers, Tim Lambert (Analogs, BC Hydro Smart Metering Program, BCUC, Benefits & Costs, Breast Cancer, Clean Energy Act, Design Flaws, Doctor Perry Kendall, DTE, EHS, EPRI, Extortion Opt-out Fees, Fire Report by Sharon Noble, Fires & Explosions, Health Canada Safety … Continue reading 2017-12-20 The Provincial Minister of Health’s office knows nothing about smeters or RF.